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2013--2018 China's power transmission line tower market depth analysis and assessment of investment prospects ..

2013--2018 China's power transmission line tower market depth analysis and assessment of investment prospects ..
2013--2018 China's power transmission line tower market depth analysis and assessment of investment prospects ..
2013--2018 China's power transmission line tower market depth analysis and assessment of investment prospects ..

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Information Name: 2013--2018 China's power transmission line tower market depth analysis and assessment of investment prospects ..
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2013--2018 China's power transmission line tower market depth analysis and assessment of investment prospects ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------〗 〖Report No. 69343〗 〖release date of July 2013 〖Delivery 〗 EMIL electronic version or EMS reporting format〗 〖〗 〖paper version: 6500 yuan〗 〖electronic version: 6800 yuan 〖paper + electronic]: 7000 yuan (price discount) 〖Order〗 010-56205768 Phone 〖Customer Service QQ 〗 1271943744 24: 18,211,180,815 〖Contact〗 〖Zhao Yingying source link〗 http://www.hjwxyjy.com/jixiedianzi/jixie/69343.html (Click to see main text) [Report Contents] Chapter 1: China transmission line 1.1 Summary of tower industry power line tower industry industry definition and classification 1.1.1 Definition 1.1.2 defining products industry 1.1.3 Industry Statistics transmission line tower industry standard 1.2 Characteristics 1.2.1 Industry 1.2.2 Analysis of the cyclical nature of the industry Seasonal Characteristics 1.3 Transmission Towers industry policy environment analysis 1.3.1 Industry Management System 1.3.2 industry standards industry policy trends 1.3.3 1.3.4 Industry Development Plan 1.4 transmission line tower industry economic environment analysis 1.4.1 International Macroeconomics Environment 1.4.2 domestic macroeconomic environment analysis correlation analysis 1.5 Transmission Towers industry economic environment, technological environment and industry 1.4.3 Technical Analysis Industry Analysis 1.5.1 (1) Tower design lofting technical analysis (2) tower made of steel Technical development 1) the use of high strength steel 2) the use of cold-formed steel (3) tower corrosion technology development trend of domestic development of new technologies 1.5.2 Analysis 1.6 Transmission Towers steel industry raw material market analysis 1.6.1 Market Analysis (1) The steel market supply analysis (2) the steel industry needs analysis (3) steel import and export market analysis (4) steel price trend analysis (5) Factors affecting the price of steel ingot market analysis 1.6.2 (1) zinc market supply analysis (2) the major producers of zinc ingots (3) zinc price trend analysis Chapter 2: Development of Chinese industry analysis 2.1 Transmission Towers Transmission Towers Chinese industry development 2.1.1 Transmission Towers Chinese industry in general overview 2.1 .2 China tower industry factors Problems 2.1.3 Transmission Lines Transmission Tower China Industry Analysis 2.1.4 China Industry Development Strategy Transmission Towers Transmission Towers industry analysis 2.2 Operation 2.2.1 Transmission Towers of industry management benefit analysis 2.2.2 Transmission line tower industry profitability analysis (1) transmission line tower industry profitability analysis (2) transmission line tower industry profitability influencing factors 2.2.3 Transmission Towers industry operating capability analysis 2.2.4 Transmission Towers industry debt Capacity Analysis 2.2.5 Transmission Towers industry development capacity of 2.3 Transmission Towers industry supply and demand balance analysis 2.3.1 National Transmission Towers industry supply analysis 2.3.2 National Transmission Towers industry needs analysis 2.3.3 National Transmission Towers industry sales ratio analysis Chapter 3: China transmission line tower industry competitive market