2013--2018 China's electrical lighting operation of the market dynamics and investment valuation report
2013--2018 China's electrical lighting operation of the market dynamics and investment valuation report
2013--2018 China's electrical lighting operation of the market dynamics and investment valuation report
2013--2018 China's electrical lighting operation of the market dynamics and investment valuation report ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------〗 〖Report No. 70883〗 〖completion date of August 2013 〖delivery〗 EMIL electronic version or EMS reporting format〗 〖〗 〖paper version: 6500 yuan〗 〖electronic version: 6800 yuan 〖paper + electronic]: 7000 yuan (price discount) 〖Order〗 010-56205768 Phone 〖〗 QQ Service 1271943744, 24 hours: 18,211,180,815 〖Contact〗 〖Zhao Yingying source link〗 http://www.hjwxyjy.com/jixiedianzi/dianqiyiqiyuqicai/70883.html (click see text) [Report Contents] Chapter 1: China Lighting Industry Lighting Industry Development Review 1.1 Definition and Classification 1.1.1 industry concepts and definitions 1.1.2 industry's major product categories of 1.2 Lighting Industry Statistical Standards 1.2.1 Lighting Industry statistical offices and statistical methods 1.2.2 Lighting Industry Statistics 1.2 .3 Lighting Industry data types Chapter 2: Lighting industry chain Lighting Industry Analysis 2.1 Introduction 2.2 downstream industry chain Lighting Industry major downstream industry chain analysis 2.2.1 port infrastructure, tunnels and other analysis (1) port , infrastructure status quo (2) in port construction and other facility tunnel electrical lighting needs analysis) port lighting appliances procurement model 2) port lighting products feature 3) Port Engineering Procurement Case Studies Lighting & Electrical (3) port construction planning and the potential demand for electrical lighting Analysis of Current Situation 2.2.2 Tunnel Construction (1) Tunnel construction (2) tunnel lighting appliance needs analysis) tunnel lighting appliances procurement model 2) tunnel lighting products feature 3) tunnel lighting electrical engineering procurement case study (3) Tunnel construction planning Analysis of the potential demand for appliances and lighting 2.2.3 Analysis of urban road construction (1) urban road construction status quo (2) Urban road lighting electrical needs analysis 1) Urban road lighting appliances procurement model 2) Urban road lighting products feature 3) urban road project Lighting & Electrical Purchasing Case Studies (3) urban road construction planning and analysis of the potential demand for electrical lighting 2.2.4 city of ten thousand engineering analysis (1) Ten thousand ten cities Current status (2) city of ten thousand engineering electrical lighting needs analysis 1) city ??of ten thousand engineering lighting appliances procurement model 2) city of ten thousand engineering lighting products feature 3) The city of ten thousand engineering lighting Electric Procurement Case Studies (3) city of ten thousand engineering further planning 2.2.5 Analysis of the real estate industry (1 ) status of the real estate industry (2) Real estate industry electrical lighting needs analysis 1) Real estate industry lighting appliances procurement model 2) Real estate industry lighting products feature 3) Lighting Appliance purchase real estate industry case studies (3) real estate development planning and potential electrical lighting automobile manufacturing industry needs analysis 2.2.6 Current Situation (1) Automotive Industry (2) Automotive manufacturing electrical lighting needs analysis 1) Car manufacturing lighting appliances purchasing patterns 2) the automobile manufacturing industry lighting products feature 3) Car manufacturing industry Lighting & Electrical Purchasing Case Studies (3) automotive manufacturing industry trends and analysis of the potential demand for electrical lighting 2.3 Lighting Industry upstream industry supply chain analysis of tungsten and molybdenum market operations 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 RE market operations analysis copper market Steel Market Operations Analysis 2.3.4 Analysis of operations analysis 2.3.5 