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Tangshan Used enamel reactor

Tangshan Used enamel reactor
Tangshan Used enamel reactor
Tangshan Used enamel reactor

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Company:Liangshan used chemical equipment operators Yun-ho
Information Name: Tangshan Used enamel reactor
Update Time:2015-04-30
Price Description: RMB/
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Glass-lined reactor containing high silica glass, the lining of the inner surface of the steel vessel, high temperatures burning and firmly close contact with the metal surface becomes a composite article. Therefore, it has the dual advantages of glass and metal strength stability, it is an excellent corrosion-resistant equipment. Application glass-lined reactor is widely used in chemical, petroleum, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, food and other industries. In order to ensure the normal use of glass-lined equipment, now its main performance and installation, use precautions as follows: enamel reactor Technical specifications: 1, the use of pressure: 2, acid resistance: a variety of organic and inorganic acids, organic solvents are It has good corrosion resistance. Such as glass-lined sample will I plant is placed in boiling solution of 20% HCI 48h, the corrosion rate of Excellence for indicators). 3. Alkaline: glass-lined alkaline solution is poor corrosion resistance acid solution. But will I plant specimen was placed in glass-lined corrosion 1N sodium hydroxide solution, test temperature is 80 ℃ time 48h. Etch rate (Excellence for indicators). 4, operating temperature: glass-lined equipment heating and cooling, should be slow. I use glass-lined equipment manufacturing plant temperature 0-200 ℃, anxious denaturation temperature ≥200 ℃. 5, ceramic layer thickness: porcelain layer thickness 0 Glass equipment, glass-lined equipment attachments porcelain layer thickness. 6, voltage electricity: glass lined with good insulation properties, when the thickness of the glass-lined within the prescribed 20KV porcelain layer high frequency spark examination, not a high-frequency spark breakdown ceramic layer. 7, the impact resistance: The smaller the internal stress of the glass layer, the better the elasticity, the greater the hardness, the higher the flexural compressive strength, the better the impact resistance. I plant the glass layer within the specified thickness, with a diameter of 30mm, weight 112g ball at impact, the impact energy (class product indicators). Enamel reactor, which is glass-lined reactor or glass-lined reactor, in strict accordance with and as well as "glass-lined equipment and technical conditions" and other relevant standards design. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Liangshan used chemical equipment operators Yun-ho
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Contact Person: Mr. Wang Xu wave()
Telephone Number: 0537-7600770-01
Company Address: Jining, Jining City, Shandong Province, China
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