analysis 3.1 International Transmission Towers industry market competition analysis 3.1.1 International transmission line tower industry development 3.1.2 International transmission line tower market demand scale international transmission lines 3.1.3 Tower market competition 3.1.4 International transmission line tower market trends 3.2 Chinese power line tower industry market competition analysis 3.2.1 Transmission Towers Chinese industry market size analysis 3.2.2 China bargaining power transmission line tower industry analysis (1) Transmission Line Upstream tower industry bargaining power analysis (2) transmission line tower industry downstream bargaining power potential threat analysis 3.2.3 China Transmission Tower Industry Analysis 3.2.4 China transmission line tower industry competition pattern analysis of regional competition in China 3.3 3.3 Transmission line tower industry analysis. 1 Chinese regional power line tower industry competition 3.3.2 Development of transmission line towers in key areas of industry analysis (1) Jiangsu transmission line tower industry development analysis (2) Zhejiang transmission line tower industry analysis (3) Shandong power line tower industry analysis (4) Sichuan transmission line tower industry analysis Chapter 4: Chinese tower industry market analysis 4.1 transmission line steel tower angle steel tower and comparative analysis of the characteristics of comparative analysis 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 Comparison of the technical content analysis 4.1 Compare prices A comparative analysis of the competitive .4 4.1.5 Comparison of 4.2 margin angle steel tower angle steel tower market analysis 4.2.1 Current Situation 4.2.2 Production processes angle steel tower angle steel tower Application Status 4.2.3 Market Demand Analysis 4.2.4 angle steel tower major companies winning (1) 2007 winning major companies (2) major business successful 2008 case (3) in 2009 mainly successful business case (4) 2010 main business successful (5) 2012 main business successful 4.2.5 angle steel tower demand outlook Market Forecast 4.3 Market Analysis 4.3.1 steel tower steel tower production process steel tower Current Situation 4.3.2 Application Status 4.3.3 Market Demand Analysis 4.3.4 steel tower steel tower major companies bid (1) 2007 The main business successful (2) major business successful case in 2008 (3) 2009 the main business successful case (4) In 2010 the main business successful (5) 2012 main business successful steel tower case 4.3.5 Forecast of market demand outlook Chapter 5: The main level of transmission line towers above the needs analysis 5.1 750KV transmission line tower needs analysis and 5.1.1 UHV grid construction investment (1) investment in UHV (2) UHV Construction Status (3) 5.1 UHV construction plan .2 750KV power grid construction investment (1) 750KV power grid construction investment in the status quo (2) 750KV power grid investment and construction planning 5.1.3 750KV transmission line over a length 5.1.4 750KV transmission line tower over the demand situation and 5.1.5 750KV and above transmission and line tower market competition analysis 5.1.6 750KV transmission line tower over the demand outlook and forecast 5.2 500KV transmission line tower needs analysis 5.2.1 500KV power grid construction investment 5.2.2 500KV transmission line length Current Situation 5.2.3 500KV transmission line tower needs 5.2 .4 500KV transmission line tower Demand Forecast 5.3 220KV transmission line tower needs analysis 5.3.1 220KV power grid construction investment 5.3.2 220KV transmission line length Situation Analysis 5.3.3 220KV transmission line tower needs 5.3.4 220KV transmission line tower demand outlook Forecasting 5.4 110KV transmission line tower needs analysis 5.4.1 110KV power grid construction investment 5.4.2 110KV transmission line length Situation Analysis 5.4.3 110KV transmission line tower needs 5.4.4 110KV transmission line tower Demand Forecast Chapter 6: National Transmission Grid Bidding analysis line tower transmission