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Hartcourt home air purifier YM-A168-09 top ten ranking

Hartcourt home air purifier YM-A168-09 top ten ranking
Hartcourt home air purifier YM-A168-09 top ten ranking
Hartcourt home air purifier YM-A168-09 top ten ranking

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Company:Guangzhou Hi-Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Hartcourt home air purifier YM-A168-09 top ten ranking
Update Time:2015-04-30
Specifications:329 * 205 * 569
Price Description: RMB/
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Eight-filtering technology air purifier air purifier role: mainly to solve the problem of indoor air pollution due to renovations or other causes. Since the release of pollutants in indoor air have persistence and uncertainty characteristics, so the use of air purifiers indoor air is an internationally recognized method for improving indoor air quality. In addition to particulate matter: dust, sand, dander, pollen is the cause of allergic diseases, skin diseases caused by eye disease. In addition to microorganisms: skin mites affect people's health. Aphids and other respiratory diseases caused by harmful fungi. Harmful bacteria: influenza viruses, fungi, bacteria that cause air conditioners contain the disease within high fever, diarrhea and pneumonia. Harmful emissions: vehicles, industry, cigarettes are the main reasons to bring headaches, feeling limp, dizziness embolism. Chemical substances: formaldehyde, benzene, ammonia, sulfur, carbon monoxide and other harmful chemicals is the leading cause of cancer. In addition to odor: remove the body, life, industrial, chemical, pet and other odors. We recommend that you choose an air purifier In short, the main function of air purifiers to remove dust particles that kill bacteria and viruses, removing formaldehyde BTEX. Air purifiers and many additional features, such as increased humidity, increased anion, increase oxygen, mainly to see the child lock individual needs, not the main consideration. And when to buy air purifiers, can not fail to consider post-maintenance costs, periodic replacement of filters and additives, the replacement of wearing parts, and warranty service. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Guangzhou Hi-Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
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Contact Person: Mr. Molly()
Telephone Number: 020-34781536
Company Address: Too Nansha District town of Tung Chung Road Industrial Area No. 613 Taishi, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
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