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Samsung 46-inch LCD stitching 46-inch LCD 3.5mm patchwork stitching big screen LED backlight

Samsung 46-inch LCD stitching 46-inch LCD 3.5mm patchwork stitching big screen LED backlight
Samsung 46-inch LCD stitching 46-inch LCD 3.5mm patchwork stitching big screen LED backlight
Samsung 46-inch LCD stitching 46-inch LCD 3.5mm patchwork stitching big screen LED backlight

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Company:Shenzhen million letter of Science and Technology Co., ..
Information Name: Samsung 46-inch LCD stitching 46-inch LCD 3.5mm patchwork stitching big screen LED backlight
Update Time:2015-04-29
Price Description: RMB/
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Samsung 46-inch LCD stitching 46-inch LCD 3.5mm patchwork stitching big screen LED-backlit LCD factory in Shenzhen Xu Shuo 24-hour hotline 13265666051 QQ2365298571 welcome to inquire. Aspect 46-inch ultra-slim bezel LCD splicing (patchwork 6.7MM) Super Narrow LCD Video auxiliary equipment, such as achievements, but also make the user feel the industry by surprise. As we all know, in the traditional large-screen process, the central processor is the entire video wall mosaic work of running the core equipment, a complete image signal needs to be divided after the central processor can be assigned to each of the video display unit, thus completing the super ultra-HD processing screen display tasks. For this reason, users in the purchase of a stitching unit, you also need to pay huge costs brought about by the auxiliary equipment, as well as more professional operation and maintenance. The application of the Samsung ultra-high definition image management system, effectively reducing the operating costs of the video wall to solve the long-standing users. It uses a new ultra high-definition videowall distributed image processing system, through built-in modules, can be completed in just a network cable to connect between each stitching unit, completely out of the traditional reliance on large-screen display system central processor. Not only to become more simple stitching, but also for the user to save a huge amount of operational and maintenance costs. In addition, the Samsung headquarters reporter also saw its second-generation Internet technology application building blocks, so stitching easier and convenient. Users can not only easily like building blocks splicing LCD screen, you can achieve more modeling on demand, multi-angle, multi-functional three-dimensional stitching, to achieve the best display picture results in a limited space for the viewer to bring more Strong visual impact efforts. 46-inch Super Narrow LCD Video (patchwork 6.7MM) Super Narrow LCD splicing technology LCD products relative to DLP products, PDP products in effect, the advantages of technical parameters, and is already well-known fact, do not say. Let me talk about the focus of the two major advantages in the field of large-screen display has. 1, a combination of sizes, more flexible LCD various size range, size random. LCD mosaic wall, in addition to the number of arbitrary choice splicing [line (m) × column (n)], the size of the screen also has a variety of options, and can be mixed stitching, which meet the needs of different places. We know that, in addition to bring the whole mosaic wall screen large screen display, but also to achieve multiple small screen display. For example mosaic wall, a traffic control center, the more time required to achieve all monitoring points while viewing the screen, when a monitoring point appears abnormal situation, you can quickly zoom to full screen for the monitoring center all at the same view. This requires practice, mosaic wall in the big picture and the small picture should have reached a good display. DLP rear projection and PDP plasma splicing wall, the cell size large size, some up to 100 inches or 150 inches, which is certainly the big picture when displaying certain procedures to reduce the seam, but because of its low resolution, if Use Quad, achieve the purpose of display multiple pictures, the effect is far from ideal, but also due to increased equipment costs and the stability of the system have caused a great impact. As a result, DLP mosaic wall for display only a big screen, while the number of monitoring points still need to use a small screen LCD monitor or other display monitors, signal switching frequency, the effect is far from ideal. Samsung 46-inch LCD Video @ 46-inch LCD stitching large screen LCD factory in Shenzhen 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Shenzhen million letter of Science and Technology Co., ..
Employee Number:
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Contact Person: Mr. Xu Shuo()
Telephone Number: 0755-27338959
Company Address: Shenzhen, Guangdong, Shenzhen City, Guangdong, China
Zip/Postal Code: 518103
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