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Wisdom home video switch AV405 intelligent home system host matrix set-top box to share

Wisdom home video switch AV405 intelligent home system host matrix set-top box to share
Wisdom home video switch AV405 intelligent home system host matrix set-top box to share
Wisdom home video switch AV405 intelligent home system host matrix set-top box to share

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Company:Home music smart home
Information Name: Wisdom home video switch AV405 intelligent home system host matrix set-top box to share
Update Time:2015-04-29
Price Description: RMB/
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Why do I say this device can help you save money and ease of use? For example, you expect to install 5 TV, but at home usually will simultaneously open living room and bedroom TV also about a total of 2-3 sets, then your set-top box altogether reported installation 2-3 (radio and television set-top boxes, telecommunications iTV, network play machine, satellite set-top boxes and so can) completely enough for everyday use, the other room to watch TV can show the connected devices, thus saving 2-3 room TV set-top boxes other acquisition costs and annual fees. You know, a few hundred dollars to buy a set-top box, digital TV, for example an annual fee ranging from 300 yuan a year is to save 2 5 TV set-top box device to count: first-year savings = (buy set-top boxes The annual fee of several hundred dollars + 300 yuan) × 2 table =? After saving = annual fee 300 yuan × 2 units = 600 yuan! Not only to television periphery no messy wiring and furnishings, fresh lot. No matter what you have installed and later playback device, as long as AV interface can make all the TV can watch (such as DVD players, monitoring, etc.)! Only exchange host embedded a UTP cable to each room TV can be! A device the whole family can watch. Only one set-top box to watch a variety of programs at the same time questions: a set-top box only to see a show! No formal manufacturers can break (policy does not allow), the market did not make a set-top box device while watching a variety of different programs. For more details, click on: http: //item.taobao.com/item.htm spm = a1z10.1.w3.3.iyRboB & id = 16159160720 & Tel 13487261954 QQ283271268? 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Home music smart home
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Contact Person: Mr. Yang()
Telephone Number: 13487261954
Company Address: Yichang, Yichang City, Hubei, China
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