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Shandong Jining buoy paint preservative paint acrylic paint chimney beacon

Shandong Jining buoy paint preservative paint acrylic paint chimney beacon
Shandong Jining buoy paint preservative paint acrylic paint chimney beacon
Shandong Jining buoy paint preservative paint acrylic paint chimney beacon

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Company:Jining defender Bao Chemical Technology Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Shandong Jining buoy paint preservative paint acrylic paint chimney beacon
Update Time:2015-04-29
Price Description: RMB/
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Heavy anti-corrosion paint the chimney beacon buoy buoy paint Acrylic paint plant dedicated beacon buoy paint paint paint factory Jining buoy prices Contact: Liu 15,163,799,593 13,562,751,230 buoy paint has a very good weather resistance and good heat resistance, cold resistance, the film bright fullness , the service life of up to 10 or more, is an excellent performance of anti-corrosion coatings, and advanced coatings. Construction method may buoy paint brush or roller construction methods. Surface treatment ① concrete surface should be smooth and without loose animals, no oil and adhesion of the debris, such as uneven surface, apply putty batch embedded smooth; ② new concrete surface strength requirements only after reaching the curing coating; ③ concrete surface must be dry, moisture content of not more than 6%; ④ old paint should be removed loose surface film, has seriously chalking coatings should be clean and polished by hand before coating. Construction matters ① theoretical amount: 140 g / m2 / times. ② dry film thickness: about 40 μm. ③ dilution: a thinner (5% -8%). ④ Drying time (25 ℃): Table dry, 0.5 h; hard work: 24 h. ⑤ Recoat time: at least 2 h. Buoy widely used in outdoor chimney outer wall paint, steel, pipes and overhead signs of architectural objects, decorative and corrosion. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Jining defender Bao Chemical Technology Co., Ltd.
Employee Number:
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Contact Person: Mr. Liu Zhenying(Sales Manager)
Telephone Number: 0537-1111111-1 0537-1111110-1
Company Address: Hongxing Road East, , Shandong Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 273500
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