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DESCRIPTION end by converting the voltage applied to the motor armature speed problem

DESCRIPTION end by converting the voltage applied to the motor armature speed problem
DESCRIPTION end by converting the voltage applied to the motor armature speed problem
DESCRIPTION end by converting the voltage applied to the motor armature speed problem

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Company:Shanghai Ren Instrument Electric Co.
Information Name: DESCRIPTION end by converting the voltage applied to the motor armature speed problem
Update Time:2015-04-30
Price Description: RMB/
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In the course of the motor, if you need to adjust the motor speed, or require specific process speed when it will relate to the end of the motor armature voltage changes to change the speed. In this way, when the motor speed change, there will be many problems, but the main drawback is: by reducing the armature terminal voltage governor biggest drawback is the need for a dedicated power supply, it used separately excited DC generator as a power source, Composition and excited DC generator Generator - Generator. Adjust excited DC generator excitation current can be applied arbitrarily changed excited DC motor armature terminal voltage U, it is possible to adjust speed in a very broad range. In addition it can also use step-down start, which eliminates the need for bulky start rheostat, and the start time, no energy loss. However, the generator - motor machine equipment investment is large, the noise generated when the plant operation is also great, so in daily industrial production rarely used this type rarely seen by voltage to change the speed of the way. In recent years, with the pace of development of power electronics technology, the application of Thyristor increasingly widespread. By the thyristor rectifier instead of separately excited DC generator supplying power to the DC motor, is thyristors - DC motor speed control system, its speed, but also start-up mode as described above, the main advantage is small size, light weight, no noise sound. Armature terminal voltage change speed, the series-wound DC motor, is also suitable. In the motor tractor, often the two series-wound DC motor to change from parallel operation run in series, so that the voltage applied to each motor is reduced from full voltage to half pressure. Source China Transmission Equipment Network http://www.chuandong360.com 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Shanghai Ren Instrument Electric Co.
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Contact Person: Mr. Zheng Feiping()
Telephone Number: 021-63511268
Company Address: Huangpu, , Shanghai, China
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