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Dynamic DNS remote monitoring router EUNVL5498

Dynamic DNS remote monitoring router EUNVL5498
Dynamic DNS remote monitoring router EUNVL5498
Dynamic DNS remote monitoring router EUNVL5498

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Company:Zhengzhou Ruike Electronics Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Dynamic DNS remote monitoring router EUNVL5498
Update Time:2015-04-29
Price Description: RMB/
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(A) provide lifetime free Dynamic DNS, the most important thing is very stable, platform support, Telecom, China Unicom, education network, mobile and other lines (b) support the routing function, can completely replace routers (c) does not require a fixed IP , no peanut shells, easy remote. ADSL is just your way PPOE dial-up connections can achieve what you want remote access (d) 802.11N 150M wireless transmission, wap1 / 2 encryption, anti-rub network. (E) remote management, no matter where you are, you can manage This router that supports remote management (vi) access the internal network more easily, whether it is the body where, as long as you want to access your corporate intranet designated computer , the keyboard can access a knock (vii) remote video surveillance platform, companies or enterprises demonstrated a mirror, just enter the domain name, all in the eyes. (Viii) software remotely, providing fixed domain name, so your software Connecting to a remote terminal, more convenient, remote mind. (Ix) QOS flow control management, guaranteed bandwidth (x) firewalls, to ensure network security customer groups: First, the software provider. Super, POS chain, medical, financial, OA and other chain ERP, specializing in solving customer remote SQL data transmission. To think fast, Branch vein, Tiger, Mei-Ping, Budweiser, speed up, number housekeeper, UFIDA, Kingdee and other business management software provides remote connectivity shipped to platform two, monitoring construction providers. As DVR, video servers, digital cameras provide video transmission for remote monitoring three, intelligent home users on ADSL lines. Remote video, signal control, remote control provide the platform 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Zhengzhou Ruike Electronics Co., Ltd.
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Contact Person: Mr. Xu Health()
Telephone Number: 0371-63705488
Company Address: Zhengzhou, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, China
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