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Japan Chemical temperature control module Z-TIO-AC-VVVV

Japan Chemical temperature control module Z-TIO-AC-VVVV
Japan Chemical temperature control module Z-TIO-AC-VVVV
Japan Chemical temperature control module Z-TIO-AC-VVVV

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Company:Yi Haibo controlled Electric Equipment Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Japan Chemical temperature control module Z-TIO-AC-VVVV
Update Time:2015-04-29
Price Description: RMB/
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Z-TIO-AC-VVVV / NN is temperature control module a temperature control module connected to PLC Province, the local equivalent but with a lot of CZ-200P-HB-SNN-050P.NCN-N serial number does not show 10J27008 four tables D100F-MN * DN-NN-NN DP-700A / E without USB DP-700B / E with USB COM-JG * 01 COM-JG * 02 H-TIO-B-FJ09-V * NN RZB-001A1 Indoor RZB-001A2 outdoor RB100FK03-MN-3 * NN-NN / AN DC24V RB100FK03-MN-3 * 2N-NN / AN DC24V CB100DD07-M * AH-1N / A ZK-1067 M-PCP-A-24N-M * AB P96FK16-V * NN-NN-N CB100FK02-M * AB-NN / A / Y CZ-100P-HLZ-SNG 0 ~ 35Mpa No.05I08002 CZ-100P-HLZ-SNG 0 ~ 35Mpa S / N: 05I07005 CZ-100P-LLA-SNG 0 ~ 1Mpa S / N: 05106001 M-PCP-A-24N-M * AB Z-TIO-ET-VVVV / N1-FK02 / Y CB100DD07-M * AH-1N / A ZK- 1067 CZ-100P-HLZ-SN ?? No.96F27002 DWG: YICZ100P2-139 L = 300 0-200 CZ-100P-HLZ-SNE 0 ~ 35MPa D900F-N * DN-N / CE PF900-8NN-4 * CDN1 -FK02 PF900-VNN-4 * CN51-FK09 / Y D900F-N-DN-NN CZ-100P-HB-SN 0-500, NO 96I19010 pressure sensor REX-P96FK16-V * AB-Y2-N CB100FK03-V * CP-NN / A / Y CB100AK03-VM * CP-NN / A / Y C400WJ02-MM * NN Z-TIO-CC-VVVV / NN COM-KN W-BV-01-1500 COM-K-1 FB400-8N -4 * 4N8N / AN-Y ST-30L CB100WD07-VV * AB-5N / A CD701FK07-M * AN-5N CD701FK04-M * AN-5N cd901F801-8 * GN-NN CB100-FK03-V * HJ-NN / A CB100FK03-V * HJ-NN / A CB500FK07-MAF-NN / A / Y with CD501FK07-M * AF-NN / A / Y substitution 750.00 CH402AJ02-VM * AP-NN CD402AJ02-VM * AP-NN CZ- 100P-HLZ-SN 0-350KGF / CM2 L = 180 L1 = 20 L2 = 140 CZ-100P-HLZ-SN NO.99L02004 YICZ100P2-139 L = 300MM Cu Gasket CD701FK07-M * AN-5N CD701FK04-M * AN- 5N CZ-200P-HB-SNN-050P * GNN REX-P96FK16-M * NN-NN-N REX-P96FK16-8 * AB-Y1-N CD501FK07-M * GN-NN / A / Y, 0-1372 degree d900f-n * dn-n-5 CB700-FK06-8 * AN-NN-AY can be replaced with CD701 870.00 cb100fk02-m * gn-5n / a / y FB900 * 88 * 4 * 4N8 CH102WD07-VV * AB-5N / A / Y cd401aj02-vm * ap-nn PF900-VNN-4 * 4TNN-FK23 instead of KEX-P300FK23-VN-4 * D-N4NN-N discontinued REX-CH102FK02-V * DP CB100 FK02-V * AB REX C -100 FK02-V * AB CZ-100P-HZ-SH order to provide sequence Example No. ST-30-K-1000-3C K-type 3 m CZ-100P-HB-SN 0-50MPA CZ-100P-HC- SN REX-F900-F801-8 * HJ-NNN-5N ST-50B-100-04 CB100 WD07-V * AB-5N / A / Y CB100 WD07-VV * AB-5N / A / Y WD07-V * AB -51 / A / Y F400F301-V * CC-NNN-1N F400F301-V * CC-NNN