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Supply _AgilentN4010A_ Bluetooth tester

Supply _AgilentN4010A_ Bluetooth tester
Supply _AgilentN4010A_ Bluetooth tester
Supply _AgilentN4010A_ Bluetooth tester

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Company:Dongguan Mong Mau Tong Instrument Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Supply _AgilentN4010A_ Bluetooth tester
Update Time:2015-04-30
Price Description: RMB/
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Supply _Agilent N4010A_ Bluetooth tester Ouyang R: 13412827006 Tel: 0769-87932051 Fax: 0769-82007511 QQ: 470515932 recycling plant idle / closed down electronic equipment, personal processing machines, please call recycling plant idle / closed down electronic equipment, personal treatment. instrument, please call. Agilent N4010A Bluetooth tester N4010A is a versatile multi-format wireless connectivity test solution, you can configure the solution to serve the development, integration, verification, or manufacturing of special Bluetooth, ZigBee, Wireless local area network (WLAN) 802.11a, b, g and 802.11n MIMO applications. N4010A Bluetooth tester Description: Agilent N4010A Wireless Connectivity Test using a test platform to test multiple wireless connectivity technologies through fast, accurate measurements to improve manufacturing throughput from development to production, providing repeatable measurement results and N4011A MIMO / Multi-port adapters used in conjunction, the test WLAN MIMO devices and modules 89601A Vector Signal Analyzer software or N4018C / 19C Bluetooth R / WLAN Wireless Test Manager software for extensive testing to measure 2.4GHz or 5GHz band, including Bluetooth wireless format N4010A , WLAN and ZigBee & # 8482; N4010A Wireless Connectivity Test flexibility measuring emerging wireless standards, improve test efficiency. Characteristics flexibility to test a variety of techniques fast, accurate measurements to improve manufacturing throughput from development to production, providing repeatable measurements apply to the use of emerging wireless technologies Agilent 89601A and 89607A Vector Signal Analyzer software extensive measurements for Assessment 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz band wireless format. Bluetooth Bluetooth and Bluetooth EDR technology design or integrated into the chipset, modules and devices, it can greatly simplify the creation of test sequences work. New Option 107 adds Bluetooth EDR test mode capability, and built-in 8 kinds of Bluetooth 2.0 + EDR six test scenarios. WLAN using the integrated test solutions to reduce the number of devices in the WLAN test system. Option 102/103 will be a fully calibrated vector signal generator and a wide bandwidth signal analyzer into a stand of the tester to maximize the manufacturer's flexibility and significantly lower cost of test. ZigBee uses with the 89601A vector signal analyzer N4010A software testers, Agilent can provide full modulation IEEE 802.15.4 test results. It has a strong signal analysis capabilities for ZigBee RF physical layer tests provide standards-compliant design performance. Additional flexibility to use Bluetooth N4017A Bluetooth Graphical Measurement Application Analysis. Use 89601A vector signal analysis software for comprehensive signal analysis. Use 89607A WLAN test software suite 802.11a / b / g Tx test. Custom manufacturing solutions for custom manufacturing test systems Bluetooth and WLAN (802.11b / g and 5 GHz 802.11a) technology. N4010A Bluetooth and the Bluetooth logo are trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, authorized by the company Agilent Technologies companies. Agilent Technologies Inc. has been committed to supporting the development of Bluetooth technology and Bluetooth communications. ZigBee Alliance ZigBee is a trademark owned. Existing instrument configuration combinations 101 Bluetooth 110 I / O connections 102 2.4GHz wireless LAN Tx / Rx analysis (for WLAN and ZigBee) 103 2.4GHz wireless LAN Tx / Rx analysis (for WLAN) 104 very flexible Arb 105 Bluetooth EDR- transmitting and receiving 106 107 Bluetooth EDR Bluetooth link EDR- emission and measuring 108 802.11n MIMO modulation analysis sectional 113 112 Bluetooth headset Bluetooth audio generation and analysis 204 Signal Studio license N4011A MIMO / Multi-Port Adapter The long-term recovery of supply rental: Oscilloscope Network Analyzer Tester spectrum analyzer signal generator noise figure analyzer audio analyzer digital multimeter programmable power supply power meter frequency meter impedance analyzer video analyzer function signal generator LCR electronic tester electronic load multimeter calibrator Oscilloscope Calibrator high-pressure machine data acquisition device receive / transmitter measuring receiver cable / antenna analyzer modulation Bluetooth tester analyzer GPIB card 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Dongguan Mong Mau Tong Instrument Co., Ltd.
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Contact Person: Mr. Ouyang Qi(Management Business)
Telephone Number: 0769-87932051
Company Address: Dongguan City, New Village neighborhood 63, Dongguan City, Guangdong, China
Zip/Postal Code: 523710
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