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Pressure steam sterilization biological indicators

Pressure steam sterilization biological indicators
Pressure steam sterilization biological indicators
Pressure steam sterilization biological indicators

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Company:Beijing Anjie Long Technology Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Pressure steam sterilization biological indicators
Update Time:2015-04-29
Price Description: RMB/
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? Scope of Victoria brand ME biological indicators in steam sterilization at 121 ℃ under applicable exhaust pressure steam sterilizer, 132 ℃ ~ 134 ℃ pre-vacuum or pulsating vacuum pressure steam sterilizer, 134 ℃ ~ 136 ℃ Monitoring autoclave desktop or cassette autoclave sterilizing effect of monitoring and the pharmaceutical industry, hospitals and other industries preparations used in the production of sterilization effect. Product Description ME- biological indicators in steam sterilization by means fat thermophilic bacilli (ATCC 7953) Bacillus sheet, restore Medium and tubes. Bacteria sheet bacterial content of 5.0 × ~ 5.0 × cfu / piece. Biological indicators of resistance in line with international standards and national standards: both in the role of saturated steam at 121 ℃, the survival time ≥3.9min, killing time ≤19min, D 10 value of 1.3 ~ 1.9min. When using the method used, the biological indicator placed in the center of the standard test kits or items to be sterilized package center, placed in the position of the hard disinfection sterilization by the sterilization temperature and time specified will be sterilized. ??? 2 sterilization is completed, immediately remove the biological indicator, cover upward vertically held in the hand, with a special toolholder broken pipe ampoules, let bacteria culture fluid outflow immersion piece, placed in 56 ℃ incubator or support cultured micro-culture 24 hours of observation preliminary results, the final result was observed 48 hours ??? prescribed at least a month to conduct a sterilization biological indicator monitoring results. ??? Results determine biological indicators of culture bromocresol purple broth from purple to yellow clear liquid clear liquid that is expressed the growth of bacteria, it is determined sterilization failure; broth remains clear liquid purple sterile growth, while positive control in the normal growth of Bacillus stearothermophilus that is a clear liquid broth from purple to yellow clear liquid, judged to be sterilized qualified. ??? Note 1. biological indicator tube removed from the sterilizer or after removal from the refrigerator, the need to sit at room temperature for about 10min, then clip broken ampoule to avoid excessive heat or cold outer tube clip broken. ??? PH value of the second liquid medium is less than 7.0 or higher than 7.5, can make stearothermophilus not grow; ???? 3 culture temperature must be between 56 ℃ ~ 65 ℃, or can lead to thermophilic fat bacilli poor growth, or not grow. ??? 4 after sterilization, biological indicator in a liquid medium pressure steam sterilized before color comparison is shallow, was significantly pale purple, this change is a normal phenomenon. ??? 5 with recovery broth at 56 ℃ incubation time is too long (over 72 hours), the positive control tube yellow broth easily subside, gradually drying medium, it should be observed every day, ready to record culture results. ???? Six biological indicators in at 4 ℃ preservation. ?? Specification 20 / box 
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Company Name: Beijing Anjie Long Technology Co., Ltd.
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Contact Person: Mr. Zheng Yang(Sales Manager)
Telephone Number: 010-68888276
Company Address: 6 Old Town Road, , Beijing, China
Zip/Postal Code: 100041
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