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Cast iron plate platform large cast iron table cast iron platform measuring large castings ..

Cast iron plate platform large cast iron table cast iron platform measuring large castings ..
Cast iron plate platform large cast iron table cast iron platform measuring large castings ..
Cast iron plate platform large cast iron table cast iron platform measuring large castings ..

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Company:The first industry Tools Co., Ltd. Hebei
Information Name: Cast iron plate platform large cast iron table cast iron platform measuring large castings ..
Update Time:2015-04-30
Price Description: RMB/
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Synonyms: flat foot bridge foot bridge iron bridge foot bridge-shaped cast iron flat feet flat foot bridge type flat feet by JB / T7977-99 standards for manufacturing, material HT250, face scraping inquiry process, is used to measure the straightness of the workpiece and flatness measuring, temperature (20 ± 5) ℃. For Machine Tool, check the accuracy table, geometric precision measurement, measurement precision parts, scraping process processing, it is the benchmark precision measurement. Foot bridge - Technical requirements: according to JB / T7977-99 standards for manufacturing, material HT250, face scraping inquiry process, temperature (20plusmn; 5) ℃ Face Requirements: We do not have sand holes seriously affect the appearance and performance of, pores, cracks, slag, shrinkage, scratches, bumps, rust and other defects. Large bearing large and heavy, high value, mostly single or small batch production, and is the focus of an important project supporting the delivery of products or tight, it is a sophisticated technology products. Measure it, we need a special measurement methods and measuring tools. Its diameter, diameter, raceway, cone foot bridge in place of standard parts are equipped with a special side of the block, so you can play simple, easy to use, accurate measurement, saving the economy. Therefore, foot bridge is selected as large bearings used in the production of special measuring, testing methods to master this particular special measuring is extremely necessary. Bridge - foot works: bridge foot is the amount of foot-shaped plane with precise regulation, http: //www.hbsylj.com mainly used in coloring flatness, indicator Examine the plate, long rails, etc., also commonly used in a straight line of the optical gap Examine the workpiece edge, usually with high-quality cast iron rectangular flat feet are also useful in the manufacture of bearing steel or granite. Flat foot bridge repair and maintenance: easy to keep foot bridge, hanging flat can, will not affect their long-term flat straightness, parallelism. Foot bridge preservation rust, not coated with oil during use, long-term use, apply a thin coat of general industrial oil during storage to prevent rust and affect accuracy. Repair measuring machine maintenance professional team at your service 
Contact Detail
Company Name: The first industry Tools Co., Ltd. Hebei
Employee Number:
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Contact Person: Mr. Guoyue Peng()
Telephone Number: 0317-8334244
Company Address: Cangzhou, Cangzhou City, Hebei Province, China
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