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Feed grain and oil machinery Used Rotary Sifters

Feed grain and oil machinery Used Rotary Sifters
Feed grain and oil machinery Used Rotary Sifters
Feed grain and oil machinery Used Rotary Sifters

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Company:Liangshan used chemical equipment operators Yun-ho
Information Name: Feed grain and oil machinery Used Rotary Sifters
Update Time:2015-04-30
Price Description: RMB/
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Determination of transparency; protein determination methods; Determination of moisture content; analysis of water rate determination method; Determination of viscosity. Extraction of operating techniques feedstock purification and weighing impurity mainly some other plant seeds, dirt, gravel, piece of metal, wood, paper and other debris. Corn purification, each weighing 500g waxy corn. Preparation of infusions were worthy of sulfurous acid concentration of 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3%, were 1500ml volume of solution. Waxy corn steep this experiment 48h, 60h, 72h three different soaking time, 40 ℃, 50 ℃ and 60 ℃ soaking temperature and three different 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3% three different concentrations of sulfite solution to soak waxy corn soaking. Coarsely broken first with coarse grinding corn into about 10, for germ separation. The use of germ germ separation separation separation tank and add water to make embryos floating in the water to separate the germ. Finely ground with ground and secondary refining. Waxy maize starch slurry was sieved through fine grinding, first with a 20-mesh sieve to separate coarse grits, then wash the residue 5 times. The crude residue washed dehydration, and the filtrate was poured into starch emulsion crude residue after separation and replace it with 70 mesh or finer sieve. After filtration ended, the residue was washed 5 times the fine, the filtrate was mixed with starch emulsion was allowed to stand 24h, the supernatant was decanted, the remaining emulsion to be thick starch protein separation. Protein separation using centrifuge, speed of 3500r / min, time of 6min. Centrifuge starch milk to be dewatered prior to drying, moisture content of 78% raw starch slurry, dewatering centrifuges, reduces the moisture content of about 45%, to obtain a wet starch J. speed of 4000 r / min, time of 3min. Dried using oven (far-infrared oven), drying time is about 48h. After the dried starch, a water content of about 12%. Conclusion The optimum conditions for soaking: soaking time 60h, steep liquor 0.2% sulfurous acid concentration, immersion time at 50 ℃ highest yield of starch. Waxy maize starch having low temperature burnt, burnt high viscosity, high transparency burnt, burnt high freeze-thaw stability than ordinary corn starch characteristics. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Liangshan used chemical equipment operators Yun-ho
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Contact Person: Mr. Wang Xu wave()
Telephone Number: 0537-7600770-01
Company Address: Jining, Jining City, Shandong Province, China
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