Analysis 2.3.6 Development of the glass industry plastics industry development trends 2.3.7 energy supply and price situation Chapter 3: Lighting Industry Market Environment Analysis 3.1 Industry Policy Environment 3.1.1 Analysis of industry-related policies and regulations 3.1.2 electrical lighting industry development plan economic environment 3.2 Industry 3.2.1 Analysis of international macroeconomic environment analysis 3.2.2 Analysis of domestic macroeconomic environment Macroeconomic environment analysis 3.2.3 Industry 3.3 Industry Demand Analysis 3.3.1 Industry Demand for trend analysis, industry needs coordination 3.3.2 3.4 3.4.1 Analysis of industry trade environment industry 3.4.2 Development Status trading environment the industry's business environment, industry development trends 3.5 Social Environment 3.5.1 Industry Development and Social Economy regional imbalances 3.6 technology industry environment analysis 3.6.1 industry's major product technology gap with the international development 3.5.2 Development of energy-saving and environmental protection issues facing the industry 3.5.3 The industry's main product technology gap with foreign countries (1) Activity (2) cause International Lighting Industry new technology trends (2) Domestic electrical lighting industry, new technology trends in Chapter 4 and the main reason for the industry's main products 3.6.2 New technology trends gap between foreign products (1): 2012--2013 the Lighting Appliance Industry The main economic indicators. Analysis 4.1 China Lighting Industry Development 4.1.1 Development of China Lighting industry overall overview 4.1.2 The main features of China Lighting Industry 4.1.3 Industry 4.2 Analysis of economic factors 2009- June 2013 industry operating 4.2.1 Analysis of industry management benefit analysis 4.2.2 Profitability Analysis 4.2.3 Industry sector operators the ability to analyze industry solvency analysis 4.2.4 4.2.5 Industry development capacity analysis 4.3 2009- June 2013 industry supply and demand balance analysis 4.3 .1 overall supply industry supply analysis 4.3.2 Analysis of the regional total demand of industry analysis 4.3.3 4.3.4 4.3.5 Analysis of the regional demand for 2005- June 2013 industry sales rate analysis 4.4 2013 1-5 Analysis of monthly operational status 4.4.1 Lighting Industry Analysis 4.4.2 Industry production scale industry capital / labor-intensive industry analysis 4.4.3 Lighting Industry sales analysis 4.4.4 Analysis of the industry cost structure 4.4.5 Industry Lighting Industry profit and loss analysis Chapter 5: 2012 electrical lighting sub-industry development analysis 5.1 2012 light manufacturing sector operating conditions of the light manufacturing industry 5.1.1 5.1.2 Scale and light manufacturing industry production 5.1.3 light manufacturing industry demand 5.1.4 light manufacturing industry supply and demand balance 5.1.5 light manufacturing industry financial operations 5.1.6 light manufacturing industry operating characteristics and Trend Analysis 5.2 2012 lighting manufacturing industry operating status analysis 5.2.1 Lighting manufacturing industry scale Analysis 5.2.2 Lighting manufacturing industry production in the manufacturing industry 5.2.3 Lighting 5.2.4 Lighting demand balance supply and demand in the manufacturing industry manufacturing industry 5.2.5 Lighting 5.2.6 Lighting the financial operations of the manufacturing industry, operating characteristics and trends 5.3 2012 5.3.1 Analysis of light analysis 5.3.2 Annex electric lamp manufacturing industry production 5.3.3 Annex electric lamp manufacturing industry with demand for electrical accessories manufacturing industry scale Annex electric lamp manufacturing sector operating conditions 5.3.4 Light analysis of electrical accessories manufacturing industry operating characteristics and trends with electrical accessories manufacturing industry supply and demand balance 5.3.5 Annex electric lamp manufacturing industry financial operations 5.3.6 Light Chapter 6: Situation Lighting Industry market competition and potential demand analysis 6.1 Industry general industry market competition analysis 6.2 Market analysis of