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Dalian professional white worker scraping paint brush wallpaper white

Dalian professional white worker scraping paint brush wallpaper white
Dalian professional white worker scraping paint brush wallpaper white
Dalian professional white worker scraping paint brush wallpaper white

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Company:Dalian scraping white paint brush
Information Name: Dalian professional white worker scraping paint brush wallpaper white
Update Time:2015-04-29
Price Description: RMB/
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Soviet master 13,478,568,531 professional scraping white paint brush scraping white second-hand housing renovation how much of a paint brush. Primary treatment; elimination of white, works to eradicate all white. To shovel clean. [As white is very good, smooth surface, solid, not peeling off the powder can not rob] II. Interface processing. Whitewashing walls restrain Wall Links View Have rust [nail steel head] If yes, then make up to use the machine destroyed plaster, ceiling high places, with the cornea polished. III. Crack treatment, Scraping plaster; view room, ceiling and wall cracks. Under normal circumstances, each has a spout, it must be affixed to the bandage. There gypsum board molding plaster bandages must be affixed to the plaster and white is very different. Before Scraping white, plaster work is; all places adhesive bandage, gypsum board, cement surface leveling blow straight. Good to be scraped plaster and plaster scratch. Gypsum advantage over white high hardness easy leveling and fast drying. . . IV. Scraping and white is very important, at least twice. To have blown the first pass, do not tainted under. After the first pass live, to check whether the roof and walls rust spots. Scraping second time to light. White End live, should be ventilated (with machine live material, quality will be better) five. Do protection; with newspaper to avoid the whole place on paint wrap. VI. Sandpaper; sandpaper scraping white polished very important part. Determine the final results! ! Seven. Brush [spray] paint, white minimal brush (spray) on both sides. Colored to three times. I suggest that the workers [the builder] to carefully calculate the amount of paint. Because the brush [spray] paint effect, scraping the last white overall effect. Paint effects directly affects the overall net effect of scraping scraping white white gypsum board prices no modeling. 8 yuan per square meter. Gypsum board molding 9 dollars per square meter. There are white on the walls, poor quality, to be off closure. The house did not look. 8 yuan per square meter. House great styling 9 yuan per square meter hardcover (high decoration) negative angle elastic line, the sun angle on foot, wall flat, slit posted two bandages 10-15 yuan per square meter specifically for Price prevail! ! ! ! Excellent quality and reasonable prices improved submitted follow-up services to win everyone's reputation welcome new and old customers call to discuss 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Dalian scraping white paint brush
Employee Number:
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Contact Person: Mr. Su double()
Telephone Number: 13478568531
Company Address: Shahekou Taishan, Dalian City, Liaoning Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 100060
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