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Jin Yan semiconductor chip cooling TEC1-127xx3030 series

Jin Yan semiconductor chip cooling TEC1-127xx3030 series
Jin Yan semiconductor chip cooling TEC1-127xx3030 series
Jin Yan semiconductor chip cooling TEC1-127xx3030 series

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Company:Jin Yan Refrigeration (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Jin Yan semiconductor chip cooling TEC1-127xx3030 series
Update Time:2015-04-29
Price Description: RMB/
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Key Specifications / Special Features: Voltage: 15.2V (MAX) current: 1 ~ 6A cooling capacity: 9.8 ~ 56.5W difference in temperature: 67 ℃ stack count: 127 grain size: 30 * 30mm Model specifications: TEC1-127013030 TEC1- 127023030 TEC1-127033030 TEC1-127043030 TEC1-127053030 TEC1-127063030 semiconductor cooling plate as special cold source, the technology has the following advantages and features: 1, without any refrigerant, can work, no pollution no rotating parts, no rotation effect, no sliding member is a solid piece member, there is no vibration during operation, noise, long life, easy to install. 2, semiconductor refrigeration chip has two functions, both cooling, but heating, cooling efficiency is generally not high, but the high heating efficiency, is always greater than 1. So use a sheet member can replace separate heating and cooling systems. 3, semiconductor refrigeration chip is a current transducer type sheet items, through the input control current to achieve high-precision temperature control, coupled with the temperature sensing and control means, it is easy to achieve remote control, program control, computer control, easy to form an automatic control system. 4, semiconductor refrigeration chip is very small thermal inertia, cooling and heating time soon, in the case of the hot end of the cold end of the heat load of good, power less than a minute, coolers can reach the maximum temperature. 5, the reverse is the use of semiconductor coolers thermoelectric power generation, semiconductor coolers are generally applicable to the low temperature zone to generate electricity. 6, a single piece of semiconductor refrigeration cooling element of power is very small, but combined into a stack, stack string of the same type of electricity used, the methods in parallel, then combined into a refrigeration system, power can do much, so cooling power can do the range of milliwatts to tens of thousands of watts. 7, temperature range of the semiconductor chip cooling, temperature 90 ℃ from the positive to the negative temperature of 130 ℃ can be achieved. By this analysis, semiconductor thermoelectric application sheet items include: refrigeration, heating and power generation; especially in refrigeration and heating applications are quite common, in the following areas: 1, the military aspect: missiles, radar, submarines and other aspects of infrared detection , navigation and guidance system. 2, medical; Cold force, cold together, cataract sheet, blood analyzers. 3, installations Lab: cold trap, cold boxes, cold trough, electronic low temperature test equipment, all kinds of thermostats, high and low temperature test instrument sheet. 4, special installations: petroleum products and low temperature test, biochemical products and low temperature test instrument, bacteria incubator, developing tank, computers. 5, daily life: air conditioning, hot and cold dual boxes, drinking fountains, car refrigerator, electronic mail and the like. In addition to other aspects of the application and other data see the official website http://www.jxpeltier.com 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Jin Yan Refrigeration (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
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Contact Person: Mr. Wang Cheng(Business manager)
Telephone Number: 0512-62539286-1884
Company Address: Suya Road, , Jiangsu Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 215021
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