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People stone carving figures prices and manufacturers sculpture carved figures

People stone carving figures prices and manufacturers sculpture carved figures
People stone carving figures prices and manufacturers sculpture carved figures
People stone carving figures prices and manufacturers sculpture carved figures

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Company:Shandong Ji Ning Wantai stone
Information Name: People stone carving figures prices and manufacturers sculpture carved figures
Update Time:2015-04-30
Price Description: RMB/
Inquire Now
Jining City, Shandong Province Jiaxiang Cosmos is well-known figure in stone carvings factory, there is a set of research design, production and processing in one of the stone carving portrait team. Specializing in the production figures stone, lifelike, his voice, Shenqingziruo, stand tall. Stone figure fine, vivid, lifelike shapes and sizes, we will carve out a pattern or photo provided by your requirements the best results and reasonable prices, because Our artists are carving team has extensive experience and skills from generation to generation. Wholesale sales of a variety of shapes sizes stone figures, stone figures can provide customized image processing according to the customer, in many characters stone company, Cosmos stone figure price, the lowest price ,, character stone Jiaxiang County Cosmos Stone sincerely welcome friends come to visit , guidance and business negotiation. Shandong People stone carving figures, Shanxi People stone carving figures, Henan People stone carving characters, figures Hebei stone stone figure, stone carving figures Hunan people, Hubei People stone carving figures, Guangdong People stone carving figures, Guangxi character stone carving figures, Heilongjiang People stone carving stone figures, stone figures stone figures Liaoning, Zhejiang, People stone carving figures, Anhui People stone carving figures, Jiangsu People stone carving characters, figures Fujian stone carving figures, Gansu People stone carving figures, Jiangxi character stone carving figures, carving stone figures Yunnan People, People stone carving figures Guizhou and Sichuan People stone carving figures, Qinghai People stone carving figures, Shaanxi People stone carving figures, Jilin People stone carving figures, Ningxia People stone carving figures, carving stone figures Hainan figures, stone carving figures Tibetan people, Inner Mongolia People stone carving figures, carving stone figures Xinjiang People Address: Jining City Jiaxiang County, Shandong Province, Contact: Han Jingli Tel: 15689797778 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Shandong Ji Ning Wantai stone
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Hanyun Bo(Sales Director)
Telephone Number: 0537-6828277
Company Address: Jining City, Shandong Province Jiaxiang County, Jining City, Shandong Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 272160
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