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HP4291A impedance tester

HP4291A impedance tester
HP4291A impedance tester
HP4291A impedance tester

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Company:Shenzhen, Kodak Electronics Co.,
Information Name: HP4291A impedance tester
Update Time:2015-04-30
Price Description: RMB/
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4291A RF Impedance Impedance Analyzer is a use / material analyzer provides a highly accurate and easy measurement of surface mount components and dielectric / magnetic material overall solution. Related presentations 4291A: the basic accuracy of 0.8% from the 1 MHz to 1.8 GHz internal sweep generator 1 mHz resolution of gain-phase measurements include amplitude, phase and group delay measurements included impedance of | z |, | y |, phase, research ten, G, B and other lipoproteins, savings, Mao, cesium, R & D, Q, deviation and variation% ± 35 V GPIB DC bias of S / N ratio: JP3KA00281 at 4291A RF impedance / material analyzer provides a high Accuracy of measurement surface is easy to install components and dielectric / magnetic material overall solution. 4291A DC voltage measurement technique against reflection measurement technology, more access to accurate impedance measurement over wide impedance range. 4291A basic impedance accuracy 0.8% accuracy makes high Q, low loss, component analysis, an internal synth sweep from 1MHz to 1.8GHz frequency resolution of 1MHz. Error of 1.8 meters without cables analyzer test station, you can expand without losing the accuracy of your test points away from the analyzer. Shenzhen, Kodak Electronics Co., Ltd. Address: Shenzhen Huazhen Mei Long Road Golden Westgate 15 2 unit 4C Phone: 0755-2803 978029404780 Fax: 28039781 Mobile: 13113600861 QQ: 158316466 Contact: Wu Su = ================================================= company E-mail address: szwusu@vip.sina.com Website address: http://www.szckd.com.cn ========================= ========================= heavily / High / pick-idle factories / closure of individual processing electronics welcome! ! Sales / rental / maintenance of various types of imported second-hand equipment, adequate supply, welcomed the call, come to see the goods! ! ================================================== ================ Note: The long-term cash / recovery: network analyzer, spectrum analyzer, tester, digital communications test instrument, wireless tester, high-frequency signal sources, oscilloscopes, LCR tester, Bluetooth tester, video, audio analyzers, logic analyzers, power meters and other second-hand equipment. And sales / maintenance / acquisition / lease these instruments. Welcome to inquire !! ============================================= ================================================== == another sale of the following instruments: spectrum analyzer: E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, E4408B, E4440A, E4443A, E4445A, E4446A, N9010A, N9020A, N9030A, 8593E, 8594E, 8595E, 8596E, 8560E, 8561E, 8562E, 8563E, 8564E, 8565E, 8560EC, 8561EC, 8562EC, 8563EC, 8564EC, 8565EC, FSP3, FSP7, FSP13, FSU8, FSU26, FSQ8, FSQ26 Source: N5181A, N5182A, N5183A, N5181B, N5182B, N5171B, N5172B, E8241A, E8247C, E8257C, E8267C, E8257D, E8267D, 8648C, 8648D, E4421B, E4432B, E4433B, E4436B, E4437B, E4438C, 83712A, 83712B, 83732A, 83732B, 83752A, 83752B, 83620B, 83630B, 83640B, 83650B, SMJ100A, SMU200A, SMBV100A, SMB100A, FLUKE54200 network analyzer: 8753D, 8753E, 8753ET, 8753ES, 8720C, 8720D, 8720ES, 8722C, 8722D, 8722ES, E5061A, E5062A, E5063A, E5061A, E5070A, E5070B, E5071A, E5071B, E5071C, E8356A, E8357A , E8358A, N5230A, N5230C, E8361A, E8362B, E8362C, E8363B, E8363C, E8364B 8711B, 8711C, 8712C, 8712ET, 8712ES, 8713C, 8714C, 8714ET, 8714ES noise analyzer: 8970B, N8973A, N8974A, N8975A, probe: 346A , 346B, 346C, N4001A, N4002A N4010A WIFI tester, N4010A Bluetooth tester, N4010A Wireless Networking Test Tester: 8920A, 8920B, 8921A, E5515C, E6607A, CMU200, CMW270, CMW280, CMW500 frequency meter: Agilent: 53131A , 53132A, 53147,53148A, 53149A, 53150A, 53151A, 53152A LCR and impedance tester: 4291A, 4291B, 4287A, 4294A, 4284A, 4285A, 4286A, E4980A, E4981A Spirent (SPIRENT): GPS Signal Generator: STR4500 GSS6300M ??GSS6700, GSS6300 LitePoint (LITEPOINT): WIFI, Bluetooth, GPS tester: IQ2010, IQ2011, IQ2015, IQNXN, IQVIEW, IQflex Bluetooth tester: MT8852A, MT8852B, CBT, CBT32, MT8850A 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Shenzhen, Kodak Electronics Co.,
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Wu Su()
Telephone Number: 0755-28039780-000 0755-28039780-00
Company Address: Shenzhen, Shenzhen City, Guangdong, China
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