line tower procurement mechanisms 6.1 6.1.1 Analysis on the national grid transmission line of products around the grid company bidding mechanism 6.1.2 actual procurement mechanisms for the transmission lines transmission line tower products 6.2 6.2.1 Analysis of the national grid tender transmission line tower tenders (1) the size of the national grid pylons tender (2) the size of the national grid tender EHV Tower 1) the size of the national grid tender 500KV tower 2) the size of the national grid tender 750KV tower (3) State Grid UHV Tower bidding scale 6.3 Analysis of successful transmission line tower in 2007 6.3.1 Analysis of major companies won the bid in 2008 6.3.2 Analysis of major companies won the bid in 2009 6.3.3 Analysis of major companies won the bid in 2010 6.3.4 Analysis of major companies bid 6.3.5 2012 Analysis of major companies successful Chapter 7: China transmission line tower industry's major business analysis 7.1 Transmission Towers business development overall situation analysis 7.1.1 Transmission Towers scale industries and enterprises 7.1.2 Transmission line tower industry industrial output situation 7.1. 3 transmission line tower industry sales revenue and profit 7.2 transmission line tower industry leader Case Study 7.2.1 Tower Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Nanjing Daji analysis (1) Enterprise Development Brief analysis (2) business and marketing capacity analysis (3) profitability Analysis (4) the ability to analyze business operations (5) business solvency analysis (6) business development capacity analysis (7) enterprise products and technical analysis (8) Qualification and honor analysis (9) Enterprise Application Project (10) business sales channels and networks (11) business advantages and disadvantages of (12) companies analyze the latest developments 7.2.2 Power Equipment Co., Ltd. Changshu style operation analysis (1) Enterprise Development Brief analysis (2) Analysis of major economic indicators (3 ) profitability analysis (4) the ability to analyze business operations (5) business solvency analysis (6) business development capacity analysis framework analysis (7) Enterprise Organizations (8) enterprise products and technical analysis (9) Analysis of Qualification and honor (10) Application Projects (11) business model analysis (12) business sales channels and networks (13) business situation advantages and disadvantages of (14) companies analyze the latest developments 7.2.3 Operation Qingdao East Steel Tower Co., Ltd. Analysis (1) Enterprise Development Brief analysis (2) Analysis of major economic indicators (3) profitability analysis (4) the ability to analyze business operations (5) business solvency analysis (6) business development capacity analysis (7) organizational structure Analysis (8) enterprise products and technical analysis (9) Qualification and honor analysis (10) business model analysis (11) Enterprise Application Projects (12) business sales channels and networks (13) business situation advantages and disadvantages ( 14) analysis of the latest developments enterprise Zhejiang Shengda Tower Co., Ltd. 7.2.4 Analysis (1) Enterprise Development Brief analysis (2) business and marketing capacity analysis (3) profitability analysis (4) the ability to analyze business operations (5) solvency analysis (6) business development capacity analysis (7) enterprise products and technical analysis (8) Qualification and honor analysis (9) Enterprise Application Projects (10) business sales channels and networks (11) business optimization Disadvantages of (12) companies analyze the latest developments in Chengdu Tower Factory 7.2.5 Analysis (1) Enterprise Development Brief analysis (2) business and marketing capacity analysis (3) profitability analysis (4) the ability to analyze business operations (5) solvency analysis (6) business development capacity analysis (7) enterprise products and technical analysis (8) Qualification and honor analysis (9) Enterprise Application Projects (10) business sales channels and networks (11) business