REX-P96FK16-M * NN-NN-N REX-P96FK16-8 * AB-Y1-N CD501FK07-M * GN- NN / A / Y, 0-1372 degree d900f-n * dn-n-5 CB700-FK06-8 * AN-NN-AY can be replaced with CD701 870.00 REX-F900WD04-VM * AB-535-NN / CE CB100 FK02 -M * HJ-NN / A / Y AC100-240 replaced by ch102 CD401 FK02-M * GN-5N CD401 FK02-M * GN-NN replaced with CH402 price is 400 / Taiwan CD901FK04M GM CH102 FK02-M * GN-NN CD901FK02-M-AN OPL-AN MT18-B-FK04-DNN M-PCP-A-2-24N-MAB REXF900 CH402FK02-M * AB CH402FK02-M * NN CD701FK02-M * GN CH402FD10-V * NN CB100FK02-VXAP -NN1A1T REX-PG410A4HJ-5N? AC220V CZ-100P-HB-HSN? 0-50MPA FK02-V * AP-NN / A / Y, 0-400 degrees CH102 CH402 PT100 400 degrees ch102fk02-v * ap-nn CD901VD12 -88 * AN-NNN-NA CD901VD12-8M * AN-NNN-NA REC-D900 ST-41 ch102fk02-m8gn ST-50 instead of the entire table is wrapped to buy a pack of 5 CZ-100P-LLA-SNG RKC CD901FD10 -8 * AB-NN- / Y CH402WK02-VM CH402WE01-VM CH402WK02-VM * an-5n with communication fb400-6-4 * 4nnn-n CD901F-801-8 * AN CH102-FD10-M * GN-NN CZ -100P-HLZ-SN CT-300-4 CH402FD08-8GA-AA CH102FJ01-V * AB-NN? CD401AK0688NP51 CH402FS02-MM * AN-NN CH402FK10-8 * GN REXC900FT-MM * AN RKC85-50M / DC24 cd901fk02-v * gn-nn CH402FK02-M * GN-NN CD901FK06-8 * AB-5N fb400-8-4 * 4nnn / f801 CD901 FK02-M * AN-NN CD901FK06-8 * AA-NN FB400-8N-4 * 1NNN / A1-FS01 FB400-8N-4 * 1NN5 / A1-FS01 cd701 C-700FK06-MM * N CH402-8450V 0-400 degrees, K-type relay output RELAY / ALM1, ALM2 ST-30 F400FK10-V * NP-NNN- NN replaced by fb400 CD401VM with communication relay CH402VM without communications, with alarm, relay output fb900-8-4 * 4nn5 / f801 REX-CD901-FK07-8 * AN CD901FK02-M * AN * NN is K type CD901Fd08-M * AN * NN PT100 CH901FK02-M * GN-NN CD901Fd10-M * AN * NN CD901Fd10-V * AN * NN cd901fd08-vm * gn-nn REX-P96P96FK-8 * AB-Y1-N REX-C100 C100FK07-8 * AN with ch102 alternative CD901FD01-M * M * AN-200C-649C PT100 ch102FK05-V * CN-NN / A REX-P96FK16-V CD501FK07-M * NN D900W-8-DN-N-5 901 temperature controller, 0-800 degrees, K type, control thyristor CD901CODEFK02-M * GN-NN CD901WD05-8M * AB-NN / NY CD901FD01-V * AB CD901-FK02-MM * AA-NN CD901WD05-8M * AB-NN / NY CH902 / 901-V * AB-NN CH402FK01-VAV REX-D900-8-DN-N-5 REX-F400 F400FD04-V * CC-NNN-1N REX-C400FK02-R * KN CH102FK02-V * NN CH102FK04- V * AP * 5N CH402FK01-V * AN CH102A801-MM ST-23L FB400COBE-8N-4 * 4N-8N-AN-Y AC240 CH102FD07-M * AN CD901FK02-M * Gn-nn CD901FR01-8M * GN-NN CD901FR01 -M * GN-NN CD701FK02-V * EN CB100FK07-8V * AP REX-P96FK16-V cd701f801-8 * an-nn CH402 CODE FK02-M * GN-NN 0-400 input: K, output RELAY HA900-DD- VV-4 * NN-NN1-N / A / Y FB400 8N-4 * 4NNN / A1-FD35 / Y 4 HA901 80-B6-4-M2-NNNN-AY? cd401fk02-vm * an-5n (with traffic) F900FD12-8 * AF-NNN-NN AC110V TO 240V CH402FK10-8 * GN CH402FS02-MM * AN-NN F900FD12-8 * AF-NNN-NN AC110V TO 240V CT-300 PCT-300N-4N M-PCP-A- 24N-M * AB Z-190 INPUT: 200-240VAC M-TIO-B-FD16-V * NN OUTPUT: 