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45% Prochloraz - tyranny mango anthracnose, grape anthracnose disease cure

45% Prochloraz - tyranny mango anthracnose, grape anthracnose disease cure
45% Prochloraz - tyranny mango anthracnose, grape anthracnose disease cure
45% Prochloraz - tyranny mango anthracnose, grape anthracnose disease cure

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Company:HSBC Australia Jiangsu Agricultural Science and Technol..
Information Name: 45% Prochloraz - tyranny mango anthracnose, grape anthracnose disease cure
Update Time:2015-04-29
Price Description: RMB/
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Product Name: 45% Mi amide active ingredient content: 45% amide microphone Features: Mi amide efficient, broad-spectrum, low toxicity fungicides, with uptake, the multiple roles of preventive and protective treatment, containing prochloraz as imidazole broad-spectrum fungicide. By inhibiting sterol biosynthesis work with the uptake in plants, the disease control effect Ascomycetes and imperfect fungi cause of good. Using gene induction technology, activation of plant disease resistance genes, the absorption is strong, quick result is good, the persistence of up to two weeks. General Use Prevention fruits and vegetables anthracnose, leaf spot, but also the control of rice Bakanae , rice blast, citrus anthracnose, rot, Penicillium, green mold, banana anthracnose, leaf spot, anthracnose mango, peanut leaf spot, peppers, eggplant, melons, tomatoes and other vegetables anthrax, strawberries anthrax, Bakanae disease, blast, Sclerotinia, leaf spot, leaf spot, anthracnose apple, pear scab disease. Specifications: 100ml × 40 bottles of 300ml × 20 bottles Dosage: Spraying diluted 750-1500 times Note: 1, Mi amide safety interval of seven days, at most quarterly crop spraying 2-3 times. 2, control the storage temperature and humidity, good ventilation and disinfection of storage room. 3, the FDA treated fruits should harvest the same day day medication. 4, fruit heap thickness of not more than 30 cm, fruit packing, the better. 5, the product is toxic to fish, do not pollute ponds, rivers or ditches. 6. Wear protective equipment when using, wash hands and face after use. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: HSBC Australia Jiangsu Agricultural Science and Technol..
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Lixiao Xue(Sales Manager)
Telephone Number: 025-86872269 025-18751848663
Company Address: Liuhe District of Nanjing, Jiangsu Province town of bamboo industrial park, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 211501
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