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2014 New play equipment Carousel Ocean Zhengzhou Wang Tak large play equipment

2014 New play equipment Carousel Ocean Zhengzhou Wang Tak large play equipment
2014 New play equipment Carousel Ocean Zhengzhou Wang Tak large play equipment
2014 New play equipment Carousel Ocean Zhengzhou Wang Tak large play equipment

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Company:Zhengzhou City, Wang Tak Playground Equipment
Information Name: 2014 New play equipment Carousel Ocean Zhengzhou Wang Tak large play equipment
Update Time:2015-04-29
Price Description: RMB/
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1, luxury turn horse in use and pre-service operator must go through a rigorous training. 2, in the post should be familiar with this job business knowledge and skills. 3, luxury turn horse every day to be good security check before operating. 4, before and after the test machine running the business at least twice, to confirm everything is normal, to boot business. 5, to the amusement of tourists detailed rules, self-control aircraft control methods and related considerations. Declined by controlled aircraft does not meet the conditions for visitors to participate in recreation activities. 6, guide the tourists properly seated, is strictly prohibited overcrowding, not partial load, fasten your seat belts. 7, luxury turn horse rides to maintain order, to discourage tourists away from the security fence. 8, before starting the first-ringing prompt confirmation before boot time without any danger. 9, luxury Carousel controlled aircraft in operation, the operator is prohibited without undergo. 10, pay close attention to visitors dynamic, time to stop unsafe behavior of individual tourists. 11, luxury turn horse inspection of the carrier material, ancillary equipment and playgrounds to ensure their orderly, clean, no security risks. 12, security fence around the unit distance of 1 meter. 13, luxury Carousel good day functioning of the controlled aircraft records. 14, ambient noise standards should be executed in accordance with the GB 3096. 15, reasonable amusement park (field) layout, the environment clean and beautiful, no high grassland areas and green abandoned district. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Zhengzhou City, Wang Tak Playground Equipment
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Li Jingnuo(Sales)
Telephone Number: 0371-64909111
Company Address: Zhengzhou Xingyang high Mamura Liu Walled Village, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 450100
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