Customized equipment teppanyaki Jiamusi Jiamusi Teppanyaki equipment prices
Customized equipment teppanyaki Jiamusi Jiamusi Teppanyaki equipment prices
Jiamusi customized equipment teppanyaki, teppanyaki equipment prices Jiamusi Kaifeng Sunny Electronics Co., Ltd. mainly produces electromagnetic Teppanyaki, Teppanyaki electromagnetic heating fast, simple energy-saving and environmental protection, safety, operation and long life. Teppanyaki equipment heating system is with a digital thermostat controls the temperature of the teppanyaki equipment, very beneficial when the barbecue food temperature control, can effectively prevent excessive barbecue food situation. ? Of course, in order to meet a variety of customer needs, the shape of teppanyaki is varied, there is horseshoe-shaped, oval, semi-circular, arched, rectangular, sector and so on. Using the finest imported materials are carbon steel, sheet thickness 22mm, plus the sides SUS304 stainless steel sheet inside with 40 * 40 * 3mm square frame made of steel. Material deformation never, never change, the premise of guaranteeing quality next, try to save the cost of production, so that electromagnetic Teppanyaki not seeking the lowest price, but for less. Now the market is the most common way Teppanyaki heating gas heating and electric heating, electric heating is divided into heating pipe heating, electric heating aluminum, and electromagnetic heating, conventional rectangular If the gas heating is about 1,000 yuan per seat If the electric heating tube is usually around 1,200 yuan per seat, electrically heated aluminum seat around 1,350 yuan per person, electromagnetic heating first-seater 1,500 yuan. If other shapes teppanyaki equipment in the work area is more difficult, the price may be higher point Mobile: 13426242161 Tel: 010-89560268010-89560267 Contact: Li unified customer service: 4000063323 QQ: 1339539159 Website: www.
Contact Detail
Company Name: | Sunny feng (Beijing) Electronics Co., Ltd. |
Employee Number: | |
Annual export: | |
Year Established: | |
Contact Person: | Mr. Yang Kefeng() |
Telephone Number: | 010-89560267 |
Company Address: | Song Town, Tongzhou District, Big Pang village industrial zone in Beijing, Beijing, Beijing, China |
Zip/Postal Code: |
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