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Used vacuum heat consumption capacity crawler dryer grain dryers used

Used vacuum heat consumption capacity crawler dryer grain dryers used
Used vacuum heat consumption capacity crawler dryer grain dryers used
Used vacuum heat consumption capacity crawler dryer grain dryers used

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Company:Liangshan used chemical equipment operators Yun-ho
Information Name: Used vacuum heat consumption capacity crawler dryer grain dryers used
Update Time:2015-04-30
Price Description: RMB/
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Translation of grain dryer heat consumption and production capacity of 1.1 computer simulation grain dryers use a common problem in the early grain moisture change frequently, in order to achieve the final moisture requirements, require frequent adjustment of grain flow (capacity), in order to Comparison grain dryer performance will also need to know the capacity of the dryer, it must be converted. We believe that the use of computer simulation methods for conversion dryer heat consumption and production capacity is a good and viable approach, namely the establishment of a mathematical model of grain dry in the process, the preparation of drying simulation program was simulated on a computer, and finally get the conversion coefficient. The advantages of this method J point is the common good, may i} · Operators different models (downstream, upstream, cross-flow and mixed flow dryer) and not 1 Division grain (corn, wheat, rice) drying performance and conversion factor; Deal! r dry conditions to any conversion, fast calculation;! various a few dry process can be used. The disadvantage of this method is still not popular simulation method, master the method needs to have some basic computer, use the dryer typically have the software, in addition, a mathematical model of the drying process are not accurate enough. Future research in this area should be strengthened, the calculating step simulation method is as follows: l) to establish the drying process model; 2) the development of a variety of food drying process computer simulation program; and 3) the use of simulation program calculates the standard conditions of the dryer and heat consumption production capacity; 4) Simulation of heat consumption and production capacity of non-standard conditions; 5) calculation of heat consumption and production capacity conversion coefficient; 6) the performance of the dryer converted. Identification of agricultural machinery station Farm in Heilongjiang Province Academy of Sciences in 1989 proposed a grain drying heat consumption and production capacity conversion method, the standard conditions for the precipitation rate of 5% (20% to Qiao%), hot air temperature 93 ℃, ambient temperature 20 ℃ , ambient relative humidity of 60%, the conversion method is relatively simple. Its main drawback is that only applies to cross-flow drying grain dryer and corn wheat, select some coefficient of ill-founded. In addition, it takes into account the indirect heating stove and oil furnace and direct heating effect of the cooling section. The calculation method is as follows: 1.3.1 heat consumption standard conditions converted grain dryer unit heat consumption is calculated as follows: Qrb = Qr / (K0 * K1) where Qrb unit heat consumption under a standard condition, MJ / kg Qr a test when measured heat consumption, MJ eight g; K. A conversion coefficient atmospheric conditions, determined look-up table based on air temperature and relative humidity, see "grain drying heat consumption and production capacity conversion coefficient" standard; K1 condition a conversion coefficient of grain, in the same environmental conditions, according to food initial moisture and final moisture determined look-up table. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Liangshan used chemical equipment operators Yun-ho
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Contact Person: Mr. Wang Xu wave()
Telephone Number: 0537-7600770-01
Company Address: Jining, Jining City, Shandong Province, China
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