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Acres beneficial microbial fermentation Shaoshui em powder pigs preservation technology and methods

Acres beneficial microbial fermentation Shaoshui em powder pigs preservation technology and methods
Acres beneficial microbial fermentation Shaoshui em powder pigs preservation technology and methods
Acres beneficial microbial fermentation Shaoshui em powder pigs preservation technology and methods

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Company:Acres benefits of biotechnology companies
Information Name: Acres beneficial microbial fermentation Shaoshui em powder pigs preservation technology and methods
Update Time:2015-04-29
Price Description: RMB/
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The role of beneficial bacteria Acres series and ingredients ⑴, Acres beneficial probiotic series, more vigor, vitality bacteria per gram of 12 billion, five times the general probiotics, is 120 times EM bacteria. ⑵, Acres beneficial probiotic series add strong anion penetrant, starch α- of fixing agents, flavoring agents, as well as multi-flavored herbal preparations, general probiotics without these substances to produce a probiotic solution additives have flavoring agents, acidifiers, probiotics, yeast, enzymes, amino acids, multi-dimensional, natural antibiotic, immune factors promote long like other effects. ⑶, fermented feed Acres benefits: vigor strong, EM, glucoamylase and other ferment strictly fermentation of moisture, temperature, and other environmental requirements, the failure rate is high, and agricultural Beverly fermentation probiotics series of simple, rarely fails. ⑷, Acres beneficial straw feed conversion: Usually Stover agent only straw fiber to soften and break down straw can not improve nutrition, and agricultural Beverly probiotic series can not only straw fibers soften, break down, and softening, decomposition straw fermentation immediately make straw feed containing the significant increase in the amount of enzyme, not only more likely to eat the animals, and also significantly increase the rate of digestion and absorption. ⑸, a wide range of purposes, chickens, ducks, pigs, cattle, sheep, fish and other animals can be used, especially to eliminate the smell of the farm is very obvious, but also significantly higher than the famous EM effective microorganisms. On the silkworm breeding, farmers used once it was agricultural Beverly probiotics series of magical effects that serve the town. Biological feed ferment fermentation Shaoshui operating procedure: Ingredients: pigwash 1000 kg, 50 kg wheat bran (corn flour or bran, etc.), 2 kg of brown sugar. 2 bottles Acres beneficial feed ferment. Procedure: 1 First catty feed fermentation broth diluted with 20 kg of water. And 50 kg of wheat bran and stir, humidity around 50% (criterion, with the clutch one, forced into a lump grip, grip force it, the feeling between the fingers are wet, but not drop off). 2 with about 100 kg of water melted brown sugar (how much depends on the specific water Shaoshui humidity may be). 3 then marinated bran sprinkled evenly 1000 kg Okara, sprinkle again, again good brown sugar has melted water spray (if able to do so, can be stirred with a mixer, stir also can artificial). After stirring for 4 evenly in sealed containers (bags, tank, barrel fermentation tank, etc.) compacted sealed fermentation 3-5 days can be. 5 If Shaoshui too wet, then you can Jiamai bran or cornmeal to regulate humidity. Straw powder can also be used to replace, such as peanut straw, peanut shell powder. 6, the general ferment 3-5 days to smell the fragrant sour taste, the length of time depends on the specific fermentation outside temperature may be, about 1-2 days in the summer, spring and autumn days is about 3-5 days, 5-7 days in winter. After fermentation pigs Shaoshui benefits: 1, a substantial increase in the amount of dietary protein, the Acres benefit fermented feed energy is converted into bacterial protein feed, with the preparation of the full price of materials Shaoshui fermentation, can be reduced by about 50 percent protein feed The amount and do not fish, thus greatly reducing the cost of the full price of feed. 2, improve the nutritional level of the feed, it is growing ferment beneficial microflora can destroy the function of the plant cell wall feed, cellulose, pectin degraded to monosaccharides and oligosaccharides, and generate a variety of organic acids, vitamins, enzymes, unknown growth factor, greatly improving the nutritional level of fermentation products. 3, the removal of toxic substances Shaoshui, through microbial life activities of their own, so that hazardous substances contained Shaoshui is degraded and removed, thus greatly improving the feed safety, so that cottonseed cake and rapeseed cake can replace soybean meal use . 4, to improve disease resistance feed, Acres beneficial microorganisms into the digestion and absorption of direct involvement animal after animal intestines, which is more beneficial microbial flora prevent colonization of pathogenic microorganisms and growth and reproduction, restoration and maintenance of animal gut The micro-ecological balance, thereby improving immunity and disease resistance of animals. 5, increase the palatability of feed, Shaoshui color by this product fermented golden, feel smooth, sweet odor, taste good, it is suitable for raw feed, without cooking, saving fuel. 6, improve feed utilization by Acres beneficial animals fed fermented Shaoshui growing significantly better than traditional farming methods. Should welcome advice to buy Sales Tel: 13526405959 (Ada) QQ: 781577960 Company Website: www.yijiayi168.com personal Taobao shop: http: //shop67331531.taobao.com Acres benefits of Engineering Limited provide free technical information and CD honest recruit agents and dealers across the country support the company web site: http // www.yijiayi168.com office hours: Monday to Saturday: 8: 30--18: 30 Address: Zhengzhou City, Dongfeng Road and culture Road intersection Building 6 to 西米兰 Sunshine Acres benefits of biotechnology companies with the best products, the best service, the most preferential prices for the majority of farmers dried up service. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Acres benefits of biotechnology companies
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Contact Person: Mr. Ms. Cheng()
Telephone Number: 0158-37106125
Company Address: Zhengzhou, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 450000
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