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K602 tattoo machine suit six machine set 6 machine suits transfer ink pigment iron frame 6 gun tatto ..

K602 tattoo machine suit six machine set 6 machine suits transfer ink pigment iron frame 6 gun tatto ..
K602 tattoo machine suit six machine set 6 machine suits transfer ink pigment iron frame 6 gun tatto ..
K602 tattoo machine suit six machine set 6 machine suits transfer ink pigment iron frame 6 gun tatto ..

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Company:Dongguan City, Hong Tai Hardware Factory
Information Name: K602 tattoo machine suit six machine set 6 machine suits transfer ink pigment iron frame 6 gun tatto ..
Update Time:2015-04-30
Price Description: RMB/
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[Product Code]: K602 [Name]: tattoo machine suit [Weight]: 5KG [Description]: 1, 2 small black box, 10-story red ancient red Y710 / Y720 Green ancient red / Y708 Green ancient black / Y712 ancient gold Black / 8-layer A086 black frame blue / A002 white frame red tattoo machine each 1 3, D101 Purple 2 / relief Xiaoqing ancient ancient red each one, D107, gold, blue each one, all with direct access to 4, C015 LCD power supply, American line, hexagonal switch, hook line 1 set 5, pigment (10ml) 7 colors / set * 1 set of 6, iron red pigment stand a 7, the toner cup white 100, small yellow 50 8, tattoo needles 50 (RL3-5-7-9 / RS5-7-9 / M1 5-7-9 all five mix) 9, unilateral wale rubber band shockproof circle each 50 10 Gloves 2 right, anti-scar gel 5 11 blank practice skin / tattoo practice skin of a diagram 12, teaching CD / CD each one 13 patterns, alloy stainless steel needles 8 (3R / 5R / 7R / 9R / 5F / 7F / 9F / 11F each one) 14, tool accessories 2 sets of 15, four sets of 16 disposable needles, transfer ink bottle according to customer requirements with the addition and subtraction difference. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Dongguan City, Hong Tai Hardware Factory
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Xie Yuxia(Business)
Telephone Number: 0769-81014739
Company Address: No. 82 Yuan Jiang Yuan Changping Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, the old village road, Dongguan City, Guangdong, China
Zip/Postal Code: 523566
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