international competition in the international lighting appliances market 6.2.1 Development 6.2.2 International Lighting appliances market competition 6.2.3 International Lighting appliances market development trend analysis 6.2.4 Multinationals in China market Investment Distribution (1) GE Lighting's investment in China layout analysis (2) Philips Lighting investment in China layout analysis (3) Osram layout analysis 6.2.5 Investment in China's multinational companies in China Competitive Analysis 6.3 Industry 6.3 Analysis of competition in the domestic market .1 domestic competition Lighting Industry Analysis 6.3.2 China Lighting Industry Concentration Analysis (1) industry sales concentration analysis (2) industry concentration analysis of assets (3) industry profits concentration analysis 6.3.3 Domestic Lighting Industry domestic market size analysis 6.3.4 Lighting Industry Regional Analysis 6.3.5 Lighting Industry centralized bargaining power to analyze the potential domestic threat 6.3.6 Lighting Industry Analysis 6.4 Industry investment in mergers and reorganization and integration of investment analysis 6.4.1 Lighting Industry Merger and restructuring 6.4.2 General lighting appliances integrate foreign enterprises to invest in mergers and reorganization and integration 6.4.3 Domestic electrical lighting investment mergers and reorganization and integration 6.4.4 Lighting Industry Investment mergers and reorganization and integration features judge 6.4.5 Lighting Industry Merger and restructuring dynamic investment 6.5 Industry 6.5.1 potential market and development of space industry and third tier cities market analysis (1) Industry tier cities market development (2) Industry tier cities the consumption characteristics of market analysis (3) second and third tier cities market potential industry analysis 1) Population Family Number 2) income and consumption levels 3) urban development planning 4) industry product demand forecasting (4) Industry tier cities Market Restraints (5) second and third tier city market building industry analysis 1) NVC expansion strategy 2) Philips Industry rural market expansion strategy 6.5.2 Current Situation (2) Industry rural market consumption characteristics (3) Industry rural market potential 1) (1) Industry rural market development and population number of households 2) income and consumption levels 3) demand for products industry forecast (4) the industry to expand the rural market impediments Chapter 7: Lighting industry status and trends segment analysis 7.1 LED lighting market analysis 7.1.1 International Lighting LED Industry Analysis 7.1.2 Development of domestic LED lighting industry overview 7.1.3 LED lighting industry market operation analysis (1) 2012 LED lighting industry management benefit analysis (2) 2012 LED lighting industry profitability analysis (3) 2012 LED lighting industry operating capacity analysis (4) 2012 LED lighting industry solvency Analysis (5) 2012 LED lighting industry development capacity analysis 7.1.4 LED lighting technology LED lighting technology analysis of international development (1) International LED Lighting Patent distribution (2) International Lighting LED technology development (3) White (4 ) domestic LED lighting technology development (5) epitaxial technology development of chip (6) packaging technology level of development (7) technology development and application 7.1.5 LED lighting industry development trend analysis 7.2 LED lighting applications 7.2.1 LED lighting applications market structure 7.2.2 LED general lighting applications analysis (1) LED general lighting applications development survey (2) white LED lighting applications in the lighting market (3) LED lighting with fluorescent illumination as part of the more (4) the promotion of LED general lighting profile (5 ) Promotion difficulty LED general lighting (6) LED general lighting market outlook analysis 7.2.3 LED landscape lighting applications (1) LED Landscape Lighting Development Overview (2) LED landscape lighting market (3) LED landscape lighting problems (4) LED landscape lighting market potential analysis 7.2.4 LED safety lighting Application (1) LED lamp Features (2) LED lamp market growth (3) LED lamp market overview (4) LED lamp market competition analysis (5) LED lamp market trends analysis 7.2.5 LED street light analysis (1) street lighting market share (2) LED lights cost analysis (3) LED street lamp market size analysis (4) LED street lamp market potential analysis 7.2.6 Other LED lighting market Analysis (1) Special lighting market analysis (2) portable lighting market analysis (3) Car fluorescent lighting market analysis 7.3 Current Situation 7.3.1 Market Situation international fluorescent lighting Fluorescent lighting domestic market development 7.3.2 7.3.3 lamp domestic market Fluorescent lighting industry output and prices 7.3.4 fluorescent lighting industry profitability (1) fluorescent lighting industry costs (2) fluorescent lighting industry profit level 7.3.5 fluorescent lighting industry is facing problems of development (1) Pollution (2) Raw materials Fluorescent problem 7.3.6 Application (1) fluorescent lighting universal civil status quo (2) fluorescent lighting business analysis 7.4 HID xenon lamp market analysis 7.4.1 HID xenon lamp lighting market overview 7.4.2 HID xenon lamp advantages 7.4.3 HID xenon lamp Application (1) HID Xenon lamp for automotive applications (2) HID xenon lamp street light 7.4.4 HID xenon lamp consumer survey (1) consumer access to information (2) Consumers Buy (3) consumers concerned factor 7.4 .5 HID xenon lamp trends Chapter 8: Lighting Industry Industry Cluster 8.1 Guzhen Lighting Appliance Industry Cluster 8.1.1 Guzhen Lighting Appliance industrial cluster model (1) Market spontaneous type (2) Source - Production creation type 8.1.2 Electric Industrial lighting Zhongshan Guzhen Lighting Development Mode 8.1.3 Electric Industrial cluster size (1) Zhongshan Guzhen Lighting Appliance industrial clusters company size (2) Zhongshan Guzhen Lighting Appliance industrial cluster scale (3) Zhongshan Guzhen Lighting Appliance industrial cluster scale 8.1.4 Guzhen Lighting Electric Industrial Cluster 8.1.5 Guzhen Lighting Electric Industrial Cluster Policy Support 8.2 Shenzhen LED lighting industry cluster analysis 8.2.1 Shenzhen LED lighting industry cluster formation mode 8.2.2 Shenzhen LED lighting industry cluster size (1) Shenzhen LED lighting industry cluster company size (2) Shenzhen LED lighting industry cluster production scale (3) Shenzhen LED lighting industry cluster technology scale 8.2.3 Shenzhen LED industry cluster advantages 8.2.4 Shenzhen City LED industry cluster policy support 8.3 Lighting Appliance Industry Cluster in Yangtze River Delta Yangtze River Delta 8.3.1 Lighting Electric Industrial Cluster Development Mode (1) Technical Support (2) export support 8.3.2 Yangtze lighting Electric Industrial cluster size (1) Yangtze River Delta Lighting Appliance industrial clusters company size (2) Yangtze lighting appliances industry cluster production scale (3) Yangtze lighting appliances industrial cluster scale lighting 8.3.3 Yangtze Electric Industrial Cluster Development 8.3.4 Yangtze lighting problems faced Electric Industrial Cluster Policy Support Chapter 9: Lighting industry marketing strategy and consumer purchases Lighting Industry Analysis 9.1 Analysis of the main marketing channels 9.1.1 building materials market channels (1) building materials market channels (2) Classification traditional building materials market channels (3) new chain of building materials City Channel (4) building materials market covering the status quo (5) the advantages and disadvantages of building materials market analysis (6) building materials market sales channels Lighting City Case Study 9.1.2 (1) covering the status of a large city lights (2) Lighting City sales advantages and disadvantages ( 3) Lighting City Case Study 9.1.3 brand outlets selling channels (1) Direct channel brand development status (2) Brand Advantages and Disadvantages of Direct Sales (3) Brand Case Study 9.1.4 Direct e-commerce channels (1 ) Status (2) advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce sales (3) case studies of e-commerce sales 9.1.5 Lighting electrical chain sales channel (1) Current Situation lighting appliances chain sales (e-commerce development 2) lighting appliances chain sales advantages and disadvantages ( 3) lighting appliances chain sales Case Analysis 9.1.6 Joint cross-industry sales (1) Furniture lighting joint formal analysis (2) Real estate fixtures form of association analysis (3) cross-industry joint marketing advantages and disadvantages of product marketing for Lighting Industry 9.2 Current Situation 9.2 .1 marketing concept marketing strategy Vacancy Vacancy 9.2.2 9.2.3 9.2.4 Marketing Executive Marketing Management Vacancy Vacancy Vacancy 9.2.5 9.2.6 Marketing marketing tactics "brain" Absence of electrical lighting consumers buy 9.3 Psychological considerations survey 9.3.1 consumers to purchase consumer purchasing channel selection 9.3.2 9.3.3 9.3.4 consumer access to information consumer style preferences Lighting Industry 9.4 Analysis of the main marketing strategy 9.4.1 Prices 9.4.2 Promotion Strategy Public Policy Strategies 9.4.3 9.4.4 9.4.5 Show Policies advertising strategy 9.4.6 Service Policy Chapter 10: Lighting Market Analysis of the overall regional sales structure of the industry in key areas of industry analysis 10.1 10.1.1 industry overall features regional structures 10.1 .2 industry regional industry concentration analysis 10.2 10.2.1 Analysis of key areas of production and marketing in North China Lighting Industry marketing analysis (1) Beijing Lighting Industry marketing analysis (2) Tianjin Lighting Industry marketing situation analysis (3) Hebei Province Lighting Industry marketing analysis (4) in Shanxi Province Lighting Industry sales analysis (5), Inner Mongolia sales Lighting Industry Analysis 10.2.2 southern China Lighting Industry marketing analysis (1) Guangdong Province Lighting Industry marketing situation (2) Analysis of Guangxi Lighting Industry sales analysis 10.2.3 East Lighting Industry marketing analysis (1) Shanghai Lighting Industry marketing analysis (2) Jiangsu Province Lighting Industry marketing situation analysis (3) Zhejiang Lighting Appliance industry sales analysis (4) Shandong Province Lighting Industry marketing analysis (5), Fujian Province Lighting Industry sales analysis (6) Lighting Industry in Anhui sales analysis (7) Jiangxi Province Lighting Industry sales analysis 10.2 .4 central China Lighting Industry marketing analysis (1) Hubei Province Lighting Industry marketing analysis (2) sales in Hunan Province Lighting Industry Analysis (3) Henan Province Lighting Industry in Northeast China sales analysis 10.2.5 Lighting Appliance industry sales analysis (1) Jilin Province Lighting Industry marketing analysis (2) Liaoning Province Lighting Industry marketing situation analysis (3), Heilongjiang Province Lighting Industry sales analysis 10.2.6 southwest China Lighting Industry marketing analysis (1 ) Sichuan Province Lighting Industry marketing analysis (2) sales of Chongqing Lighting Industry Analysis (3) Guizhou Province Lighting Industry sales analysis 10.2.7 northwest Lighting Industry marketing analysis (1) Shaanxi Province Lighting Industry production and marketing situation analysis (2) Gansu Province Lighting Industry marketing situation analysis (3) Qinghai Lighting Industry sales analysis (4) Xinjiang Lighting Industry sales analysis Chapter 11: Lighting Industry Import and Export Market Analysis 11.1 Lighting Industry Lighting Industry Import and Export Summary 11.2 11.2.1 Export Market Analysis 2009-2013 analysis of industry exports in June (1) 2009 June 2013 Lighting Industry's total exports (2) 2009 June 2013 Lighting Industry export Product Structure Analysis 11.2.2 2013 January-June export industry analysis (1) 2013 January-June export industry as a whole (2) 2013 January-June export structure 11.2.3 industry sectors in major exporting countries and regions 11.3 Lighting Industry Import Market Analysis 11.3.1 2009- June 2013 import industry analysis (1) 2009 June 2013 total imports of Lighting Industry (2) 2009 June 2013 Lighting Industry Structure Analysis of imported products 11.3.2 2013 January-June imports industry analysis (1) 2013 January-June imports of the overall situation of the industry (2) 2013 January-June imports industry structure 11.3.3 