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License plate recognition Intelligent Parking System Preferences Guangzhou Ding Song - Parking System Design

License plate recognition Intelligent Parking System Preferences Guangzhou Ding Song - Parking System Design
License plate recognition Intelligent Parking System Preferences Guangzhou Ding Song - Parking System Design
License plate recognition Intelligent Parking System Preferences Guangzhou Ding Song - Parking System Design

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Company:Guangzhou-tripod Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.
Information Name: License plate recognition Intelligent Parking System Preferences Guangzhou Ding Song - Parking System Design
Update Time:2015-04-29
Price Description: RMB/
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License plate recognition Intelligent Parking System Preferences Guangzhou Ding Song - Parking system design details, please contact Guangzhou-tripod Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Ding Song http://www.gzsongding.com parking license plate recognition system configuration main vehicle detection, image capture, license plate recognition and other parts. Parking the vehicle license plate recognition system uses motion video or still images license number, license plate automatic recognition of color pattern recognition technology. The hardware base generally includes a trigger device (monitor whether the vehicle came into view), video equipment, lighting equipment, image acquisition equipment, identify the license plate number of processors (such as computers), with its software core license plate location algorithm, character segmentation algorithm and include optical character recognition algorithms. Some parking license plate recognition system also has a video image to determine whether a car feature, called video detection. Triggering image acquisition unit when the vehicle reaches the detection section detects the vehicle, the current video image acquisition. License plate recognition unit for image processing, positioning the license location, and then license the characters split out for recognition, license plate number and the composition of output. Guangzhou Ding Song vehicle detection vehicle detection can be used underground coil detection, infrared detection, radar detection technology, video detection and other means. Using video detection to avoid damage to the road, without having to add external detection device, without correcting the trigger position, save money, and is more suitable for mobile, portable applications. Video vehicle detection systems, requires high processing speed and the use of excellent algorithm, image acquisition in a substantially non-drop frame, the process. If the processing speed, the lead frame dropping, so that the system can not detect a vehicle traveling faster, but also difficult to ensure a position in favor of recognition starts the recognition process, the recognition rate affect the system. Thus, the video vehicle detection and license plate recognition combined with a certain degree of technical difficulty. Number Identification Guangzhou Ding Song For license plate recognition, and requires the following basic steps: 1) A license location, location picture of the license plate location; 2) license character segmentation, to license the characters split up; 3) character recognition, dividing good character recognition, the final composition of the license number. The practical application, the recognition rate parking license plate recognition system is also closely related to the license plate quality and recording quality. Licence quality can be affected by various factors, such as rust, stain, paint peeling, font to fade, obscured license plate, license plate tilt, highlight reflective, multi-license, fake license, and so on; the actual filming process will also be the ambient brightness shooting mode, the vehicle speed and the like factors. These factors reduced to varying degrees, the recognition rate of license plate recognition, it is also where the parking difficulties and challenges license plate recognition system. In order to improve the recognition rate, in addition to continuously improve the recognition algorithm we should find a way to overcome a variety of lighting conditions, so that the collected images to identify the most beneficial. Vehicle license plate recognition in the management of the advantages of fixed completely solve the "Card Management", the case of a Caddo car, touch the card does not carry the case, the card is lost card replacement brought up card work; temporary vehicle license plate recognition in management The advantage of completely solve the "Card Management", the opportunity to charge personnel unobservant money to solve individual fixed cars in admission when malicious removal of temporary cards, resulting in continual loss of temporary card; system features: 1, automatic identification license plate number, automatic registration, automatic matching; 2, temporary vehicle automatic time charges have been registered vehicle automatic release; 3, LED screen display, voice prompts related information; 4, charging statistics, access to statistics, traffic statistics, history records check; 5, the case prompted an unlicensed vehicle and manually guide image matching; 6, managers, operators set different permissions; 7, to provide daily report, monthly reports, annual reports, vehicle type statements; 8, operator job log management. Device functions and connections: The device is connected intelligent parking management system (1) License Plate Recognition machine: identify the license plate number, vehicle capture photos, control peripherals via LAN access system; (2) vehicle detector (trigger): YES When the ambient light is insufficient: the car generates a trigger signal to inform the machine to capture the identification, direct access to external trigger input one machine;:; (3) information display (4) lights up for display by the vehicle-related information automatically open, shining upon capture; (5) The final set of equipment only the power cord and network cable connected to the system, no parking control panel; (6) universal joints, pole, bellows, outlet hole connectors, mounting brackets and other ancillary supplies; (7) After installing simply adjust the lens focus, configure network parameters, you can work, is factory set other parameters. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Guangzhou-tripod Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.
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Contact Person: Mr. Li Jian()
Telephone Number: 020-29849219
Company Address: Great 石镇官 Hang Industrial Road No. 8 B 4th Floor XINCHAO Xin Technology Park, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
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