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Bucket elevator principle

Bucket elevator principle
Bucket elevator principle
Bucket elevator principle

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Company:Xinxiang City Hongyuan Vibration Equipment Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Bucket elevator principle
Update Time:2015-04-30
Price Description: RMB/
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As commonly used lifting equipment as lifting equipment, bucket elevator of choice by many aspects of factors, consumers choose the wrong model will bring untold trouble generally determines the bucket elevator selection depends on several Factors generally determines the bucket elevator selection depends on several factors generally determine bucket elevator selection depends on several factors generally determine bucket elevator selection depends on the following factors: 1, form the material: powdered or granular material is still small block. 2, the physical properties of the material: the material is not absorbent or viscosity, is water. 3, the proportion of materials: general bucket elevator parameters are stacked in the proportion. 4, delivery amount per unit time. In general, the form of material directly determines the material discharge mode, used the law to discharge propellant powder materials centrifugal, gravity unloading bulk materials, and unloading the different ways of the decision adopted by bucket elevator hopper form different centrifugal projectile discharge more shallow bucket and curved bucket, but requires the use of deep fighting gravity discharge. Different types of bucket elevator is used hopper hoist transport the amount of material per unit of time is not the same. Bucket elevator conveyor final amount depends on the form of a hopper, bucket speed, the proportion of materials, material properties, a number of buckets comprehensive parameter. The selection process is as follows: the proportion of materials → Transmission → material properties → Discharge mode → hopper form → lift amount of the series bucket hoist → OK models. Bucket elevator selection Information: 1, 2 material name, material characteristics: size, density, temperature, humidity, and liquidity. 3, delivery volume 4, lifting height 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Xinxiang City Hongyuan Vibration Equipment Co., Ltd.
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Contact Person: Mr. Red Star Song(Sales Manager)
Telephone Number: 15237357091
Company Address: Xinxiang Makino District Town Village Industrial Park Ji field, Xinxiang City, Henan Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 453100
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