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Luo Manwa quality, Tongwa in Jiaozuo Aoxiang Porcelain

Luo Manwa quality, Tongwa in Jiaozuo Aoxiang Porcelain
Luo Manwa quality, Tongwa in Jiaozuo Aoxiang Porcelain
Luo Manwa quality, Tongwa in Jiaozuo Aoxiang Porcelain

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Company:Jiaozuo Aoxiang Porcelain Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Luo Manwa quality, Tongwa in Jiaozuo Aoxiang Porcelain
Update Time:2015-04-29
Price Description: RMB/
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Jiaozuo City Austrian Cheung Porcelain Co., Ltd. - Three roof tile Contact Phone: 0391-7879326 Wang: 15239131088 QQ: 250481786 A good building throughout its life cycle must be well sheltered, roof tile That is its essential protection coat. In terms of housing, roof tile has the following three aspects of the function. First, the rain leak. After the roof covered with tile roofs should be covered tightly, the rain and the roof is well isolated, no matter how much or under the rain long, despite big wind are not allowed rainwater to penetrate the house, otherwise it will damage the decoration and facilities within the house that you can not live use, but also damage the entire housing structure, and even the end of its life. Therefore, once the leak will bring a lot of trouble and infinite trouble. Therefore leak is the first important functions. Tile to a good rain leak-proof, not easy. Human civilization has its own, that tried various ways to the building when rain. But for thousands of years, although the use of a wide variety of materials and tile, still has failed to solve this problem, or to solve expensive but not universal. Until recent decades, it was the development of color cement tile, solves the problem of housing leak. Not a tile can be a good leak. Such as tile structure is irrational, leakage effect that is poor. Compared with Single-slot tile tile, single-slot open in the corrugated tile joints and lap tight and firm the highest point, the gap is very small, the formation of "S" type joints, afraid of side wind, rain was dropped into the water seams trench little water will not leak. Dual-slot tile is not the case, since the joint opened in corrugated Banpo at the amount of water is 20 to 30 times as much, easily leak when wind storm. In addition to the structure, the impact of the leak-watt impermeability also great. Poorly equipped craft simple small tile factory can not produce a high density of tiles, seepage rate, continuous rain, rain that is penetration tile body, from the back drop of the infiltration of the house. Only technologically advanced equipment technology manufacturers to pay attention to make a high-density tile, no matter how long continuous rain the tiles are not allowed to water seepage, leak-proof and reliable. 2, thermal insulation. With the improvement of people's living standards, living conditions, higher demands natural, comfortable living that is one of the important indicators. To comfort, thermal insulation properties must be good houses, roof tile on bears this responsibility. Finite thickness of the tile itself, just one centimeter more, this can not rely on insulation, thermal insulation thanks to tile tightly closed under that layer of air, seal survived death, better insulation, otherwise the gap is not much effect this layer. It is like the double glass insulation for the same reason, although only one layer between two layers of glass with a thin layer of air, but as long as the four sides sealing too strict, insulation effect will be very good. If all sides to take the air will not be effective. Watts, too, large production of tile, size, accuracy, reasonable lap structure, not Alice does not song, like a whole after setting up, seal tight, rain and wind in addition to good, but naturally play a very good heat insulation . Small factory tile, especially dual-slot tiles have been eliminated, it is difficult lap tight, insulation performance necessarily bad. Both the insulation effect will be worse 3 ℃ ~ 4 ℃ much. So when the election must take tile tile lap to see if tight. 3, decorative. Build houses to do the same clothes, in addition to wearing a certain hope look chic and beautiful. Color cement tile is the house of "coat", colors and tile design tile, paving the quality of the building's appearance plays a decisive role. Roofing This "coat" more important than the human cloak much. Not beautiful coat wearing inappropriate, you can immediately change a tile is not the case, that such inappropriate, changing tile easier said than done, is expensive and work, housing the "coat" to wear is a few decades. Thus the election watt be cautious, do not save a little money momentary missed the event, regret! 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Jiaozuo Aoxiang Porcelain Co., Ltd.
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Contact Person: Mr. Sumei()
Telephone Number: 0391-7879326
Company Address: Jiaozuo City Xiuwu County, Henan, Jiaozuo City, Henan Province, China
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