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Marking laser engraving plastic additive

Marking laser engraving plastic additive
Marking laser engraving plastic additive
Marking laser engraving plastic additive

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Company:Dongguan Exhibition Jiyuan New Material Technology Co.,..
Information Name: Marking laser engraving plastic additive
Update Time:2015-04-29
Price Description: RMB/
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Laser marking additive effect is made of a plastic material components will inevitably want to mark some of the logo, graphics, fonts, and the like of the manufacturers and product information parameter descriptions. However, due to the plastic material of the base, there will be marked with a laser mark when burnt graphic mode is not clear, not high degree of recognition. Join the plastic laser marking additive effect will increase after Obviously, a good solution to the above problems, and physical properties of the substrate itself essentially no impact indicators. Plastic laser marking additive is suitable for all types of plastic plastic laser carving effect is not ideal, font color unsightly, or laser engraving is not on, while increasing laser engraving marking speed, marking increase efficiency, improve productivity, increase efficiency . Plastic laser marking additives scope include PP, PC, PBT, PA, TPU, PS, PE, ABS and other resin products laser engraving black carved white, black carved gold, color carving black, white carved black. Join plastic laser marking additives during injection molding, and plastic pellets can also be pumped directly into the laser engraving material can be granulated. There is a need and want to know this product friends are welcome to inquire Dongguan Exhibition Jiyuan, Mr Tang, telephone 134 1830 6525 QQ266 2507 735 increase in exhibition Jiyuan independent production of laser engraving of plastic materials in the original and modified plastics Powder | laser powder | plastic additives increase laser engraving laser engraving powder, laser carving out after molding is white or black (black keyboard is carved out of white, carved out of white keyboard is black), no longer colored. Guangdong powder supply high-quality laser engraving, laser carving powder manufacturer, laser carving powder prices, high quality laser engraving powder wholesale / procurement, plastic laser carving powder selected Rui Hong chemicals, plastic materials made of components will inevitably want to mark some of the logo, graphics, fonts, and the like of the manufacturers and product information parameter descriptions. However, due to the plastic material of the base, there will be marked with a laser mark when burnt graphic mode is not clear, not high degree of recognition. After adding plastic laser carving powder effect will increase very significantly, a good solution to the above problems, and physical properties of the substrate itself essentially no impact indicators. Plastic laser carving powder applicable to all types of plastic plastic laser carving effect is not ideal, font color unsightly, or laser engraving is not on, while increasing laser engraving marking speed, marking increase efficiency, improve productivity, increase efficiency. Plastic laser carving powder Scope include PP, PC, PBT, PA, TPU, PS, PE, ABS and other resin products laser engraving black carved white, black carved gold, color carving black, white carved black. When added to plastic injection molding laser carving powder, plastic pellets can also be pumped directly into the laser engraving material can be granulated. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Dongguan Exhibition Jiyuan New Material Technology Co.,..
Employee Number:
Annual export:
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Contact Person: Mr. Tang Zhihao(Business Manager)
Telephone Number: 0769-89775960
Company Address: Buxin based Industrial Park Road on the 3rd 1 Fenggang Town, Dongguan City, Dongguan City, Guangdong, China
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