0-12VDC M-DO-AM OUTPUT: RELAY (250VAC 1A) D400F-N * DN-8-N D400W-V * NN CD901FK02-M * GH-NN CD901FK020MMAP-NN CH102 FK07-V * AP-NN REX-P200 FDC-F * B-NN-N CH102-DT03-8 * NN REX-C400FK02-V * NN with ch402 alternative REX-C900FK02-V * NN with cd901 alternative c900fd10-m * an alternative use cd901 ST-32 CH102-DT03-8 * NN ch102fk07-m * nn-nn / a / y cB500fk07-m * nn-nn / a / y CD901FK02-8 * AN CH402FD05-M * GN-2N CH402FD05-M * GN-2N CH402FK03-MM * GN-NN MA9004FD10-8N * ABF-D6 / N / Y PT100 0-500 four-channel CB900FD10-88AF-5N / A / Y PT100 0-500 second channel CH102FK06-M * KN P96 LK22-V * GD-Y1-N CB900FD10-V * AF-NN / A / Y CD901F801-8 * HJ-NN dp350c CH402FK02-M * GN- NN inside with ZK-1033 0-400 degrees CD401FK02-MNN CB900FK07-V * AF with cd901 alternative CH402FD05-M * GN-5N rex700fk02-m * gn with CD701FK02-M * GN alternative cd701fk01-8gn CH402WK02-VM * AN 0- 400 ch402fk02-v * av REX-P96FK-16-8 * NN-NN-N ch402wk02-vm * gn CH402 WK01-MV HB ch102fj03-8 * nn-n1 / a / y REX-F900WD04-VM * AB-535- NN / CE CD701 PT100 current output CD701 PT100 relay and voltage output CH402FK02-M * KN-NN CD701FK02-M * GN-NN CH402FD10-V * GN-NN REX-D100F-8N * DN-NN-NN AC100-240V 50 / 60HZ 4-20MA REX-D100F-5N * DN-NN-NN AC100-240V 50 / 60HZ 0-10V ch402fe02-m * gn-nn CD701FK02-M * KN-5N with communication ad401a-4nnnn RH100FK02-V * GN / A CH402WD01-MM * AN CH402WD02-MM * NN CD901FD01-V * AA-NN CD901FK07-V * AF FB400-8N-4 * 4NN5 / A1-FS06-Y CH402FK02-M * AN CD901FK02-M * AN-NN CD901FD01-M * GN-5N CH402FD10-V * AN-NN with CD901FD10-8 * GN-NN replace REX-900 C900FD 10-8 CH402FK-M substitution 400FK02-M * AN D400F-N * DN-NN cd901fk07-man-nn REX- 400 F400WD12-MM-AB-NNN-NN 94L15038Z-156A CB100-FK02-M * GN-NN-A / Y REX-P96FK-VAB-YE-N H402FD05-M-GN-5N REX-F900WD04-VM * AB- 535-NN / CE REX-F900WD04-VM * AB-838-NN / CE cd701fd10-m * an-nn CH402FK02-M * GN CD901F801-8 * AN-NN DP-350 ch402fk02-m * gn / a CH102FD08-M * NN-NN CH902FK02-VMAP-NN with CD901WK02-VM * AP replace CB100FK07-M * AP-NN / A / Y replaced by CH102 CZ-100P-HLZ-SN 0-35MPA CZ-100P- [LL] -SN 0 -5MPA Loose nut type L = 6mm pressure sensor CZ-100P- [LL] -SN 0-5MPA Loose nut type L = 55mm CZ-100P- [LL] -SN 0-5MPA Loose nut type L = 110mm CZ-100P- HLZ-SN 0-35MPA NO.02B18003 fb400 8n-4 * 4n8n / an / y REX-P96FK16-V * AB-Y1-N C400WJ02-8M * AF that has been discontinued by CH402WJ02-8M * AF CB900FD10-M * AF- NN-AY with CD901FD10-M * AF-NN substitution D900F-8 * DN-N-5 REX-P96FK16-V * AB-Y1-N F400F301-V * CC-NNN-1N 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Yi Haibo controlled Electric Equipment Co., Ltd.
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Non-Chen(Sales Executive)
Telephone Number: 021-66100983
Company Address: Shanghai to extend West Road on the 25th, Shanghai, Shanghai, China
Zip/Postal Code: 200072
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