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Dust ring picture Guoming dust ring made of plastic Fig.

Dust ring picture Guoming dust ring made of plastic Fig.
Dust ring picture Guoming dust ring made of plastic Fig.
Dust ring picture Guoming dust ring made of plastic Fig.

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Company:Sunshine State Ming Plastic Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Dust ring picture Guoming dust ring made of plastic Fig.
Update Time:2015-04-30
Price Description: RMB/
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O-ring is one of the most versatile, most reliable seal seal products, but if the O-rings or improper use, there will be poor seal or leak case, even O-rings were bitten other cases, usually have the following situations: Slotted size 1 / O-ring design is unreasonable, appeared tolerance, especially when their size is too large, resulting in O-rings after the compression deformation amount insufficient to affect the sealing effect. General O-ring after installation compressive deformation amount should be between 18% to 22%, a large O-ring cross-sectional dimensions smaller relative deformation of the compression, and cross-sectional dimensions smaller compression deformation amount is relatively large. 2 / size as the actual installation dimensions O-ring too much difference, form an O-ring work at the reduced cross-sectional dimension after stretching condition, resulting in insufficient compression deformation amount of leakage. 3 / When installing O-ring seal surface is not smooth chamfer or round and scratch the O-ring and cause leakage. 4 / O-ring for sealing the material does not apply to media failure is eroded. 5 / O-ring after a long period of use will deteriorate, and after elasticity or failure, so the equipment overhaul generally replace the O-ring. Sunshine State Ming Plastic Co., Ltd. was established in 2001, specializing in the production of hydraulic and pneumatic seals the whole family. Is the development, production and sales of specialized seals companies. Dust ring is mainly used for static seals and reciprocating seals. Seal for rotary motion, the only low-speed rotary sealing device. O-ring in addition to O-type but also have triangular, rectangular, D-type, T-type, square, heart-shaped, X-type, five edge type, olive and so on, the product temperature, high pressure, corrosion-resistant wear resistance. O-ring is mainly used to seal gas oil and water repellent preservative to prevent leakage. O-ring seals, generally use nitrile rubber, natural rubber, chloroprene rubber, ethylene-propylene rubber, fluorine rubber, silicone rubber, and blends and manufacturing. The company imports high-quality raw materials, Yong with precision production machinery and testing equipment, professional development, production and service team to provide customers with high-quality seals. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Sunshine State Ming Plastic Co., Ltd.
Employee Number:
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Contact Person: Mr. Lifeng Ting()
Telephone Number: 0633-6439998
Company Address: Louzhen on stream in the village of Lanshan District, Rizhao City, Shandong Province, Rizhao City, Shandong Province, China
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