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Scratch scratch scratch silver ink

Scratch scratch scratch silver ink
Scratch scratch scratch silver ink
Scratch scratch scratch silver ink

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Company:City Central Green Ink Technology Ltd.
Information Name: Scratch scratch scratch silver ink
Update Time:2015-04-29
Price Description: RMB/
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LH series scratch ink characteristics: 1, a high hiding power, with excellent security effect 2, good wear resistance 3, 4 easy to scrape, scrape ink rewind time, not a powder scattered over the green 5, scraping In addition to the ink after printing will not increase the difficulty scraping of storage growth over time of 6, hot air drying ink colors: silver, black, green, red Printing: scratch-off ink is ideal for screen printing. Ink curettage: Scratch the ink can be easily scraped off a hard object or fingernail. Printing Substrate: flat version Ke method can print paper, but the best choice of opaque substrate to increase its confidentiality. Avoid absorbent substrates. In the substrate surface before the first oil screen scratch UV varnish overprint, you can scrape the better. As printed on good quality coated paper, can also achieve the desired results. Printed bottom: Offset lithography method when printed lottery pattern or number, dusting using excess may form a raised effect, can not fully cover after winning pattern or number, if printed scratch ink, shall, before printing cloth Wipe or free use dusting powder. Scratch-off inks before printing, offset printing ink must be completely cured, otherwise ink will be scratch ink solvent to soften, so lottery number patterns or leakage. Layer (pattern or the winning number) must be printed on the coating was dried well. Such as the use of plastic-free manner above process, the ink can be printed on scratch, eliminating waiting time. Screen Printing Material: Scratch ink ink if it would be easier to scrape a certain thickness, printing ink scratch most suitably about 150-200 mesh nylon net or polyester mesh and shelterbelts Philippines and India. Polyurethane and rubber-like squeegee can be used. The underlying process: In order to scratch the ink from being absorbed by the bottom effect and enhance the confidentiality, scratch before printing inks can be printed with a transparent offset ink or varnish. But using UV screen varnish best. Thinner: basic no dilution, use no more than 8% diluent LH-Y71 be diluted if necessary. Usually without the use of slow drying agent. Amount: dilution with the right amount and the right printing equipment, coverage of up to 36 m / KG. Drying time: Scratch oil as quick-drying ink. Only about 20 seconds of normal drying time of the ink film thickness. Overprinting: Scratch the oil surface after drying can be proofread and slitting can also be printed on the surface of the lithographic printing or offset printed trademark and logo, so as to strengthen confidentiality. Shelf life: printed lottery tickets, after proper drying stored in a dry place, from the effects of temperature and humidity, can be stored for more than one year. Packaging: 1 kg / cans, 5 kg / cans, 20 kg / barrel, 200 kg / barrel City Central Green Ink Technology Co., Ltd. Miss Zhang 0769-88461186 13532915210 
Contact Detail
Company Name: City Central Green Ink Technology Ltd.
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Contact Person: Mr. Ms. Zhang()
Telephone Number: 0769-88461186
Company Address: High Po Town, Dongguan City, Dongguan City, Guangdong, China
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