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Xi'an inverter screw compressor where the sale / Shanghai Xian Yi can air compressor sales agents by

Xi'an inverter screw compressor where the sale / Shanghai Xian Yi can air compressor sales agents by
Xi'an inverter screw compressor where the sale / Shanghai Xian Yi can air compressor sales agents by
Xi'an inverter screw compressor where the sale / Shanghai Xian Yi can air compressor sales agents by

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Company:Shanghai Yi can compress Machinery Co.
Information Name: Xi'an inverter screw compressor where the sale / Shanghai Xian Yi can air compressor sales agents by
Update Time:2015-04-30
Price Description: RMB/
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Common causes of cracks inverter screw compressor Xi'an, where the sale / Shanghai Yi Xian agents can air compressor air compressor parts sales generated by the crack cause analysis and inspection and maintenance methods compressor parts produced are:? (1 ) cylinder head cooling water in the body, after the winter parking did not turn on the water and freeze; and (2) stress due to castings produced in the use of the vibration gradually expanded significantly; (3) due to a mechanical accident caused, The piston broken connecting rod bolt broke, causing the link broken off, or flying on the balance iron crankshaft broke in parts of the body or gas cutting off the top of the bad cylinder class. For inspection and maintenance methods after cracks are: ??? (1) penetration kerosene method: inspection process is first soaked in kerosene wiped body, cylinder head, then dry rub cotton head Jiang kerosene may crack place, and immediately in these places on the map white powder, then place in a cracked, kerosene will penetrate to the white powder, and crack length on site clearly displayed. ??? (2) water pressure method: pressure method is used to improve the cooling water pressure method to check the crack site. Check the water pressure in a pressure test on a dedicated device is carried out. Poor environmental conditions in the equipment business, some restructuring with ordinary hand pressure pump simple device can also be checked. That is the first pipe joints of the body trying to block or cylinder head, only the one with the water connection hose connected to the pump outlet, the body should be selected plane of comparable dimensions, special cover, so that the cooling water does not spill. Then turn on the switch pressure pneumatic pump chamber into the cooling water jacket. And then switch the water will be switched off, the continued pressure pneumatic pump that stops the water supply pressure gauge of 3-4 atmospheres. In this case, by looking at the body, inside and outside at the cylinder head for any leakage or seepage phenomenon, it can determine the presence or absence of cracks. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Shanghai Yi can compress Machinery Co.
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Contact Person: Mr. Mr. Chan(Sales Manager)
Telephone Number: 17717607785
Company Address: Baoshan Industrial Park Road 298 Jinchi, Shanghai, Shanghai, China
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