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Why TL detection is the most authoritative porcelain tests?

Why TL detection is the most authoritative porcelain tests?
Why TL detection is the most authoritative porcelain tests?
Why TL detection is the most authoritative porcelain tests?

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Company:Jamo Shanghai Exhibition Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Why TL detection is the most authoritative porcelain tests?
Update Time:2015-04-30
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TL detected generations, reasonable prices, the company sold two-year commitment to the package. This is a one-time phenomenon, which is solid after receiving radiation, when only the first is heated until a light is released. After the heating process, unless re-exposed to radiation effect, otherwise there will be no light phenomenon. The presence of natural radioactive elements in the natural environment, so in a natural environment, crystal (crystal defects) are generally accepted the presence of natural radiation and luminescence phenomena. For ceramic terms, which contain large quantities of mineral crystals, such as quartz, feldspar and calcite, these crystals has long been the role of nuclear radiation (such as α, β, and γ), and has accumulated considerable energy, and if the ceramic heating, TL phenomenon can be observed, the number is proportional to the intensity of light and the heat release of nuclear radiation it receives. Since the ceramic suffered nuclear radiation from the natural environment and the meager ceramic itself contains radioactive impurities (such as uranium, thorium and potassium 40, etc.). Its relatively constant amount of radioactivity, the intensity of TL proportional to the length of it and by the convergence of time. Ceramic firing process in the original TL energy will all freed due to high temperatures, as is the [TL clock] pull back to zero. Thereafter re-accumulation ceramic TL signal, so in the end the TL signal is measured, is proportional to the ceramic firing time, which is the basic principle of TL dating. TL (thermoluminescence, abbreviated TL) refers to the deep trap electrons released by thermal activation to the conduction band, which occurred in recombination phenomenon. In the 1950s, the United States Daniels W isconsin universities will Thermoluminescence characteristics of the material used for radiation dose measurement. Lithium fluoride thermoluminescent material originally used with high sensitivity, but the instability of its TL performance. Later, the researchers have developed a more excellent L iF TL performance: Mg, Ti and LiF: Mg, Cu, P, current lithium fluoride series material is still hot dosimetry most widely used material. With the needs of scientific research and life of TL dosimetry material requirements (such as a wide range of linear dose-response, high sensitivity, good reusability, etc.) gradually improve, the researchers developed a CaSO4: Mn, CaF2: Mn, Li2B4O7: Cu, MgSiO4 other new TL material. Why "TL" is the most authoritative Identification of porcelain? Porcelain thermoluminescence detection and identification technology is a high technology, already world-famous auction houses and the world's major museums and acceptable, in Europe but also as a court-approved evidence dating. But in the domestic general collectors for TL technology also lack of knowledge, its practical application of scientific principles and are not familiar with. For this reason we have to do some technology TL popular explanation. Simply speaking, ancient ceramics from the date it was burned it, we continue to absorb and cumulative external radiation energy, the energy and the length of time after firing. "TL" method is by measuring the inside this ancient ceramics cumulative radiation to determine the firing duration to achieve the purpose of dating. Because of the time information is stored in the device itself completely, so just sampling on the device can detect dating, rather than the kiln unearthed sample data for comparison, so this is an absolute dating method is very accurate and reliable. 1, the world's ancient ceramics market would be so big, why the famous testing organization only these two? This is in addition to testing technology and experience of experts and other issues, the company's credibility is a very important factor, and even can be said to be the decisive factor. Because of the high quality of ancient ceramics is a few million to tens of millions yuan of goods, a slight mistake will be losses. The two companies have in common projects hosted, I were scientists without any business background. Dr. Shi Donghan Oxford assurance company, the original laboratory at Oxford University for three years, five years ago, we set up independent of the university certification company. Dr. Luo Yinquan is a laser physicist, is a professor at Chinese University of Hong Kong on their own, in the Division of Antiquities Assurance Company from Chinese University of Hong Kong two years ago, after independence, he was responsible not salaried. They are in a serious academic approach to the identification work strictly according to the experimental results to make judgments, thus making the natural conclusion is compelling. The two agencies have also identified from their long-term service, to establish its own authority and reputation. 2, these two forensic international institutions to compare and how is it? TL identification of ancient ceramics in the 1960s, first developed by the Laboratory of Archaeology at Oxford University together, they identify the commercial services are relatively early. Because it is in Europe, their identification is not only ancient Chinese ceramics, there are a lot of ancient pottery in Greece and the Middle East. TL laboratory Chinese University of Hong Kong was established in 1986, with nearly thirty years of the Asian economic boom driven by "hot favorites" came into being, it is a rising star. Its customer base is mainly in China, Japan, Southeast Asia, Taiwan, Hong Kong and other Asian countries and regions. The past two years the number of mainland identification of increasing already surpassed Japan and Taiwan. Comparison from the measuring device, almost everyone in Hong Kong and even update some. From a technical point of view it is similar, specific to the detection of ancient ceramics, Hong Kong may be better. 3, to imitate the way radioactive irradiation or add special elements to TL detected by it? Long and weak external radiation with a very short time of intense radiation, micro-structure of the ceramic artifacts Substances to be different, so after radiation treatment and genuine imitation goods TL experimental curve behavior is not exactly the same. Because this issue involves some modern physical concepts, not further parsed. Such a device for the hands and feet done, because the optical information disorder, forensic institutions will not give you a certificate issued by the determined conclusion, and will want you to take good care of this thing. 4, tires, glaze composition of the device, buried deep in the ground and the environment, it will affect the test results? It should be said influential, but are within the normal error range. Such as porcelain, the test results may be given a Song: a thousand years plus or minus five years. This error is plus or minus five decades, it is caused by other factors. 5, plus or minus five years, the time margin is a hundred years, can be determined by this method "; old"; or "; new"; can accurately determine is that of an emperor dynasty produced it? A thousand years plus or minus five years, plus or minus five hundred years is two years, two hundred years is ten years, and then visually identify objects themselves glaze, style, shape, size, etc. Basically, the test results can be sure . TL phenomenon had been discovered three hundred years ago, in the 1960's it has been developed into a new technology archaeological dating. The world is about 50 to 60 years of laboratory research in TL measured with light, but to commercialize identified and reputable agencies only two, namely the division of Oxford England Antiquities forensic forensic companies and Chinese University of Hong Kong Laboratory room. For the convenience of mainland china collectors more authoritative, accurate knowledge treasure, Kam Po, Booty, for domestic and foreign institutional investors and large collectors to collect more and better antique curios and art, Guangzhou-German joint top of porcelain detection identification of bodies former Chinese University of Hong Kong TL ancient ceramics research laboratory that is made in the company and sincere cooperation, following a ceramic TL test. Dong Fang Baoli Jamo Shanghai Exhibition Co., Ltd. in mainland China only designated service partner! 
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