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Quality support pellet machine pellet mill production line Huaibei Lee Heavy Equipment Factory Certified

Quality support pellet machine pellet mill production line Huaibei Lee Heavy Equipment Factory Certified
Quality support pellet machine pellet mill production line Huaibei Lee Heavy Equipment Factory Certified
Quality support pellet machine pellet mill production line Huaibei Lee Heavy Equipment Factory Certified

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Company:Gongyi City Station Street Sanli heavy equipment plant
Information Name: Quality support pellet machine pellet mill production line Huaibei Lee Heavy Equipment Factory Certified
Update Time:2015-04-29
Price Description: RMB/
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Biomass pellet machine Category: biomass pellet machine is divided into flat die pellet mill biomass and biomass ring die pellet machine and update the product vertical ring die pellet mill. Sanli heavy equipment factory is a research, development, manufacture and sales of vertical ring die pellet mill manufacturers, in order to repay our customers, we deliberately summed up vertical ring mold particles machine routine maintenance work, hoping to help everyone. 1, regular inspection parts, once the movable portion inspection worm, worm, lubricate bolts on the block, bearing turn flexibly and wear month, found that defects should be repaired in time, can not be reluctant to use. 2, vertical ring die pellet mill should be placed on a clean dry indoor use, shall not contain acids and other corrosive gases on the body circulation places in the atmosphere. 3, vertical ring die pellet mill or stop after use, should be Remove the rotary drum for cleaning and residual powder will clear brush in the bucket, and then loaded properly, prepare for the next use. 4, when the front and rear rollers ran occur at work, please M10 adjustment screws on the front bearing soldier position. If the gear shaft ran occur, please adjust the bracket M10 screw back into place, adjust the gap to the bearing noise occurs, turn the hand pulley, elastic appropriate appropriate, too tight or too loose all make this machine occurs the possibility of damage. 5. Deactivate a long time, the machine body must be wipe clean, glossy coated parts of the anti-rust oil, cover with a cloth Punta good. Ring mold core part of the wood pellet machine is a ring mold, ring mold to improve the ring die wood pellet machine product quality and yield, reduce energy consumption, reduce production costs (loss of a ring mold costs account for the entire production plant maintenance costs by 25% -30%), and other aspects of great impact ring die wood pellet machine ring mold in the design of the main points to note: 1, the diameter of the ring mold and the ring mold effectively suppress width parameter determination 2, determine the speed of the ring mold: Ring mold speed and geometric parameters of the machine itself (roll number, die diameter, depth etc.) 3, roller diameter is determined: the same ring mold, the pressure stick greater diameter, type between the ring mold and the press club The larger triangle formed by extrusion range, the more conducive to compression 4, ring mold material and heat treatment: ring mold usually made of carbon steel, alloy steel and stainless steel by forging, cutting, drilling, heat treatment processes 5, ring mold pore structure, compression ratio, roughness and ring die bore processing equipment 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Gongyi City Station Street Sanli heavy equipment plant
Employee Number:
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Contact Person: Mr. Wang()
Telephone Number: 0371-64406688
Company Address: Zhengzhou, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, China
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