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Mining equipment urethane rubber wheel tank ear

Mining equipment urethane rubber wheel tank ear
Mining equipment urethane rubber wheel tank ear
Mining equipment urethane rubber wheel tank ear

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Company:Luoyang Shenyang Mining Machinery Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Mining equipment urethane rubber wheel tank ear
Update Time:2015-04-30
Price Description: RMB/
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Polyurethane elastomer has abrasion resistance, chemical resistance, tensile strength, high flexibility, high pressure load, high abrasion strength, shock absorption, resistance to tearing, radiation-resistant, high strength, high load and shock absorption buffering good performance. Also has a wide range of hardness from Shore A10-D75. Widely used in metallurgy, mining, petroleum, automobiles, building materials, heavy machinery, large stamping equipment. Main products:, polyurethane sieve, tub meet, scraper, monkey wheels, sheave pads, bushes, conveyor belt, Plum pad Features 1, wear resistance, and is 3-5 times the normal rubber. 2, wide range of hardness, Shore A10 to D75. 3, oil, corrosion resistance, solvent resistance. 4, high-expansion strength and tear strength. 5, high flexibility, low compression set. 6, good metal adhesion welcome calls to order, large favorably (according to buyer requirements) wheel tank ear as a vertical mine container wheel tank ear, its structure consists of a base, swiveling arm, the wheel , buffers; wheel tank ear with China mine currently in operation is characterized by lifting the container to replace the new roller guides provide convenient conditions, widely used in mining, coal and other industrial production sectors. Wheel tank ear Features: 1, to replace the traditional hydraulic buffer buffer structure, large carrying capacity, smooth operation, high reliability, long life, easy maintenance and adjustment. 2, chassis and other components using new materials, higher overall structural strength, impact resistance. 3, the buffer is reset pressure is small, can effectively avoid the roller and cage guide abnormal collision. Passes through the lever on the shock absorber tube, also play a guiding, cushioning and stability. Road and Cage tank by the sliding friction into rolling friction, thereby reducing the power consumption, reduce noise, jars and cans ear road wear is also greatly reduced. Thereby, increase the pot life of road and Cage. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Luoyang Shenyang Mining Machinery Co., Ltd.
Employee Number:
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Contact Person: Mr. Han Kaitao(Sales Manager)
Telephone Number: 0379-60175996
Company Address: Luoyang City, the area on the eastern side of King City Avenue Platinum will 1- * Room 1-908, Luoyang City, Henan Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 471000
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