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Benefits Kerui Sen 17 inch 8 KVM switches in the engine room applications

Benefits Kerui Sen 17 inch 8 KVM switches in the engine room applications
Benefits Kerui Sen 17 inch 8 KVM switches in the engine room applications
Benefits Kerui Sen 17 inch 8 KVM switches in the engine room applications

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Company:Shenzhen City four Wei Kerui Technology Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Benefits Kerui Sen 17 inch 8 KVM switches in the engine room applications
Update Time:2015-04-29
Price Description: RMB/
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Kerui Sen 17-inch eight KVM Switch KVM-1708 as Kerui Sen of selling products in all walks of life can be seen in the engine room applications unique figure, so its role in the end how strong it to: First, the 17-inch 8 KVM switches feature Four control platform set eight switches, LCD monitors, mouse, keyboard and touch one, drawing folded 1U height, so that the waste cabinets, interface devices and building space reduced minimum, effectively reducing the cost of business equipment room. Second, the 17-inch 8 KVM switches as Four control room applications platform, has a small lock, keyless Four control platform is unable to open, and all administrators have both a password and only small keys Four in order to control platform via the Control Manager server, effectively improve the security of the entire system solution. Third, the 17-inch 8 KVM switches can be connected to 256 servers, so in the future to increase the room needed new server, as long as the purchase of the appropriate KVM switches, you can directly access by cascading series of eight switches to Control Manager So it is very good scalability. These are just a KVM-1708 conventional advantage in the engine room applications, in certain scenarios there are special advantages here is not introduced one by one to tell you, if there is a need to know, please contact us! 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Shenzhen City four Wei Kerui Technology Co., Ltd.
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Contact Person: Mr. Hu()
Telephone Number: 0755-88876668-0131 0755-88876668
Company Address: Xili Town, Nanshan District, Lau Sin Road ASDC Building, Room 2014, East Block, 703-705, , Guangdong, China
Zip/Postal Code: 518000
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