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Shanghai CNC equipment polishing equipment polishing machine deburring machine deburring specialist 880Y solve

Shanghai CNC equipment polishing equipment polishing machine deburring machine deburring specialist 880Y solve
Shanghai CNC equipment polishing equipment polishing machine deburring machine deburring specialist 880Y solve
Shanghai CNC equipment polishing equipment polishing machine deburring machine deburring specialist 880Y solve

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Company:Suzhou City Luzhi Town, the metal processing plant
Information Name: Shanghai CNC equipment polishing equipment polishing machine deburring machine deburring specialist 880Y solve
Update Time:2015-04-30
Price Description: RMB/
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Suzhou Yue (Hong Kong) Ltd. provided Shanghai Precision Metal Machine Shop deburring problems D and production of precision magnetic polishing machine deburring machine magnetic grinder does not affect the size of sophisticated automated deburring polished stainless steel needle magnetic polishing mill) magnetic grinding machine is a new, high-speed milling equipment. Features magnetic grinding machine: processing speed, simple and safe operation, low cost, without any supplies; not finished processing after deformation, will not damage the surface of the part, the part will not affect the accuracy; safe operation, can be designed according to the customer exclusive models; uses magnetic grinding machine: suitable for all kinds of light-ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals, hard plastics and other precision parts finished, remove the burrs, chamfering, polishing, cleaning and other precision grinding work once; suitable for all Class of irregular-shaped parts, holes, inner tubes, corners, cracks, etc. can be grinding; mainly for complete removal of the above-mentioned parts burrs, polished gold industry Wash finished surface polished to remove oxide films, corrosion dirt removal process, sintering signs deal with other precision grinding operations; magnetic grinding machine is mainly used in industry products are: CNC automatic lathe parts, precision springs, shrapnel parts, zinc, aluminum die-casting parts, aerospace, medical parts, precision die-casting parts, cell phones, laptop computers, cameras electronic computers, communications parts, fashion accessories, crafts parts, precision screw bolts, metal parts, mold parts, spare glasses, instrumentation, and other parts. Grinding mill for use: * grinding speed, horizontal force research with stainless steel needles polishing magnetic mill) magnetic grinding machine is a new, high-speed milling equipment. Features magnetic grinding machine: processing speed, simple and safe operation, low cost, without any supplies; not finished processing after deformation, will not damage the surface of the part, the part will not affect the accuracy; safe operation, can be designed according to the customer exclusive models; uses magnetic grinding machine: suitable for all kinds of light-ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals, hard plastics and other precision parts finished, remove the burrs, chamfering, polishing, cleaning and other precision grinding work force once completed research use stainless steel magnetic needle polishing mill) magnetic grinding machine is a new, high-speed milling equipment. Features magnetic grinding machine: processing speed, simple and safe operation, low cost, without any supplies; not finished processing after deformation, will not damage the surface of the part, the part will not affect the accuracy; safe operation, can be designed according to the customer exclusive models; uses magnetic grinding machine: Suitable for all light force research with stainless steel needles polishing magnetic mill) magnetic grinding machine is a new, high-speed milling equipment. Features magnetic grinding machine: processing speed, simple and safe operation, low cost, without any supplies; not finished processing after deformation, will not damage the surface of the part, the part will not affect the accuracy; safe operation, can be designed according to the customer exclusive models; uses magnetic grinding machine: suitable for all kinds of light-ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals, hard plastics and other precision parts finished, remove the burrs, chamfering, polishing, cleaning and other precision grinding work once; suitable for all Class of irregular-shaped parts, holes, inner tubes, corners, cracks, etc. can be grinding; mainly for complete removal of the above-mentioned parts burrs, polished gold industry Wash finished surface polished to remove oxide films, corrosion dirt removal process, sintering signs deal with other precision grinding operations; magnetic grinding machine is mainly used in industry products are: CNC automatic lathe parts, precision springs, shrapnel parts, zinc, aluminum die-casting parts, aerospace, medical parts, precision die-casting parts, cell phones, laptop computers, cameras electronic computers, communications parts, fashion