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Motic Digital Microscope interactive online version

Motic Digital Microscope interactive online version
Motic Digital Microscope interactive online version
Motic Digital Microscope interactive online version

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Company:Beijing sweat League Zixing Instrument Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Motic Digital Microscope interactive online version
Update Time:2015-04-30
Price Description: RMB/
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Description digital microscope interactive classroom / lab network version, network experience, enjoy interactive teaching methods from the revolutionary form. Motic Digital Microscope interactive classroom / lab has a clear picture and rich interactive mode. Students and teachers end side are using high-resolution digital microscope, through USB2.0 port and their associated computer so that teachers end and end each student have become relatively independent of the powerful image processing unit. Between the units through a proprietary LAN interconnection, using the new software system distributed digital interactive classroom teaching organization and equipment, to achieve a comprehensive image data sharing and flexible voice communication. Really digital, truly interactive, the new concept of modern teaching provides a new tool. Specifications Motic Digital Microscope Online interactive classroom / lab systems constitute follows: ● Hardware Systems digital microscope system computer system network (LAN) ● software system system control software division, Health and advanced image processing software system software system test Features ● Hardware Each student computer comes with a computer, as an independent image processing platform. Student-side configuration with 2.0 effective megapixels resolution integrated digital microscope built. Teachers end configuration 300 million effective pixels high-resolution digital microscope images clearer. Network stable, efficient, simple wiring, easy installation and maintenance. Teachers end can play real-time DVD, VCD, Flash courseware to students end without delay. ● Tutor software can control the student end of each computer and microscope images. Tutor a student can transfer images to all students. Teachers end can transmit the image of teachers end to all students. Teachers end client software can automatically turn on students and student computers automatically shut down. Teachers end real-time monitoring of all student computer screens, strengthening the teaching management. We discussed teaching students end pointer, dynamic real-time discussion with the teacher image under the microscope. Students can communicate end illustrated by MMS communication with teachers. Students end has an independent image processing and analysis software package plus 2.0, effectively improve students' self analysis. Motic Examination System 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Beijing sweat League Zixing Instrument Co., Ltd.
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Contact Person: Mr. Zou Fengxiao()
Telephone Number: 010-82895262 0531-82070261
Company Address: Haidian, , Beijing, China
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