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Sims men and women aged care, aged care Sims

Sims men and women aged care, aged care Sims
Sims men and women aged care, aged care Sims
Sims men and women aged care, aged care Sims

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Company:Shanghai Science and Education Equipment Co., Ltd. in H..
Information Name: Sims men and women aged care, aged care Sims
Update Time:2015-04-30
Price Description: RMB/
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Product Name: men and women aged care simulation, old-age care-Matrix Model: ZH / 220B Brand: Hong EDUCATION Introduction: The set of advanced full-featured man aged care model based on physiological characteristics of the elderly women and designed specifically for clinical care training from basic nursing skills training. Full range of products from the older men simulate the human body with nearly 50 nursing function, model imported PVC material, good quality, environmental protection, making realistic, easy to clean, allowing health care workers in elderly patients in nursing process, understand and care for the elderly . The main functions: ■ her hair, wash ■ pupil observation, normal, mydriasis, visual comparison narrow ■ ■ ear hearing aid cleaning Dropping out and inserting ■ oral care, denture care ■ nose and mouth intubation, intubation support auscultation detected Location tracheostomy care ■ ■ ■ oxygen inhalation suctioning nasal feeding port ■ ■ ■ gastric lavage arm vein puncture, injection, transfusion (blood) ■ ■ vastus lateralis muscle deltoid subcutaneous injection ■ chest, bone marrow, lumbar ■ ■ puncture enema male / female catheterization ■ Male / Female bladder irrigation ■ male prostate examination, the foreskin ■ colostomy ostomy drainage ■ ■ ■ large intramuscular injection sacrum position fester cancer tumor contrast ■ ■ skin fold contrast ■ overall care: scrub, wear clothes, hot and cold therapy ■ limb joints of realistic, simulated joint stiffness, trunk can lean forward to wheelchair * torso - rotation, flexion-extension * neck - rotation, flexion-extension , scoliosis * shoulders and hips - adduction, abduction, rotation, elbow flexion-extension * - internal rotation, external rotation of the knee - internal rotation, external rotation * wrist - internal rotation, flexion-extension, stretching, bending * ankle - varus, valgus, adduction, abduction 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Shanghai Science and Education Equipment Co., Ltd. in H..
Employee Number:
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Contact Person: Mr. Hu Ming super()
Telephone Number: 021-64049758 021-64049756
Company Address: Xuhui, , Shanghai, China
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