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Learn to drive, quick, three days to learn, 4 sky car

Learn to drive, quick, three days to learn, 4 sky car
Learn to drive, quick, three days to learn, 4 sky car
Learn to drive, quick, three days to learn, 4 sky car

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Company:Guangzhou Dr East Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Learn to drive, quick, three days to learn, 4 sky car
Update Time:2015-04-29
Price Description: RMB/
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Why is there such a big drive right market? 1, students who learn to drive fret not consume money? Who is not time-consuming to learn to drive? Who learn to drive without gas? Who does not learn to drive half the material? Who do not want to learn to drive free and easy? Who do not want to learn new skills to learn to drive? 2. Driving Driving teaching not fuel worries Which? Driving teaching does not consume Which car? Driving is not distressed student Which coach damaged car? Which you do not want to reduce the cost of upgrading Driving profit? Which driving school students do not want to drive the car will operate? Which driving school students do not want to learn to drive through rate of 100%? "Friends of Friends riders driving it," solve all problems! Chain drive it to join the effort to support the opening of the seven support: provide free store design and a full set of SI, sales training, unified promotional materials, promotional items, full marketing, operational guidance promotional Training: Friends of Friends riders with a set of effective promotional training system. Various sales and marketing activities of the operating guide, to help you refine ad hoc regional market distribution Support: Provides full pricing for the franchisee to long-term supply, uniform distribution, opening support free advertising materials, free advertising supplies Promotion Director: according to the actual market Availability provides marketing, sales management, store management, advertising, store service and other aspects of sales promotion guidance products guarantee: full nanny service, a unified national service system to ensure timely supply of products, provide new services and other forms of support learn to drive support, training in one step! Fuel-efficient, environmentally friendly, efficient, market gaps, a small investment to grab a big market! Driving across the country the number of participants exceeded 15 million per year. The average level city of more than 30,000 participants / year. As a basic survival skill in the 21st century, the annual number of school vehicles continues to increase, driving test into people's basic needs. In the United States, the European driving license is equivalent to important documents, the development of unlimited space, a vast expanse driver training market. In accordance with the drive joined mode, each student who earned an average of $ 100, each prefecture-level city is 3 million / year revenue. Even at 10%, the millionaire is you. Content with, then drive it to open in the county, the average student in the county more than 5,000 people, the monthly income of over 10,000 good easy. Friends of Friends riders driving it, to win in the high-speed economic development in the starting line car Contact: Contact: Miss Jiang Mobile: 13250264169 QQ: 1943855768 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Guangzhou Dr East Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Employee Number:
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Contact Person: Mr. Miss Jiang()
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Company Address: Canton, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
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