accessories, crafts parts, precision screw bolts, metal parts, mold parts, spare glasses, instrumentation, and other parts. Grinding mill for use: * grinding speed, the average time of about 3-20 minutes grinding time, the workpiece replacement fast, you can replace the machine milled parts * simple operation, safe and completely free technology, a person can operate several machines * Low cost, stainless steel needle semi-permanent grinding material consumption is very low, only supplies for slurry * pollution, slurry containing 90% water, non-toxic and the risk of the occurrence of a fire, in full compliance with environmental emission standards * milling is completed After the workpiece good deal, available screen, sieve drum or separator easily parts and stainless steel needle separation of ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals, hard plastics and other precision parts finished, remove the burrs, chamfering, polishing, cleaning and other precision grinding work once; suitable for all types of irregular-shaped parts, holes, inner tubes, corners, cracks, etc. can be grinding; mainly for complete removal of the above-mentioned parts burrs, polished gold industry Wash finished surface polished to remove oxide films, corrosion dirt removal process, sintering process, such as precision grinding operations traces; magnetic grinding machine is mainly used in industry products are: CNC automatic lathe parts, precision springs, shrapnel parts, zinc and aluminum die-casting parts, aerospace, medical parts, precision die-casting parts, mobile phones, laptops, cameras and other electronic computer, communications parts, fashion accessories, crafts parts, precision screw bolts, metal parts, mold parts, spare glasses, instrumentation, and other parts. Grinding mill for use: * grinding speed, the average time of about 3-20 minutes grinding time, the workpiece replacement fast, you can replace the machine milled parts * simple operation, safe and completely free technology, a person can operate several machines * Low cost, stainless steel needle semi-permanent grinding material consumption is very low, only supplies for slurry * pollution, slurry containing 90% water, non-toxic and the risk of the occurrence of a fire, in full compliance with environmental emission standards * milling is completed After the workpiece good deal, available screen, sieve drum or separator easily separated into parts and stainless steel needle; suitable for all types of irregular-shaped parts, holes, inner tubes, corners, cracks, etc. can be grinding; the main view of the above Part complete removal of burrs, polished gold industry Wash finished surface polished to remove oxide films, corrosion dirt removal process, sintering process, such as precision grinding operations traces; magnetic grinding machine is mainly used in industry products are: CNC automatic lathe parts, precision springs, shrapnel parts, zinc, aluminum die-casting parts, aerospace, medical parts, precision die-casting parts, cell phones, laptop computers, cameras and other electronic computer, communication parts, fashion accessories, crafts parts, precision screw bolts, metal parts, mold parts , glasses spare parts, instruments and other parts. Grinding mill for use: * grinding speed, the average time of about 3-20 minutes grinding time, the workpiece replacement fast, you can replace the machine milled parts * simple operation, safe and completely free technology, a person can operate several machines * Low cost, stainless steel needle semi-permanent grinding material consumption is very low, only supplies for slurry * pollution, slurry containing 90% water, non-toxic and the risk of the occurrence of a fire, in full compliance with environmental emission standards * milling is completed After the workpiece good deal, available screen, sieve drum or separator easily parts and stainless steel needles are separated by a grinding time of about 3-20 minutes, replace the workpiece quickly, replace the grinding parts in the machine operation * Simple, safe , completely free technology, a person can operate several machines * Low cost, stainless steel needle semi-permanent grinding material consumption is very low, only supplies for slurry * pollution, slurry containing 90% water, non-toxic and fire The danger, in full compliance with environmental emission standards * After milling is completed, the workpiece good deal, available screen, sieve drum or separator easily separated parts and stainless steel needle with stainless steel Bong magnetic needle polishing mill) magnetic grinder is a new, high-speed milling equipment. Features magnetic grinding machine: processing speed, simple and safe operation, low cost, without any supplies; not finished processing after deformation without damage Bong hurt parts of the surface, does not affect the accuracy of parts; safe operation, according to the customer We need to design special models; uses magnetic grinding machine: Suitable for all light-ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals, hard plastics and other precision parts finished, remove the burrs, chamfering, polishing, cleaning and