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Bao'an District 6 cents ordered customized ordinary business card

Bao'an District 6 cents ordered customized ordinary business card
Bao'an District 6 cents ordered customized ordinary business card
Bao'an District 6 cents ordered customized ordinary business card

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Company:Shenzhen City three hundred sixty-nine Printing Co., Lt..
Information Name: Bao'an District 6 cents ordered customized ordinary business card
Update Time:2015-04-29
Price Description: RMB/
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Business cards constituent elements, elements belonging shape are: illustrations (like micro or decorative patterns) flag (pattern shape or text logo) Product name (standard font product, also known as synthetic character or trademark text) ornaments boxes, shading (landscaping layout, set off topic) 2, elements belonging to the text are: company name (including the full name of the company in English and business projects) slogan (in the form of a complete corporate style phrase) Names (English title, name ) Contact Information (English address, telephone, mobile phone, pager, fax number) 3, and other related elements: color (hue, value, chroma mix) choreography (text, the overall arrangement pattern) 4 exchange business cards individuals need printed business cards, printed business cards when, in his position that section should not be exaggerated, it is best printed a number of different cards, delivered in different occasions different card. In the business room, do not forget to bring business cards, business cards, business card holder should have a special storage, business card holder is best placed in the jacket chest bag, can not be placed pants pocket. When exchanging business cards is best to stand politely handed the other, if he is sitting, the other came, he should stand up and show respect, greet each other and then exchange business cards with each other. Low or lower status jobs or visiting people who first handed out business cards. If visiting other people, they should exchange business cards with the owner or the higher status people inside. With computer technology, fast Meng development, e-business cards become more popular, the exchange has become more convenient. Using a mobile phone business card recognition software to quickly identify the card and converted into electronic business cards, and generate personalized vCard page presentation, which can quickly share and exchange business cards, representative products: iein super business card Almighty King and so on, giving business cards and more multiple meanings. 5 Usage Guidelines Every time I see customers should be delivered to their cards, not just at the first meeting when the delivery card. To everyone a unit delivery business card, and not only to the owner of a delivery unit card. Delivery of two cards, instead of just delivering a business card. Please recipients will additionally turn a card to someone else. In each letter, birthday cards, holiday cards, and thank you letters placed two cards. Put two cards in each of the media kit. 6 special ritual in a place outside the United States and Canada, more generous, the more unrestricted distributed out your business card. In the international business, people can not only formally exchanged business cards, and cards also can be a very valuable record, recording people you meet, you and they are also the basis for further contact in the future. However, you must clearly recognize that in some cultures, the exchange of business cards is a certain special ritual (which, unlike in North America, people tend to informally exchange business cards). In Japan, exchanging business cards in the form and substance is as important as the process of exchanging business cards designed just like the action of the same ballet. Here are the steps: 1. With both hands, thumb and forefinger to hold the cards. When a business card, front to face the people who accept the card. But also slightly bowed, namely the head slightly lower. 2. The party must accept the cards nod thanked, while in the same way handed out his business card, then take some time to read the contents on the card carefully. The reason: the business card is your identity; it shows who you are, are doing, and for whom you work - the business card is your appearance. 3. Then, at the appropriate time, in these small rituals everyone also waved business card on his chest in order to identify the other party. 4. Try not to do mark or label on the card. In the Middle East and many countries in Southeast Asia, when handed a business card must use the right hand, never with your left hand, even if you are left-handed too. In these regions, the left hand is used to clean the body hygiene, it is considered "unclean" hands. In any culture does not take a business card tucked in clothes pocket. We have noticed a few sloppy Americans actually use the card as a toothpick to make! (Opposite the table, your client must be thinking: "! Hey that's my identity, not your toothpick"), a bilingual business cards when traveling in countries, some English is not universal, and some of knowledgeable visitors will use a Species printed in English on one side, the other side of the card printed with the local language of the country. Ensure that the same text print quality on both sides, so as not to inadvertently have implied the local language is suspected inferior language. In many cities, there are many aspects of this 24-hour service. If you go to a city like Tokyo or Hong Kong, but no bilingual business cards, then ask the hotel porter where there is such a service. Title In any case, you have to make sure you include full position and title. Select a title, both for local people understand and can most accurately reflect your position. Like "deputy" (deputy), "assistant" (associate) or "administrative assistant" (executive assistant) and other titles can easily be confused outside the United States. And like the difference between "director" (director) and "manager" (manager) between two words, in many parts of the world people are hard to understand. Vice president (vice president) of this title is rarely used in regions outside the United States, but businessmen from other countries but had to know it represents a kind of special status. Also like the CEO (Chief Executive Officer), CFO (chief financial officer) and COO (Chief Operating Officer) and other abbreviations also makes people outside of North America puzzled. In our English-speaking countries in the same family, the British use of "chairman" (chairman) and US legal title "president" (president) is corresponding. In the UK, "director" is a high-level position, corresponding to the United States of "vice president"; at the same time, this title also implies that this person is a board member. Two American Business Women describes some of the experiences of their respective use of business cards in Japan. One was its president (president) in the company, in Japan, wherever she went, always by Japanese senior businessman reception. And the other on a card labeled as international marketing manager (director), she has been completely the opposite treatment - disregard and supercilious. The two women agree that the business community in Japan, the identity and status in the company is very important. As a result, the international marketing director at the company to get their permission to appoint himself as "a certain international company" (her own company name) president, in fact, the official name of the company is a foreign sales team title (FSC), is in charge of a department dedicated tax, and her own appointment is correct. A few months later, the lady go to Japan again, and this time, she was on the business card again named the "president" brought her title is quite warm reception. Warning: Do not order a good impression and fabricated their title. Otherwise, once your international colleagues find that you are bragging, you will lose credibility in the long term point of view, which is detrimental. Special Note: In the male-dominated those countries and regions (such as: Latin America, Japan, South Korea, Saudi Arabia), if you are married, you may consider in front of your name with "Mrs.", to show their identity . This has the advantage that you can prevent some of the undesirable love offensive. Business cards Longhua District service QQ: 1522951254 Our services: no matter how much the same as their dedication; whether free or busy, as warm and thoughtful; both old and new, as frank! 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Shenzhen City three hundred sixty-nine Printing Co., Lt..
Employee Number:
Annual export:
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Contact Person: Mr. Cheng Yongbo(Sales Manager)
Telephone Number: 0755-33101341
Company Address: Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Shenzhen City, Guangdong, China
Zip/Postal Code: 518021
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