optimization Disadvantages of Chapter 8: China transmission line tower industry and prospects of investment analysis 8.1 China Transmission Tower Industry Investment Risk analysis of price fluctuations of raw materials analysis 8.1.1 Risk Analysis 8.1.2 downsizing power grid construction investment risk analysis 8.1.3 Market competition 8.1.4 Product Structure Risk analysis 8.1.5 change export tax rebate policy analysis 8.2 China characteristic transmission line tower industry investment analysis 8.2.1 Transmission Towers entry barriers analysis (1) industry production license to operate Barrier (2) industry qualification barriers analysis (3) industry brand Barriers (4) Analysis of technical barriers to trade (5) Industry Analysis 8.2.2 financial barriers transmission line tower industry business model analysis (1) industry procurement pattern analysis (2) Industry production model analysis (3) Industry Analysis 8.3 China sales model transmission line tower industry trends and forecast 8.3.1 Transmission Towers analysis of industry trends (1) Tower product diversification and high-end (2) Tower enterprises to accelerate the expansion of international investment in power grid construction market 8.3.2 Prospects 8.3.3 Transmission Line Length forecast Forecast 8.3.4 Transmission line tower market demand forecast Charts Chart 1: 2006 - more than 2012 scale industrial added value growth (unit:%) Chart 2: 2006--2012 of urban fixed assets investment and growth (Unit: 100 million,%) Chart 3: 2006--2012 Social retail sales and growth (Unit: 100 million,%) Chart 4: 2006-2012 change in CPI and PPI monthly gain ( unit:%) Chart 5: 2006--2012 Year monthly trade surplus (unit: million) Exhibit 6: 2006--2012 China's steel output (Unit: million tons) Figure 7: 2006--2012 China's steel import and export (Unit: million tons) Figure 8: 2010--2012 China's steel spot and futures prices (Unit: yuan / ton) Figure 9: 2006--2012 China's zinc production (Unit: million tons) Figure 10: 2010 --2012 China's power line tower industry management benefit analysis (unit: family, man, million,%) Figure 11: 2010--2012 China's power line tower industry profitability analysis (unit:%) Figure 12: 2010-2012 China transmission line tower industry operating capacity analysis (unit: times) Exhibit 13: 2010--2012 China's power line tower industry solvency analysis (unit:%, times) Exhibit 14: 2010--2012 China's development capacity transmission line tower industry Analysis (unit:%) Figure 15: 2007 - 2012 of Transmission line tower industrial output value and growth trends (Unit: 100 million,%) Chart 16: 2007 - 2012 of Transmission line tower industry sales value and growth rate changes (Unit: 100 million,%) Figure 17: 2007 - 2012 of Transmission line tower industry sales revenue and growth trends (Unit: 100 million,%) Chart 18: 2003 - 2012 National Transmission line tower industry sales rate of change Trend (unit:%) Figure 19: 2015--2030 world electricity demand forecast (unit: one trillion kwh,%) Chart 20: 2008--2012 China's market demand for transmission line towers (Unit: million tons) chart 21: 2012 State Grid Tower tender (Unit: t,%) Chart 22: angle steel tower production process Chart 23: 2008 - 2012 angle steel tower market demand scale (unit: million tons) Figure 24: 2007 angle steel tower bid The top five companies (Unit: t,%) Chart 25: 2008 angle steel tower five successful companies (Unit: t,%) Chart 26: 2009 angle steel tower five successful companies (Unit: t,%) Chart 27: 2010 angle steel tower five successful companies (Unit: t,%) Chart 28: 2012 angle steel tower five successful companies (Unit: t,%) Chart 29: 2012--2015 年 angle steel tower Demand Forecast (Units : million tons) Exhibit 30: steel tower production process Exhibit 31: 2008--2012 steel - tubular tower market demand scale (unit: million tons) Chart 32: 2007 steel tower five successful companies (Unit: t,%) Chart 33: In 2008 the top five steel towers successful enterprise (unit: tons,%) Figure 34: in 2009 the top five steel towers successful enterprises (unit: