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Special Bargain! HP5361B microwave frequencies - Tom Snow

Special Bargain! HP5361B microwave frequencies - Tom Snow
Special Bargain! HP5361B microwave frequencies - Tom Snow
Special Bargain! HP5361B microwave frequencies - Tom Snow

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Company:Dongguan City Hongxin electronic equipment operators
Information Name: Special Bargain! HP5361B microwave frequencies - Tom Snow
Update Time:2015-04-30
Price Description: RMB/
Inquire Now
Special Bargain! HP5361B microwave frequencies - snow 13929260731 Tang Hongxin Electronic Instrument Co., Ltd. Contact: Mr Tsang 13929260731 Miss Tang: 1866482792824 hour service Tel: 181 2292 4681 QQ: 176 64473 Taobao: huali520199011 E-mial: tosstar118 @ 163 .com Line: 0769-82168709 Fax: 0769-82076259 Website :www.hongxin6666.com Address: Town, Dongguan City in Lam Tsuen Xinyang No. 2 of this long-term cash; oscilloscope network analyzer comprehensive test instrument spectrum analyzer signal generator noise figure analyzer audio analyzer Power meter digital multimeters programmable frequency meter impedance analyzer video analyzer function signal generator LCR electronic tester electronic load multimeter calibrator Oscilloscope Calibrator high-pressure machine data logger receives / transmitter measurements reception machine cable / antenna analyzer modulation Bluetooth tester analyzer GPIB card, and undertake equipment maintenance Welcome! Come to see the goods! Price of a good talk! Your satisfaction is our pursuit. Agilent 5361B pulse / CW microwave counter provides precision pulsed and continuous performance up to 40 GHz. And built-in FM analysis, 5361B features, radar, electronic warfare and communications systems or components. Counter to make complex measurements, carrier frequency agile signal is shifted PRIS, or in a pulsed or CW signal frequency transients. It can be used to characterize the radar pulse or test a stable local oscillator (STALO). Measuring the step response, drift-adjusted, stable function of time, to facilitate accurate and easy VCO and DTO testing. 5361B helps to eliminate the need for a separate CW counter, pulse generator and computer equipment, at cost, is a manufacturing and R & D cost-effective for high-speed throughput, saving operating time and regular maintenance is limited to a time base corrector. Accurate pulse measurements to 20, 26.5 or 40 GHz. Introduction Features frequency transients, modulation (such as chirp), and Linear. Automatic features a simple to use, including calibration, average pulse measurement display. Range-gated measurements provide an external view of the confidence and ease of installation. Fast track measures 800 MHz per second swept up signal. Low FM rate allowed to slowly measure signals of different frequencies. + For complete details, click the link data table. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Dongguan City Hongxin electronic equipment operators
Employee Number:
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Contact Person: Mr. Tom Snow(Trade Ministry Staff)
Telephone Number: 0769-82168709
Company Address: Dongguan, Guangdong Province Tangxia Lam Tsuen new 2nd Rd, Dongguan City, Guangdong, China
Zip/Postal Code: 523711
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