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Lithium Grease wholesale, Guangxi lithium grease, HongRun new lubricating materials

Lithium Grease wholesale, Guangxi lithium grease, HongRun new lubricating materials
Lithium Grease wholesale, Guangxi lithium grease, HongRun new lubricating materials
Lithium Grease wholesale, Guangxi lithium grease, HongRun new lubricating materials

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Company:Shouguang HongRun new lubricating Materials Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Lithium Grease wholesale, Guangxi lithium grease, HongRun new lubricating materials
Update Time:2015-04-29
Price Description: RMB/
Inquire Now
 Lithium Grease is a fatty acid lithium soap thickened mineral lubricating high temperature lithium grease, and add a antioxidant, rust and other additives and made with high melting point, good water resistance, stable good performance. 1, place higher to 170 ℃, long-term use at about 120 ℃ environment. 2, has good mechanical stability, chemical stability and low temperature resistance, can be used in high-speed mechanical bearings. 3, with excellent water resistance Lithium Grease, can be used on damp and mechanical components in contact with water. Extreme pressure of Lithium Grease Features: This product is under harsh working conditions will not soften and have a strong adhesive ability, this grease has excellent resistance to throw off capability, sealing characteristics, performance and ordinary lithium grease, and MP fat, compared with a higher temperature, longer life, good high temperature oxidation resistance, good pumping, good anti-wear and extreme pressure performance, water resistant, anti-corrosion properties. Lithium Grease wholesale, Guangxi lithium grease, HongRun new lubricating materials are provided by Shouguang City Hongrun new lubricating materials Limited. Shouguang City Hongrun new lubricating materials Limited (www.hongrun999.com) (www.hongrun999.com) strong, credible, Shandong Weifang chemical products processing industry has accumulated a large number of loyal customers. The company better work attitude and constantly improving innovative ideas will lead HongRun new lubricating materials into the brilliant and you work for a better future! 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Shouguang HongRun new lubricating Materials Co., Ltd.
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Sui Jingli()
Telephone Number: 0536-5518688
Company Address: Shouguang City, Shandong Province, Taiwan's first industrial park, Weifang City, Shandong Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 262735
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