tons,%) Figure 35: in 2010 the top five steel towers successful enterprises ( Unit: ton,%) Chart 36: 2012 top five steel towers successful enterprises (unit: tons,%) Chart 37: 2012--2015 steel - tubular tower Demand Forecast (Unit: million tons) Chart 38: By 2020 China ± 800kV DC investment planning (Unit: km, mw, billion) Exhibit 39: "three vertical and three horizontal one ring" line (unit: Block) Chart 40: 2008-2015 750KV transmission line length and above forecasts and (Units : thousands of meters) Exhibit 41: 2008-2012 750KV transmission line tower over the demand and (Unit: million tons) Chart 42: 2012-2015 750KV transmission line tower over the demand forecast and (Unit: million tons) Table 43: 2008-2015 500KV transmission line length and Forecast (Unit: million km) Chart 44: 2008-2012 500KV transmission line tower Demand (Unit: million tons) Chart 45: 2012-2015 500KV transmission line tower Demand Forecast ( Unit: million tons) Chart 46: 2008-2015 and forecast 220KV transmission line length (unit: million km) Chart 47: 2008-2012 220KV transmission line tower Demand (Unit: million tons) Chart 48: 2012-2015 220KV transmission line tower Demand Forecast (Unit: million tons) Chart 49: 2008-2015 and forecast 110KV transmission line length (unit: million km) Chart 50: 2008-2012 110KV transmission line tower Demand (Unit: million tons ) Chart 51: 2012-2015 110KV transmission line tower Demand Forecast (Unit: million tons) Chart 52: 2007--2012 National Grid pylons tender size (unit: tons) Chart 53: 2007--2012 National EHV Tower tender size (unit: tons) Chart 54: 2007--2012 National Grid 500KV tower tender size (unit: tons) Chart 55: 2007--2012 National Grid 750KV Tower bidding size (unit: tons) Chart 56: 2007-2012 State Grid UHV tower tender size (unit: tons) Chart 57: The main business successful 2007 (Unit: t,%) Chart 58: The main business successful 2008 (Unit: t,%) Chart 59: 2009 The main business successful (Unit: t,%) Chart 60: 2010 winning major companies (Unit: t,%) Chart 61: The main business successful 2012 (Unit: t,%) Chart 62: 2012 China Transmission line tower industrial output value, sales revenue and profit before ten companies chart 63: 2012 power line tower industrial output value (current price) of the top ten companies (Unit: million) Exhibit 64: 2012 China Transmission Tower Industry enterprise product sales revenue and gross profit (unit: million) Exhibit 65: 2009--2012 Tower Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Nanjing Daji marketing capacity analysis (Unit: million,%) Chart 66: 2009--2012 Nanjing Daji Tower Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Profitability Analysis (unit:%) Chart 67: 2009--2012 Tower Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Nanjing Daji operational capability analysis (Unit: Times) Chart 68: 2009--2012 Tower Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Nanjing Daji solvency analysis (unit:% , times) Chart 69: 2009--2012 Tower Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Nanjing Daji Profitability Analysis (unit:%) Chart 70: Nanjing Daji Tower Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Advantages and Disadvantages Chart 71: Power Equipment Co., Ltd. Changshu style and the actual control Chart of the controlling relationship between Chart 72: 2009--2012 OF CHANGSHU demeanor Power Equipment Co., Ltd. The main analysis of economic indicators (Unit: million) Exhibit 73: 2012 style Changshu Power Equipment Co., Ltd. Main business areas (Unit: million,%) Chart 74: 2009--2012 OF CHANGSHU demeanor Power Equipment Co., Ltd. Profitability Analysis (unit:%) Chart 75: 2012 style Changshu Power Equipment Co Ltd business by product (Unit: million,%) Chart 76: 2009--2012 OF CHANGSHU demeanor Power Equipment Co., Ltd. operational capability analysis (Unit: Times) Chart 77: 2009--2012 OF CHANGSHU style solvency analysis Power Equipment Co., Ltd. ( Unit:%, times) Chart 78: 2009--2012 OF CHANGSHU demeanor Power Equipment Co., Ltd. development capacity analysis (unit:%) Table 79: Power Equipment Co., Ltd. Changshu