industry's major importing countries and regions 11.4 Lighting Appliance Lighting Industry recommends 11.4.1 export prospects and recommendations 11.4.2 Lighting Industry import prospects and suggestions Chapter 12 import and export prospects and industry: Analysis of Lighting Industry Analysis main production and operation of electrical lighting business development 12.1 General Condition 12.1.1 Lighting Electric Industry Company size 12.1.2 Lighting Industry industrial output status 12.1.3 Lighting Industry sales revenue and profit 12.2 light manufacturing industry leader Case Study 12.2.1 OSRAM (China) Lighting Co., Ltd. Analysis (1) Business Development Brief analysis (2) business and marketing capacity analysis (3) solvency analysis (4) the ability to analyze business operations (5) profitability analysis (6) business development capacity analysis (7) product mix and new product trends (8 ) business sales channels and networks (9) business situation SWOT analysis (10) Analysis of the latest corporate developments 12.2.2 Shanghai Zhen Xin Electronic Engineering Co., Ltd. Analysis (1) Enterprise Development Brief analysis (2) business and marketing capacity analysis ( 3) solvency analysis (4) the ability to analyze business operations (5) profitability analysis (6) business development capacity analysis (7) product mix and new product trends (8) business sales channels and networks (9) Business SWOT analysis business conditions 12.2.3 Electric Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Ruifeng analysis (1) Enterprise Development Brief analysis (2) business and marketing capacity analysis (3) solvency analysis (4) the ability to analyze business operations (5) Business Profitability Analysis (6) business development capacity analysis (7) product mix and new product trends (8) business sales channels and networks (9) SWOT analysis of business conditions 12.2.4 Xiamen Topstar Lighting Co., Ltd. Analysis ( 1) Enterprise Development Brief analysis (2) business and marketing capacity analysis (3) solvency analysis (4) the ability to analyze business operations (5) profitability analysis (6) business development capacity analysis (7) and new product structure Product Trends (8) business sales channels and networks (9) business situation SWOT analysis (10) Merger and restructuring corporate investment analysis (11) Analysis of the latest corporate developments 12.2.5 Philips Lighting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Analysis (1 ) Enterprise Development Brief analysis (2) business and marketing capacity analysis (3) solvency analysis (4) the ability to analyze business operations (5) profitability analysis (6) business development capacity analysis (7) product mix and new product Trends (8) business sales channels and networks (9) business situation SWOT analysis Chapter 13: Lighting industry development trend analysis and forecasting 13.1 China Lighting market trends 13.1.1 China Lighting market trend analysis (1) Lighting electrical product trends (2) electrical lighting technology trends (3) lighting appliances sales channel trend 13.1.2 China Lighting Market Forecast 13.2 Lighting Industry Investment Characteristics 13.2.1 Lighting Industry Analysis entry barriers (1) Technical Barriers to Trade ( 2) product quality barrier (3) channel barriers (4) environmental barriers 13.2.2 Lighting Industry Profit Model 13.2.3 Lighting Industry Profit Factors 13.3 China Lighting Industry Investment Advice 13.3.1 Lighting Industry Investment Risk Analysis 13.3 .2 investment advice Charts Chart 1: Lighting industry chain Introduction Figure 2: 2001- June 2013 Ports Fixed Assets Investment (Unit: 100 million) Exhibit 3: 2012 LED lighting street lights installed capacity (Unit: one thousand) Chart 4: 2012-2013 21 Number of cities LED street lighting installation (Unit: one thousand) Chart 5: China accounts for each chip manufacturer street light LED lighting market share (unit:%) Table 6: LED Lighting Power localization ratio (unit:%) Figure 7: 2002- June 2013 Chinese construction industry output value accounted for the proportion of GDP (unit:%) Chart 8: 2004- June 2013 Chinese construction industry output and