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Point cool blue glass membrane foil anti-

Point cool blue glass membrane foil anti-
Point cool blue glass membrane foil anti-
Point cool blue glass membrane foil anti-

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Company:Shenzhen Yida Fenghua Optical Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Point cool blue glass membrane foil anti-
Update Time:2015-04-29
Price Description: RMB/
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Anti-utility function 1 blue protective film, anti-blue eye injury: to prevent vision 380um to 420um caused by high-energy shortwave blue deepened. 2, anti-skin produce melanin: to prevent drying of the skin caused by UV-reflecting cause skin pigmentation, melasma, after the chamber will absorb ultraviolet light incident on the screen and transformed, not reflected. 3, the RF prevent eardrum damage nerves: filter all electrical energy into electromagnetic radiation energy is not completely transformed energy generated when electromagnetic radiation energy in the presence of electromagnetic waves, ultraviolet rays. Anti-ray is the market's newest mobile phone film of a screen protector, compared with the conventional protective film, which in addition to and scratch resistant, waterproof, dustproof, and its most unique is the anti-blue. It prevents 380um to 420um high-energy short-wave blue light damage to the eyes caused vision deepen; at the same time, it can also prevent dry skin caused by UV-reflecting cause skin pigmentation, melasma, thereby protecting the skin from harmful blue light to reach the eye with the phone double protection. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Shenzhen Yida Fenghua Optical Co., Ltd.
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Contact Person: Mr. Yang Lei()
Telephone Number: 0755-27179935
Company Address: Guangming District, Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Jiazitang the 7th road-Tech Park, Building A, third floor, Shenzhen City, Guangdong, China
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