style organization chart 80: Power Equipment Co., Ltd. Changshu style responsibilities of various departments Chart 81: 2012 Power Equipment Co., Ltd. Changshu style product structure (unit:%) Table 82: Power Equipment Co., Ltd. Changshu style Product Certification Chart 83: 2012 style Changshu Power Equipment Co., Ltd. Sales Regional distribution (unit:%) Table 84: Power Equipment Co., Ltd. Changshu style Advantages and Disadvantages of chart 85: Chart of the controlling relationship Qingdao East Steel Tower Co., Ltd. and the actual controller between chart 86: 2009--2012 Qingdao Oriental Tower Co., analysis of major economic indicators (Unit: million) Exhibit 87: 2012 Qingdao East Steel Tower Co Ltd, by region (Unit: million,%) Chart 88: 2009--2012 Qingdao East Tower Corp. Profitability Analysis (unit:%) Chart 89: 2012 Qingdao East Steel Tower Co., Ltd. Main business by product (Unit: million,%) Chart 90: 2009--2012 Qingdao East Steel Tower Co. Shares Companies operating capacity analysis (Unit: Times) Chart 91: 2009--2012 Qingdao East Steel Tower Co., Ltd. solvency analysis (unit:%, times) Chart 92: 2009--2012 Qingdao East Steel Tower Co., Development Capacity Analysis ( unit:%) Chart 93: Qingdao East Steel Tower Co., Ltd. Organization Chart 94: Qingdao East Steel Tower Co., Ltd. business flow chart diagram 95: Qingdao East Steel Tower Co., the main production cycle (unit: days) Chart 96: Qingdao East Advantages and Disadvantages of Tower Corp. Chart 97: 2009--2012 Zhejiang Shengda Tower Co., Ltd. production and marketing capacity analysis (unit: million) Exhibit 98: 2009--2012 Zhejiang Shengda Tower Co., Ltd. Profitability Analysis (unit:%) Chart 99: 2009--2012 Zhejiang Shengda Tower Co., Ltd. operational capability analysis (Unit: Times) Chart 100: 2009--2012 Zhejiang Shengda Tower Co., Ltd. solvency analysis (unit:%, times) Chart 101: 2009- 2012 Zhejiang Shengda Tower Co., Ltd. development capacity analysis (unit:%) Chart 102: Zhejiang Shengda Tower Co., Ltd. Advantages and Disadvantages of Chart 103: 2009--2012 Tower Chengdu factory production and marketing capacity analysis (unit: million) Exhibit 104: 2009--2012 Tower Chengdu plant profitability analysis (unit:%) Chart 105: 2009--2012 Tower Chengdu plant operating capacity analysis (Unit: Times) Chart 106: 2009--2012 Tower Chengdu plant solvency analysis (unit: %, times) Chart 107: 2009--2012 Tower Chengdu plant development capacity analysis (unit:%) Chart 108: Advantages and Disadvantages of Chengdu plant tower 109 chart: In 2009 - 2012 Tower Co., Ltd. Weifang Chang and marketing capacity analysis (unit: million) Chart 110: In 2009 - 2012 Tower Co., Ltd. Weifang Changan profitability analysis (unit:%) Chart 111: In 2009 - 2012 Tower Co., Ltd. Weifang Chang operational capability analysis (Unit: Times) Chart 112: 2009- 2012 Tower Co., Ltd. Weifang Chang solvency analysis (unit:%, times) Chart 113: In 2009 - 2012 Weifang development capacity of Chang'an Tower Corp. (unit:%) Chart 114: Tower Co., Ltd. Weifang Chang excellent Disadvantages of Chart 115: 2009--2012 Chongqing Shun Tai Tower Manufacturing Co., Ltd. production and marketing capacity analysis (unit: million) Exhibit 116: 2009--2012 Chongqing Tower manufacture Shun Tai Co. Profitability Analysis (unit:%) Table 117: 2009--2012 Chongqing Tower manufacture Shun Tai Co., operational capability analysis (Unit: Times) Chart 118: 2009--2012 Chongqing Tower manufacture Shun Tai Co. solvency analysis (unit:%, times) Chart 119: 2009-2012 Chongqing Tower manufacture Shun Tai Co. development capacity analysis (unit:%) Chart 120: Chongqing Shun Tai Tower Manufacturing Co., advantages and disadvantages --------------------- ------------------ 〖Contact〗 〖Miss Gao Miss Zhao QQ〗 〖Order〗 010-56205768 1271943744 24: 18211180815 
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Company Name: Yabo in Beijing Institute of Information Consulting Co...
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Contact Person: Mr. Zhao Ying(Sales)
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