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Kind of viable probiotics probiotic feed additive

Kind of viable probiotics probiotic feed additive
Kind of viable probiotics probiotic feed additive
Kind of viable probiotics probiotic feed additive

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Company:Henan Shengda Animal Pharmaceutical Co.
Information Name: Kind of viable probiotics probiotic feed additive
Update Time:2015-04-29
Price Description: RMB/
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Probiotic feed additive viable probiotics Probiotics types: one can improve the intestinal flora balance, exert beneficial effects on animals and live microbial feed additives. China has also been translated in prebiotic, probiotics or translated Zhongshengmycin, live streptozotocin. (More farming expertise, animal drugs purchase advice: Zhang Chong 15515564239 QQ: 185279708) prebiotics and probiotics: probiotics include probiotics not only, also include the prebiotic substances, it mainly refers to oligosaccharides and some the host can not be digested and absorbed, able to selectively activate one or more of the body's beneficial bacteria growth and reproduction, thereby improving the health of the host material. In animal husbandry, the main means of probiotics feed additives, and probiotics broader connotation was an eco preparations. The current feeding probiotics are generally divided into four categories: the genus Bacillus, lactic acid, yeasts, complex. In the market, most products to the genus Bacillus. Can probiotics and antibiotics used together in the end? What kind of stands to reason that probiotics are good probiotic live bacteria, antibiotics can not be a useful, but the opportunity to mix in feed, the direct contact is not too much, some people think that can be used simultaneously. This aspect of the debate is more, the traditional theory: probiotic bacteria such as Lactobacillus, Bacillus and other sensitive to antibiotics, it can not be used simultaneously with antibiotics; however, many recent experiments show that probiotics and antibiotics can be combined but there are synergies between them, Chong suggested that probiotics use, (1) first with antibacterial drugs clean intestines, probiotic colonization and reproduction remove obstacles, then taking probiotics; (2) Know the concentration of probiotics tolerance antimicrobial agents, joint use within the tolerable concentrations, such as chlortetracycline 80ppm, lincomycin at 4ppm or less, it can be used in combination. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Henan Shengda Animal Pharmaceutical Co.
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Contact Person: Mr. Zhang Chong()
Telephone Number: 0371-56662277
Company Address: Zhengzhou, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, China
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