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Nanning wooden tray price, Guangxi, wide-fu Industry and Trade

Nanning wooden tray price, Guangxi, wide-fu Industry and Trade
Nanning wooden tray price, Guangxi, wide-fu Industry and Trade
Nanning wooden tray price, Guangxi, wide-fu Industry and Trade

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Company:Nanning Crawford Co.
Information Name: Nanning wooden tray price, Guangxi, wide-fu Industry and Trade
Update Time:2015-04-29
Price Description: RMB/
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Nanning Fu wide Ltd. (www.nnkfgm.com) located in Nanning, Guangxi Nanning City in Guangxi Fu 51 West 111 East German number plates 01-1 professional markets C District, West 05, Contact: Mr. Wei Nanning Fu wide ★ export fumigation plywood tray Guangxi advantage: Compared with wooden pallets, fumigation tray with the characteristics summarized as follows: 1, the export fumigation, disinfection, visa-free, quick and easy entry and exit; 2, the product compared with wooden pallets good looks, but also has high compressive strength, high load-bearing properties; 3, can effectively avoid the traditional wooden pallets wooden knot, insects, color, humidity higher shortcomings; 4, waterproof performance, the production process is simple, low cost; 5 can replace wooden pallets, using adaptable. Ltd. Guangxi's Nanning Fu wide, wooden pallets are made of natural wood as raw material pallets wooden pallets Nanning price, is now the most widely used trays. Tray for container, stacking, handling and transportation of placing horizontal platform means goods and products as a unit load. Usually made of wood, metal, fiber production, ease of handling, transport unit supplies and small quantities of material. The main types of wooden pallets, plastic, metal and other materials, wood is now the most widely used because of its cheap, strong. Wood wooden case is used for packaging, did not specify its size, generally depending on the specific requirements may be, with its sturdy wooden pallets Guangxi factory direct, easily obtained, moisture, etc. have been widely used. Wooden crates are widely applied to logistics, machinery and electronics, ceramics, building materials, hardware appliances, and other consumable goods transport industry products and packaging materials in line with export quarantine requirements. At present, wooden pallets material mainly pine poplar, pine, hardwood, different materials represent different performance of the tray. European pallet standard clearly states you can not use aspen. Wooden pallets drying stereotypes processing Guangxi wooden pallets, reduce moisture, eliminate stress, and then cut, planed, decapitated, pumping side, sanding and other finishing processing to form a profile section, use with anti-off function Nailing (individual cases using nut structure) will be bound into a semi-finished tray plate profiles, and finally finishing, non-slip handle. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Nanning Crawford Co.
Employee Number:
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Contact Person: Mr. Chongwe()
Telephone Number: 0771-4899220
Company Address: Guangxi Nanning Wuyi Road, No. 111, No. 01-1 East Guangxi Hilder C plate professional market area, West 05, Shenzhen City, Guangdong, China
Zip/Postal Code: 530031
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