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Sky One laser tattoo removal machine eyebrow washing machine speckle instrument

Sky One laser tattoo removal machine eyebrow washing machine speckle instrument
Sky One laser tattoo removal machine eyebrow washing machine speckle instrument
Sky One laser tattoo removal machine eyebrow washing machine speckle instrument

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Company:Wuhan Holy Days Laser Beauty Instrument
Information Name: Sky One laser tattoo removal machine eyebrow washing machine speckle instrument
Update Time:2015-04-30
Price Description: RMB/
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Instrument configuration: laser gun: F5 yellow stick gun Laser Type: ND: JY250-YAG laser China C-grade sapphire Q-switched laser power supply: 110V / 220V smart 250W Laser wavelength: double wavelength 1064nm / 532nm repetition frequency: 1-5HZ Pulse width: 6-8ns pulse energy: 1-50≥1000mj Carton Size: 550x400x320 (mm) Machine size: 420x300x260 (mm) Total weight: 13000g Net Weight: 7500g storage capacity: 3500g instrument warranty: host year and lifetime maintenance; Treatment characteristics: 1, blue widescreen LCD, standard computer automatic counter. 2, imported from Germany cavity, high multiplier pure green technology. 3, water temperature automatic protection. 4, China (Simplified and Traditional), English, Japanese, Korean four languages ??to switch modes, more suitable for overseas customers. 5, does not damage normal skin, no scars, no anesthesia, eliminate the pigment more thoroughly. 6, the unique design of the cooling system, the continuous work longer. Treatment principle: the use of laser blasting effect, the laser effectively penetrate the epidermis, the dermis can reach pigment group, because the duration of action of the laser is very short (only a few nanoseconds) high energy absorbing pigment group in an instant high energy After the rapid expansion of the laser, broken into small particles, these small particles after being engulfed by macrophages in vivo excreted pigment gradually fades away, and ultimately achieve the purpose of treatment. Treatment: First, Q switch 1064nm laser can effectively eliminate the black tattoos, eyebrow, lip lines, eyeliner and traumatic pigmentation and freckles; Second, Q switched double 532nm laser for the treatment of red or brown tattoos, tattoo, lip liner, eyeliner. Can effectively dilute red or brown birthmark and all kinds of shallow spots and the like; 2015 purchase enjoy the biggest benefit, giving the most complete line of accessories: 1. Aluminum Package 1 (protection of the host) 2.1064 a laser head (clean dark) 3.532 a laser head (cleaning light) 4. Super 532/1064 radiation glasses a 5. E light ipl laser protection goggles a professional black power cord 6. 1 7. pin 8. collapse switch an irrigation pipe with a funnel 9. Manual 1 (back warranty card) 10. The purchase contract one (warranty credentials) 11. import repair cream 12 small box large beauty equipment, please sign purchase Machine contractual warranty see teaching and then pay attention to: the market now appears to mimic a lot of the company's equipment, some small companies to configure the old component assembly, low power parameters exaggerated increase machine persuasive, the company's technical parameters for the actual parameters , each instrument is equipped with a unique service number, large equipment, look for the Wuhan Optical Valley Manufacturing, check before you buy Qualification, and we see video certification instruments, please come to buy certain conditions, be careful liar, shell companies, the three No company, or sale insecurity, teaching insecurity, real factory must have a very large plant, you can see the video to see the machine at least several hundred instrument! ! 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Wuhan Holy Days Laser Beauty Instrument
Employee Number:
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Contact Person: Mr. Mr. Zhang()
Telephone Number: 027-86980809
Company Address: Wuhan, Wuhan City, Hubei, China
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