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Supply TH2825ALCR digital bridge

Supply TH2825ALCR digital bridge
Supply TH2825ALCR digital bridge
Supply TH2825ALCR digital bridge

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Company:Suzhou Electronics Co., Ltd. with the benefits
Information Name: Supply TH2825ALCR digital bridge
Update Time:2015-04-30
Price Description: RMB/
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High-speed type TH2825A-LCR Digital Bridge Features ■ Ultra-high-speed measurement: 15ms (test frequency ≥100Hz time) ■ Large LCD (240 × 64 dot matrix) display ■ user-friendly guided interface ■ 50Hz-100kHz, 10 typical test Frequency ■ 10mVrms-1.0Vrms programmable test level ■ Internal DC bias current source up to 200mA (using 25Ω resistance) ■ precise load calibration ■ 4 selectable source impedance mode for compatibility testing different consistency LCR table ■ 4 dot frequency / level / bias list sweep function ■ Transformer parameter measurements ■ 12 internal instrument settings are stored ■ Built-in comparator 9 files, sorting and file count ■ with PASS / FAIL (Hi / Go / Low ) warning sound judgment function ■ Test level V / I monitoring ■ compatible with Agilent 4263B of Handler Interface ■ Agilent 4263B is compatible with IEEE-488 control command TH2825A-speed LCR meter brief introduction ■ TH2825A-speed LCR meter Bridge is the company focused on the introduction of a new generation of component parameter test instrument. The product provides up to 15ms / time of measurement speed, 50Hz100kHz ten-point test frequency to 1mV step of 0.01V-1.0V programmable signal level, 5 reading resolution, multi-source resistance options and powerful testing capabilities to meet the production line quality assurance, incoming inspection and measurement requirements component design and evaluation. High-speed measurement ■ This product incorporates the latest technology in the field of component testing, testing the ability to reach or exceed the level of Agilent 4363B provided unparalleled highest measurement speed 15ms / times, especially to solve the long-standing low-frequency test test department problems slow , it provides a low-frequency component, such as high-speed test solutions electrolytic capacitors, transformers. A variety of optional source impedance mode ■ LCR different because the output impedance of the table may get different test results, TH2825A offers five selectable impedance mode to suit different needs, to ensure consistency between the different instruments test results. Constant level mode is suitable for multi-layer ceramic capacitors (MLCC) measurement ■ ceramic capacitors (MLCC) of the test signal level is extremely sensitive, TH2825A energy at a constant high speed measurement test signal capacity of ceramic capacitors, allowing the constant 1kHz Under / 1Vrms conditions of up to 30μF MLCC test, 100Hz measurements provide a constant 1Vrms test signal 300μF capacitor. Powerful transformer testing capabilities ■ TH2825A with transformer testing capabilities, using a special transformer test fixture, test line without changing the way you can easily measure the turns ratio (N, 1 / N), mutual inductance (M), the first stage inductor (LA , LB), primary and secondary DC resistance (DCR2). There -5V-5V bias voltage (TH2825A only), can be easily used for small power transformers and chokes communication test. ■ HANDLER This product provides, GPIB interfaces and Agilent GPIB interface commands and interface compatibility with the well-known instrument 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Suzhou Electronics Co., Ltd. with the benefits
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Contact Person: Mr. Chen Wenyong(Sales)
Telephone Number: 0512-62926838
Company Address: Wuzhong District can cause Avenue, Building No. 106 A 409, Suzhou , Jiangsu Province, China
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