growth (Unit: 100 million,%) Figure 9: 2004- June 2013 China's construction industry over the years and the growth rate of new contract amount (Unit: 100 million,%) Chart 10: 2007-2013 June 10 month's national real estate sales Cumulative area and growth (Unit: 100 million square meters,%) Chart 11: 2007-2013 10 June home sales floor space growth (unit:%) Figure 12: 2004-2013 8 June total investment in real estate and growth (Unit: 100 million,%) Chart 13: 2004-2013 8 June estate investment growth by industry (unit:%) Figure 14: 2004-2013 8 June the real estate industry and the land development area Growth (Unit: million square meters,%) Chart 15: 2004-2013 8 June acquisition of the real estate industry and increase the land area (Unit: million square meters,%) Chart 16: 2002- June 2013 September the real estate industry sentiment index Figure 17: 2012-2013 January-October car sales comparison (Unit: million units,%) Chart 18: Monthly June car sales trend 2004-2013 (unit: million units) Exhibit 19: Local governments plan the development of new energy vehicles at a glance Exhibit 20: 2002- June 2013 Chinese tungsten concentrate production and growth (Unit: million tons,%) Chart 21: 2004-2013 Jun Jul domestic tungsten concentrate prices (Unit: yuan / ton) Figure 22: top five molybdenum reserves of countries (Unit: million tons) Figure 23: 2009- June 2013 and September, the growth rate of Chinese molybdenum concentrate production (unit: tons,%) Chart 24 : 2012-2013 China in November of molybdenum concentrate price movements affect a number of major events of rare earth prices Exhibit 27:: (Unit: yuan / ton degrees) Exhibit 25: 2012-2013 rare earths China in November 2012, the price index on chart 26 six months in each month and year on year growth of refined copper production (unit: million tons,%) Chart 28: 2012-2013 along the Yangtze River spot copper price (Unit: yuan / ton) Chart 29: 2009-2013 June 7 month LME copper price changes and inventory changes (unit: tons and $ / tonne) Chart 30: July 2012 production of steel-related products Summary (Unit: million tons,%) Chart 31: 2012-2013 China in September steel exports (Unit: million tons,%) Chart 32: 2012 January to September China construction steel exports (unit:%) Chart 33: 10-Month - June 2013 September five varieties of steel social total inventory (Unit: tons,%) Chart 34: 2006 - June 2013 September steel prices index change Chart 35: 2009-2013 8 June industrial scale glass industry (Unit: one, million, billion,%) Chart 36: 2009-2013 8 June glass industry production (Unit: 100 million,%) Chart 37: 2012- September 2013 flat glass producer price index Chart 38: 2012- June 2013 China's PVC output and operating rate (unit: million tons,%) Chart 39: 2012- June 2013 Chinese PVC apparent consumption (Unit: million tons,%) Chart 40: 2012- July 2013 domestic PVC prices (Unit: yuan / t) Chart 41: 2009- June 2013 May China LLDPE prices (unit: yuan / ton) Exhibit 42: 2012 domestic polypropylene production capacity (Unit: million tons) Chart 43: 2012-2013 9 May the country and increase generating capacity (Unit: billion kWh,%) Chart 44: 2012 January-September the country's electricity generating capacity of various power structures in specific gravity (unit:%) Chart 45: and five major European countries country debt situation (unit: 100 million euros,%) Chart 46: Countries austerity plan and the main content of the target chart 47: US economic engines - consumption growth (unit:%) Chart 48: Japan, Germany, the economic engine - a rebound in exports (unit: %) Chart 49: Major national economic recovery --GDP year (unit:%) Chart 50: 2004- June 2013 Lighting Industry GDP and accounting (unit of GDP: 100 million,%) - Ms. Gao --------------------------------- 〖Contact〗 〖Order〗 010-56205768 Miss Zhao〗 〖QQ 1271943744 24: 18211180815
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Company Name: | Yabo in Beijing Institute of Information Consulting Co... |
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Contact Person: | Mr. Zhao Ying(Sales) |
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Zip/Postal Code: | 100000 |
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