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PC pre-paid meter box six epitopes

PC pre-paid meter box six epitopes
PC pre-paid meter box six epitopes
PC pre-paid meter box six epitopes

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Company:Lee Shandong Electric Co., Ltd.
Information Name: PC pre-paid meter box six epitopes
Update Time:2015-04-30
Price Description: RMB/
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PC PC transparent transparent point meter box meter box, directly fixed on the wall or utility poles, to adapt to any size of single-phase assembly of mechanical, electronic meters, install terminals, leakage switch DZ47 or RT18 fuses and isolation switch. Specializes in the production and distribution SMC meter box cabinet, a large molding equipment can design their own large-scale processing of various molds and molded parts exports. Produced by the meter box insulation resistance, flame retardant, corrosion resistance, anti-aging, maintenance-free, long life (40 years outdoor, indoor 60 years); strength, light weight, compared with iron sheet boxes, plastic meter box has incomparable superiority; diverse product specifications, users can be chosen (single meter box, meter box two or three meter box, meter box four or five meter box, meter box six or seven meter box, eight meter box, distribution transformers the total meter box) color random; install remote endoscopic meter box, at 4-6 meters height from polycarbonate meter boxes, fixed directly on the wall or utility poles, to adapt to any standard single-phase assembly of mechanical, electronic ammeter, installed terminals, leakage switch DZ47 or RT18 fuses and isolation switch. Specializes in the production and distribution SMC meter box cabinet, a large molding equipment can design their own large-scale processing of various molds and molded parts exports. Produced by the meter box insulation resistance, flame retardant, corrosion resistance, anti-aging, maintenance-free, long life (30 years outdoor, indoor 60 years); strength, light weight, compared with iron sheet boxes, plastic meter box has incomparable superiority; diverse product specifications, users can be chosen (single meter box, meter box two or three meter box, meter box four or five meter box, meter box six or seven meter box, eight meter box, distribution transformers the total meter box) color random; install remote endoscopic meter box, at 4-6 meters high from the ground floor to read Biaozi normal normal read Biaozi (Contact: Cattle Dalmaji Tel: 0543-2257966 phone. : 15266733448 QQ1292082011 Fax: 0543-6387717 Address: Shandong Wudi County Industrial Park, 68 E-mail: lian777@126.com Website: http: //www.lianjituan.com) 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Lee Shandong Electric Co., Ltd.
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Ma Xiaomin(Sales Manager)
Telephone Number: 0543-2257966
Company Address: Shandong Province Wudi County Industrial Park, No. 68, , Shandong Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 251900
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