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Safety of power cabinet specific size? Security tool cabinet capacity? ESD Tool Cabinet Ⅸ

Safety of power cabinet specific size? Security tool cabinet capacity? ESD Tool Cabinet Ⅸ
Safety of power cabinet specific size? Security tool cabinet capacity? ESD Tool Cabinet Ⅸ
Safety of power cabinet specific size? Security tool cabinet capacity? ESD Tool Cabinet Ⅸ

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Company:Jinzhou City, Hebei Five Star Electric Equipment Co., L..
Information Name: Safety of power cabinet specific size? Security tool cabinet capacity? ESD Tool Cabinet Ⅸ
Update Time:2015-04-29
Price Description: RMB/
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Safety of power cabinet specific size? Security tool cabinet capacity? Anti-static electricity security tool cabinet cabinet Ⅸ specific size? Security tool cabinet capacity? Anti-static electricity security tool cabinet cabinet Ⅸ specific size? Security tool cabinet capacity? ESD Tool Cabinet Ⅸ ※ Contact: Wu Jing Qiao ※ ※ phone: 18332463262 ※ ※ QQ: 1758515483 ※ ※ Tel: 0311-80934262 ※ ※ Fax: 0311-84319730 ※ in the domestic power industry, the widespread use of insulated tools for live working or operation. Insulated tools after wet insulation performance decline, strict endanger the safety of maintenance personnel. Existing measures are made of wood or iron cabinet or insulated tools stock room were stored or custody insulated tools. Wood, iron tools, cabinets do not have the long-term effect of constant moisture, easily damp, but the Treasury investment, high energy consumption, slow the drying process, especially less insulated tools unit, there is no need to build insulated tools warehouse. My company's products -JH smart security tool cabinet, effectively solve the above problems, the majority of users are welcome. Recently, Aohan Banner Rural Power investment of nearly a hundred million yuan, which is configured to supply, substations and other productive sectors of the smart security tool cabinets, tool cabinets of the security of its security intelligence system can quickly check issuance auxiliary safety equipment, receive use regular inspection and other intelligent management, safe production of the good of the "first hurdle." Perform with this tool cabinets, mainly to further regulate global security tool to manage the application of modern intelligent CNC measures to ensure the safe use of security tools convenient device, with it, industrial equipment out of storage at a glance, the work is more time-saving, and on the tool control The maintenance plus a defense to avoid the man-made destruction, greatly improving the integrity of the rate of industrial equipment, ancillary to control the security apparatus of the "; secure"; use pass smart security tool cabinet made of high quality steel plate whole volume molding , the overall shape of modern industrial control cubicle style, surface spray, sealing reach EN60529 / IEC529 standard protection class -IP5 level; the front door glass observation, easy observation, and equipped with courtesy light, right door equipped with display and control the operation panel (ADZ-3/4-type), real-time display of temperature inside and outside the cabinet, the humidity, and equipment operation. Bottom of the tank fitted with four casters and positioning screw; Roof with four hanging glass, easy to transport. Applications: Widely used in a variety of voltage levels substation, centralized control station, line work area and the power company call center and other units and departments, and to adapt to the use of different temperature and humidity areas. Products: The project is based on temperature and humidity control system as the core, and dedicated to the storage means live working safety equipment; electrical cabinets, computers and control systems and insulated tools dedicated storage devices and other components. Product functions and features: 1, to provide a suitable insulated tool storage environment to keep it dry, insulated tools storage environment to meet the requirements of national standards (GB / T18037) a. 2, can be stored at the same time insulating rod, electroscope, grounding wire, insulated gloves, insulated boots, belts, gas masks, insulated wire, insulation baffles, shielding clothes and other tools supplies, so utilization. 3, depending on the placement needs, choose a different internal structure assembling methods, the use of a suitable place; people are different according to insulation tooth size, choose a different product specifications to meet the needs placed. 4, with tools to remove the cases of a completely non-condensing function. 5, at a lower energy consumption, affordable and timely manner on the insulated tools dehumidification drying, to adapt to the rapid re-use. 6, products using scientific adjustment algorithm, and the more limited independent temperature and humidity control circuit can be implemented more alarm, automatic settings, automatic power control and other items with a manual of functions. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Jinzhou City, Hebei Five Star Electric Equipment Co., L..
Employee Number:
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Contact Person: Mr. Wu Jing Qiao(Sales)
Telephone Number: 0311-80934262
Company Address: Jinzhou City, Hebei Province, Shijiazhuang No. 124 Chaoyang Street, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 052260
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