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Anhui inorganic materials wholesale wall insulation, insulation materials, Nanyang inorganic thermal insulation

Anhui inorganic materials wholesale wall insulation, insulation materials, Nanyang inorganic thermal insulation
Anhui inorganic materials wholesale wall insulation, insulation materials, Nanyang inorganic thermal insulation
Anhui inorganic materials wholesale wall insulation, insulation materials, Nanyang inorganic thermal insulation

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Company:Sheng Hui Nanyang Technology Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Anhui inorganic materials wholesale wall insulation, insulation materials, Nanyang inorganic thermal insulation
Update Time:2015-04-30
Price Description: RMB/
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The primary wall from the building envelope bearing or effect of outer wall. 1, exterior insulation works will EIFS through a combination, assembly, construction or installation of fixed building entity formed by the outer surface of the external walls. 2, a combination of external thermal insulation composite wall insulation system from the grassroots and the wall 3, Anhui inorganic insulation wall insulation materials wholesale by the insulation material, the outer thermal insulation system from the insulation of the structural layer. 4, the outer finish layer insulation systems decorative layer 5, the interface mortar and additives from the polymer emulsion formulated into the interface agent with cement and sand made by a certain percentage uniform mixing mortar. 6, crack flexible water-resistant putty made of an elastic latex, additives and powder etc. made of a certain flexibility and water resistance of putty. 7, the elastic polymer emulsion layer coating (elastic primer) consists of flexible waterproof emulsion was added a variety of additives, color filters prepared from the back cover has a waterproof and breathable coating effects. 8, tile adhesive mortar plus admixture of a polymer emulsion prepared tile glue with special intensity level 42.5Mpa of ordinary portland cement and building special sand (a sand) a certain weight ratio Stir into The adhesive mortar. 9, brick pointing material prepared from polymer materials, cement, various fillers, additives composite made of ceramic brick pointing material 10, YT inorganic active wall exterior insulation system is provided on the outer facades disposal by the interface layer (part of the wall use) YT inorganic active layer insulation and finishes, from the structure of the system of thermal insulation and decorative effect. Wall insulation structure practice general project 7.2.1 Deformation buildings should meet the design requirements. Inspection method: control design, observe the inspection. Check Number: full inspection 7.2.2 construction wall bushing formed, scaffold eye, holes, etc., should be taken remedial measures sealing off the insulation thermal bridge construction program in accordance with design requirements and shall not affect the thermal performance of the wall. Inspection method: observation inspection control construction program. Number of test: full inspection. 7.2.3. Insulation slurry should be continuous construction, thickness should be uniform, Jiecha should smooth dense Jiecha upper and lower parts should be staggered. Inspection method: observation, measuring tape to check. Check Number: random checks by inspection lot Anhui inorganic wall insulation material Which is good, each inspection lot should be checks 10% Anhui inorganic wall insulation materials and cheap, and not less than 10. 7.2.4 The primary wall junction, sun angle and corner of the window openings and other parts of different materials, insulation construction should be taken to prevent cracking and breakage of measures to strengthen inspection methods: observation, inspection of insulation materials, verification inspection records concealed work Quantity: according to different parts of each type of checks of 10%, and less than five. 7.2.5. Sub-facing layer of construction quality should be consistent with current national standard "decoration renovation construction equipment 21 Quality Acceptance" (GB50210-2001) provides wholesale Anhui inorganic wall insulation materials, insulation materials, Nanyang inorganic thermal insulation by Nanyang Technology Co., Ltd. Sheng Hui. Sheng Hui Nanyang Technology Co., Ltd. (www.nyshenghui.com) strong, credible, Nanyang in Henan thermal insulation material industry has accumulated a large number of loyal customers. The company better work attitude and constantly improving innovative ideas will lead Sheng Hui Nanyang Technology into the brilliant and you work for a better future! 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Sheng Hui Nanyang Technology Co., Ltd.
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Xie Jinlong()
Telephone Number: 0377-63026677
Company Address: Nanyang City Wancheng Ming Road No. 459, Nanyang City, Henan Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 473000
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