other precision grinding work once; suitable for all kinds of irregular-shaped parts, holes, inner tubes, corners, cracks, etc. can be grinding; targeted to the zero power research with stainless steel needles polishing magnetic mill) magnetic grinding machine is a new, high speed grinding equipment. Features magnetic grinding machine: processing speed, simple and safe operation, low cost, without any supplies; not finished processing after deformation, will not damage the surface of the part, the part will not affect the accuracy; safe operation, can be designed according to the customer exclusive models; uses magnetic grinding machine: suitable for all kinds of light-ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals, hard plastics and other precision parts finished, remove the burrs, chamfering, polishing, cleaning and other precision grinding work once; suitable for all Class of irregular-shaped parts, holes, inner tubes, corners, cracks, etc. can be grinding; mainly for complete removal of the above-mentioned parts burrs, polished gold industry Wash finished surface polished to remove oxide films, corrosion dirt removal process, sintering signs deal with other precision grinding operations; magnetic grinding machine is mainly used in industry products are: CNC automatic lathe parts, precision springs, shrapnel parts, zinc, aluminum die-casting parts, aerospace, medical parts, precision die-casting parts, cell phones, laptop computers, cameras electronic computers, communications parts, fashion accessories, crafts parts, precision screw bolts, metal parts, mold parts, spare glasses, instrumentation, and other parts. Grinding mill for use: * grinding speed, the average time of about 3-20 minutes grinding time, the workpiece replacement fast, you can replace the machine milled parts * simple operation, safe and completely free technology, a person can operate several machines * Low cost, stainless steel needle semi-permanent grinding material consumption is very low, only supplies for slurry * pollution, slurry containing 90% water, non-toxic and the risk of the occurrence of a fire, in full compliance with environmental emission standards * milling is completed After the workpiece good deal, available screen, sieve drum or separator easily separated parts and stainless steel needle with a piece to complete the removal of burrs, polished gold industry Wash finished surface polished to remove oxide films, corrosion dirt removal process, sintering signs deal with other precision grinding operations; magnetic grinding machine is mainly used in industry products are: stainless steel needle magnetic polishing mill) magnetic grinding machine is a new, high-speed milling equipment. Features magnetic grinding machine: processing speed, simple and safe operation, low cost, without any supplies; not finished processing after deformation, will not damage the surface of the part, the part will not affect the accuracy; safe operation, can be designed according to the customer exclusive models; uses magnetic grinding machine: suitable for all kinds of light-ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals, hard plastics and other precision parts finished, remove the burrs, chamfering, polishing, cleaning and other precision grinding work once; suitable for all Class of irregular-shaped parts, holes, inner tubes, corners, cracks, etc. can be grinding; mainly for complete removal of the above-mentioned parts burrs, polished gold industry Wash finished surface polished to remove oxide films, corrosion dirt removal process, sintering signs deal with other precision grinding operations; magnetic grinding machine is mainly used in industry products are: CNC automatic lathe parts, precision springs, shrapnel parts, zinc, aluminum die-casting parts, aerospace, medical parts, precision die-casting parts, cell phones, laptop computers, cameras electronic computers, communications parts, fashion accessories, crafts parts, precision screw bolts, metal parts, mold parts, spare glasses, instrumentation, and other parts. Grinding mill for use: * grinding speed, the average time of about 3-20 minutes grinding time, the workpiece replacement fast, you can replace the machine milled parts * simple operation, safe and completely free technology, a person can operate several machines * Low cost, stainless steel needle semi-permanent grinding material consumption is very low, only supplies for slurry * pollution, slurry containing 90% water, non-toxic and the risk of the occurrence of a fire, in full compliance with environmental emission standards * milling is completed After the workpiece good deal, available screen, sieve drum or separator easily separated parts and stainless steel needle Bong 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Suzhou City Luzhi Town, the metal processing plant
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Contact Person: Mr. Wang Jie(Sales Manager)
Telephone Number: 0512-66193671
Company Address: Suzhou City Lu Zhi Jin Fu Cheng Road, No. 218, Suzhou , Jiangsu Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 215127
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